Solar Activity Threatens Telecommunications

Markus Aschwanden, a solar physicist at the Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center, has said, "The solar flares are expected to be at its maximum intensity by the year 2010. These solar flares and Coronoal Mass Ejections from the sun have the ability to travel all the way to the earth and create a blackout of cellular phone services and navigational systems like the GPS. If a solar flare or a CME collides with the Earth, it can cause a geomagnetic storm."
Aschwanden added that large geomagnetic storms have caused electrical power outages and damaged communication satellites. A few years back, these solar flares destroyed the satellite Galaxy 4.
Solar fares and coronal mass ejections occur when magnetic energy built up in the sun's atmosphere is suddenly released. These flares carry a huge amount of energy, and travel very fast, reaching the Earth in a matter of hours. The geomagnetic pulse in 1998 that killed Galaxy 4 caused widespread loss of pager service and other telecommunications problems.