Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Waiting For Adulthood

MassiveMillennialPoll_Charts_Q2_Why not voting
Millennials' Voter Cynicism
Some interesting statistics have been compiled recently concerning the aptitude of the next generation of Americans, the ubiquitous so-called millennials, and they've been found lacking. Fusion’s Massive Millennial Poll, which surveyed 1,000 people aged 18-34 about everything from politics to dating to race issues, revealed some disturbing although not surprising trends. ( is an online media source, a joint venture of ABC News and Yahoo! News, for the edification of those of us who were not aware of it.)  This poll provides a barometer of millennials’ priorities and preferred candidates ahead of the 2016 presidential election.  As you may image, millennials are politically uninformed, socially liberal, and generally lazy, according to this poll.  When one considers that as a group, millennials are eager to go to the voting booth in 2016, but are exceedingly uninformed about things political.  For instance, 77% could not name even one senator from their own home state, 57% think government is helpful, and most indicated that were cynical about election outcomes.

Millennials - those Americans born in the 1980s and 1990s - have also been seen as the nation's worst generation.  Personally, I'm glad they took that title away from us aging Baby Boomers, who have long been accused of destroying American culture.  It's been pointed out that as a group, millennials have been vocal about politics, yet are amazingly uninformed.  Due no doubt, to their love of, and devotion to, Steven Colbert.  Further, they talk a good game, but have little concept of good money management.  As products of America's watered down educational system, they have entered adulthood high on self esteem, and low on ability.  Oh, and they're lazy.

OK, the bearded elders of our time made similar observations about my generation, as well:  that we were slackers going to college to avoid the draft, growing our hair long and playing in a rock band, and spending our off time smoking dope.  Well, yeah.  And we eventually grew up.  We didn't screw anything up any worse than the generations before us.  So I'm sure that these brats, er, this  next generation, will collectively eventually grow up as well, and when they do, they will see they have inherited a world that hasn't changed in many ways since Plato's time, with opportunities, challenges, and evil-doers ever present.  They have a target rich environment to work within, that's for sure.  But the only thing I truly fear is the unchecked advancement of invasive technology. Think Cyberdine Corporation's Skynet.  Life imitates art.

So regarding the inevitable advance of invasive, all encompassing robotic artificial intelligence, I quote the great sage Wei Li, who once said, "Just because you can do a thing, doesn't mean you should do a thing."  And that's adult advice.
Wei Li

Monday, February 02, 2015

Post Super Bowl Hangover

The Brawl in The End Zone
The Seahawks seemed to have the game all but won in the last few minutes of Super Bowl XLIX, but were able to snatch defeat from the very jaws of victory.  Shame.  Another 4 point game went to the wrong team, in this writer's humble opinion.  But at least it was a game indeed, with leads going back and forth and amazing plays being executed on both teams.  It was in stark contrast to last year's Super Bowl XLVIII, wherein the Seahawks dominated the hapless Broncos.  I'm still waiting for a decent creative, tongue-in-cheek commercial that is laugh-out-loud funny yet provocative.  My all time favorite was EDS' herding cats commercial.  It's still good.  Half time show?  Meh.  I can dig Lenny Kravitz, but Katy Perry and Missy Elliot leave me cold.  Too long on flash, and way too short on talent.

The Press No Longer Ready For Hillary?
Did you see the article about Democrat staffers required to escort reporters to the restrooms, lest they reveal the plans or start rumors of the Democrat's strategy retreat in Philadelphia last week?  Politico indignantly decried reporters' umbrage with being treated as children, but the irony seems to be lost on them.  The Democrat Party has been the sole beneficiary of the media's unabashedly craven adoration and blind support for the last few decades, and now that heavy handedness is directed to them, well, we can't have that.  We'll pout.  The term "police state" was used in describing how reporters were treated, but now that it applies to the media, maybe they will take another look at who's water they devotedly carry.  How's it feel, press corps, to be blued, screwed and tattooed?  Welcome aboard.

Former IMF Chief Strauss-Kahn
Speaking of who's screwing whom, an event that didn't get a lot of traction in the US has returned.  It seems that one Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the former International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief and socialist who was being groomed to become French president, was toppled by a New York hotel maid who accused him of sexual assault in 2011.  That case was settled, money was paid and charges were dropped, but last week he went on trial in France in a separate case of alleged procuring of prostitutes. His attorneys have flatly dismissed those allegations, arguing he never made a secret of his penchant for sex parties - no kidding! - but was unaware the women present were prostitutes.  Say what?!  I give you money, and you have sex with me, but I didn't know you were a prostitute?  I guess when you're one of the world's most influential Jews, who's gotten used to screwing everyone in the world by manipulating global money supplies, a minor thing like banging hookers two at a time isn't really pimping.  What's worse and even more telling about this man's amorality is he's now separated from his celebrity journalist wife, Anne Sinclair, met a new partner and pursued a career in private-sector investment.  Perfect!  The private sector is where disgraced socialist politicians go to so they may continue their evil Zionist work.  Leaving the rest of us to apply the aloe lotion.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

And So It Begins: In Texas!

