Amnesty Backlash
OK, Mel, I'll get right on it, but first a rebuttal.
In the personal letter I received this week from him replying to an email I sent him last month, he alleges that he's all in favor of border and immigration control, enforcement of existing laws, and over all in favor of the rule of law. Likewise, in his editorial in the official RNC magazine, Rising Tide, he rallies us all around the flag, boys, and declares that we all must work together to "take back" our party and return it to the values of personal responsibility, smaller and less intrusive government, and lower taxes.
Unbelievable. Maybe that's why, along with Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid, John McCain and others, he co-sponsored a dark-of-night, back-room bill that would essentially destroy the notion that US immigration policy is based on law. At the very least, it certainly flies in the face of each and every one of those bedrock Republican principals he just cited. And what's worse is that Mel Martinez is the current Chairman of The Republican National Committee.
Mel went so far as to suggest - well, he more or less accuses - we the people of being racist. Racist? You mean racist like La Raza, the radical anti-American group of Mexicans who want to reconquest most of the southwestern United States, referred to as Aztlan, and who was consulted on the drafting of the provisions in this bill? And whose attitude toward America is reflected in the photo above? Is that what is known as assimilation into the culture?
But Mel, as to your challenge, here's what I propose to replace that ridiculous bill you tried to foist on us, and it won't cost the taxpayers billions of dollars, like your bill. And, yes, I did read it - all 700 odd pages - and yes, I do understand it.
Here's my 10-point plan, and feel free to take notes:
1. Enforce the existing laws against employers who are hiring illegals
2. Deport those aliens caught breaking the law, including suspected or known gang members
3. Increase the number of Border Agents, and stop criminalizing those agents who do their job
4. Fire any officials who were implicit in the railroading and imprisonment of Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean
5. Enforce identity checks and refuse re-entry to those aliens already deported
6. Eliminate all access of state and Federal aid to illegals - period
7. Penalize sanctuary cities by withholding all federal money
8. Refuse visas to pregnant women
9. Make English the official language, and use it exclusively
10. Exclude any radial group from making or influencing immigration policy
Now a petition has begun to circulate calling for Martinez' recall. The site was launched June 18th 2007 by central Florida IT Tech Mr. Dewey Wallace to protest what he views as a reversal of Senator Martinez’s campaign promises of no Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants. The website has a secure SSL page designed to gather signatures in an attempt to make a legal recall via special election of the Senator.