Comes now the esteemed defender of women's rights, the self promoting champion of defenseless women everywhere, the shrill Ms. Patricia Carroll, attorney at law, to demand that the State of Florida investigate alleged inconsistencies and failures by the Tallahassee Police Department regarding the investigation of Jameis Wilson in the matter of an alleged rape. Seemingly unaware that the "accuser" declined to press charges for over a year after the "event," Ms. Carroll nonetheless held a press conference today to demand the State investigate the Tallahassee Police Department for failure to charge Mr. Wilson for raping his accuser. The State Attorney declined to pursue the investigation because Tallahassee PD determined the accuser was not creditable (DNA tests revealed that she had had sex with others that day prior to the alleged "rape"), several witnesses testified the the sex was consensual, and the accuser herself didn't press charges for over a year.
None of this matters to Ms. Carroll, who must believe that all sex is rape. We've heard this notion espoused by radical rabid feminists for years. Had Mr. Wilson not achieved the notoriety of being Florida State University's Heisman Trophy-winning undefeated star quarterback, I wonder if there would be any controversy at all. And I wonder is she realizes Mr. Wilson is black. Northern liberals usually save their vitriol for white people, especially as concerns women and black "victimization." When liberals disagree with an outcome, they are quick to air their grievances in the court of public opinion. They know that spin trumps truth, and a lie told often enough will eventually be perceived as true. Remember George Zimmerman's character assignation after his acquittal. Think of the insidious
Tawana Brawley hoax. Lives destroyed.
Ms. Carroll's four-person law firm claims offices in Dade City and New Tampa, according to her firm's website. This site, by the way is so infected with malware threats that my anti-virus program caught eight - Exploit Blackhat SEO - to be exact, before I could even navigate past the home page. Further, it is so riddled with malware that the majority of the text consists of links to viagra, cialis and other pharmaceutical sites. Visit at your own risk. Speaking of credibility.
Incidentally, Ms. Carroll, after having earned a BA in Psychology from Providence College in Rhode Island, migrated her way to my fair state, where she earned a JD in law from University of Florida. UF and FSU are bitter rivals. She's a UF alumnae, and Jameis Wilson is an FSU student. Simple college rivalry? Or a ruse to take focus off the ObamaCare train wreck?