I love Texas.  My uncle lived there, and my brother does still.  I love the Lone Star state for having the intestinal fortitude to defy the regressive, socialist, statist mindset that permeates the country today. I love Texas: big, open, and self reliant.  Except for Austin, of course.  Warts and all. 

But a troubling crack in the Texas - and American - culture can be seen as Texas, where a "voluntary" Islamic Tribune has been set up to implement Sharia Law in conjunction with American Constitutional law in non-binding dispute resolution.  Right.  How's Sharia Law working out in the UK, where some years ago, this same "voluntary" court system was implemented, and has now morphed into a parallel legal system.  But recently, among growing concerns about Sharia law, the Untied Kingdom's Independent stated in April 2012 “some Sharia law bodies have been misrepresented by the media as being transparent, voluntary and operating in accordance with human rights and equality legislation. This is not the case. Many Sharia law bodies rule on a range of disputes from domestic violence to child residence all of which should be dealt with by UK courts of law.” Instead, “they operate within a misogynist and patriarchal framework which is incompatible with UK legislation."  No kidding.  One of the Texas Sharia tribunal judges, attorney Dr. Taher El-bawqadai, when asked what he would do when Islamic law conflicted with American law said: “We follow Sharia law.”  

One can sympathize with the urge to embrace Sharia's misogynous treatment of women in retaliation to recent American culture, wherein men have been emasculated to a point of almost being irrelevant, aside from breeding purposes.  I've reported extensively on feminist vitriol here and here.  Many women, at least those not consumed with misandry, recognize this trend as well, and openly yearn for the return of the stereotypical strong, silent type of man. Metrosexuals have have their day, and thankfully are on the extinction list.

The Ultimate Goal
There you have it.  We have an enemy within.  Yet the objection to Sharia law most evident in today's media is the standing of females under the law.  Given the core of the ideology of Islam, that is, a return to a pre-industrial, unenlightened 7th century Mideastern lifestyle, I would think that that would be one of the last concerns facing us.  Life, religion, culture and politics in 622 AD is considerably removed from the same in AD 2015.  Yet Islam would have you believe that theirs is the one true path, a purification of Judeo-Christian teachings and belief.  If you disagree, you can pay homage as a dhimmi, or die.

But, as cancers usually do, they start small, unseen and benign.  But more than often they metastasize and ultimately kill their host.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Educate and Empower Yourself

The Forgotten Man, by John McNaughton
A disturbing news segment yesterday revealed that many Americans - well, some millennials in California, anyway - would gladly get behind a repeal of the Bill of Rights in order to fight ISIS here in the homeland.  Wow.  This hypothetical repeal was raised during on-the-street interviews, and most responses were just short of idiotic.  But it reveals some very disturbing evidence of just how ignorant young people are regarding the concept of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  And this is proof that state sponsored education is aimed at keeping students - and future voters - ignorant of the genius of the concept of united states, of the Constitution and especially its guarantees of individual liberties. 

Yet there is no excuse for ignorance; for not understanding the basic concept upon which our country, government and culture is founded.  Hillsdale College, an independent college founded in 1844, offers free online college courses that teach these precepts.  Specific to this post, Hillsdale offers Constitution 101, a course that begins February 24th.  Register here free of charge.

Simply put, the Constitution states that people are born free, as a creation of God Almighty, and that any government they may create is a man-made construct that may not override or suppress these God-given freedoms.  No government in the history of man was ever founded on the rule of law, not of men, as did this constitution.  But Jefferson wanted even further assurances that this new government could never erode these freedoms, and the Bill of Rights was added as the first ten amendments to the Constitution.  These amendments are prohibitions - hard core restrictions - on the federal government's power over the states and individuals and their freedoms.  That's what drives the regressive liberals to distraction:  they can't just implement their whacked  ideology of utopia at will.  Freedom is protected.  Dang.

Yet this president - illegitimate in every sense of the word - along with the compliant regressive media -  continues to do just that:  ignore and override the Bill of Rights at will. He has fewer than seven hundred days left in his last term to either suspend the 22nd Amendment, or invoke martial law, or use some other slight of hand to enable him to lawlessly complete his ultimate goal of the transformation of America.

Monday, January 26, 2015

2016 Is A Long Way Away

Just as we enter the year 2015, we must start dutifully vetting candidates for the Presidential run of 2016. Dang.  I'm just now coming to grips with the new year, a new birthday, and shaking off the holidays.  But the news won't let my slow return to reality go softly.  The news is full of Republican candidates-to-be, all ready to solve the nation's ills.  And there are many, thanks to the ruinous six years of this illegitimate reign.  And as always two years out from a presidential election, the candidate field - both announced and not - is pretty full.  Let's see who we've got so far:

"The Donald" is back at it in all his understated grace and charm.   It's doubtful he can ever win a popular vote, but his rhetoric is refreshing in this sea of political correct mush.  As an entrepreneur who has both won big and lost big, Trump's a guy who's been there, and would probably make a great domestic president.  But you can't take the brash New Yorker persona out of him.

As former governor of Alaska, and the vice president candidate on the McCain/Palin ticket in 2008, Sarah's got the political resume and the intestinal fortitude to lead this country back to its former greatness.  What appeals to me most about her is that she means what says, and says what she means, free from the debilitating political correctness that muddies the platforms - and mindsets - of other "professional" candidates.  That alone drives the liberals to distraction.  You may not agree with her on her strict constitutional stands, but you've got to admire her passion and commitment.

For Mitt, the third time is the charm.  Mitt is a former governor who has a lot of liberal baggage:  he imposed a health care system in Massachusetts, one of the most far left states in the union, and as such is seen as the penultimate left-moderate RINO.  Even as a moderate, he's probably a way better choice than the current occupant of the White House, but the country needs a return to its republican roots, not a watered down version of Washington DC think.

I remember when Jeb! was a two-term governor of Florida.  He was a forthright, energetic and fiscally conservative leader, and the voters loved him.  But that was then and it seems his time since then, spent with brother W and pop HW has shown him to move way, way to the left.  Common Core, Health Care and illegal immigration amnesty are the issues that will thwart his election.  The voters want no part of any of these, yet the Washington establishment - of which he now a part - seems determined to ram them down our throats.

Having one of the deepest intellects on the national stage, Senator Rand Paul has been labeled a conservative, a crackpot, a Libertarian, a constitutionalist and a Tea Party leader.  Most of those labels probably have merit.  A strong national defense without overreaching ambitions and free trade are some of his platform planks.  He's a staunch fiscal conservative, but is Libertarian-esque in his social stances.  If he is a proponent for individual liberty and responsibility, as he appears to be, he may just be the right choice for the nation.

Senator Ted Cruz is optimist, which in of itself is a Herculean task in this Democrat imposed environment of misery and malaise.  He channels Ronald Reagan with what he calls the Miracle of America:  America is the bastion of freedom and opportunity in the world.  His take on where we are going, as a nation, under the current Marxist administration and how to stop and reverse it, is on point.  It will take guts and balls, as well as charm and guile, to sway voters to the idea that the country cannot continue on this path, and it will need the concentrated effort of all to return it to its former greatness.

And there are others, all of whom are worthy candidates.  Scott Walker, governor of the liberal state of Wisconsin, has taken a hard stand for conservative values in that state, in spite of the labor unions' illegal efforts.  He knows how to stand up to liberal attackes - and win!  Texas governor Rick Perry is another viable candidate, yet another one liberals love to hate, boots and all.  His battle with Washington over the influx of illegals in his state has had reverberations across the country regarding amnesty.   Dr. Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon and newcomer on the scene, has gained quite a bit of attention recently with his spiritual and conservative viewpoints.  And Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal has wowed conservatives lately with his well thought out rejection of Sharia Law in a speech in the United Kingdom last week.

But November, 2016 is a long way off, about 700 days.  A lot can happen in that time, and with the narcissistic spoiled Marxist brat in office, wielding his phone and pen and keeping his promise to "fundamentally transform America," anything can happen.  In a best case scenario, a smooth transference of power will occur, just like it has for two hundred and forty years.  In a worst case, however, there may not be an election at all.  Even if you're not one hundred percent enamored with any of the candidates above, deeply consider the ramifications of the end of America.  Or as the Kenyan calls it, the transformation.  It's our call.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

More Overreach

Further to my last post regarding the proverbial genie being irretrievably out of the bottle, more news about government overreach comes from Maryland, that bastion of liberalism.  It seems parents allowed their ten and six year old children to walk home from a local park by themselves.  A distance of a mile, in a neighborhood in which they live and know well.  And for this egregious act, the parents are being investigated for neglect presumably mainly because they believe in a concept called "free range kids."  Imagine.  Not only that it's essentially now a crime to "allow" your own kids movement free from governmental interference, but that some anonymous do-gooder finds it necessary to call the police.  Ironically, both parents are well educated, liberal, and have brain-based careers. Not your impoverished, uneducated and unemployed ne'er-do-wells you may expect in a case like this.  No matter, Big Nanny knows what's best for you and yours, and you better comply if you don't want us to take your little darlings from you.  Yep. That was literally the threat the county social servicers levied against the parents.

Kids and bikes equal FREEDOM!
Kids and Bikes = FREEDOM!
Never mind that when you and I were kids, we roamed endlessly: to school, to friends' houses, play grounds, to the store, literally everywhere.  And we didn't need to be categorized as free range kids.  We didn't wear helmets when we rode our bikes.  Why?  Because it wasn't necessary.  Sometimes an elbow or knee lost some skin, but in those days, you shook it off, got back on the bike and continued with your day.  It wasn't a big deal.  Contrast that attitude with today's parents' hyper-caution.  Helicopter parents do no good for their children; in fact they do harm to a child's natural growth, both emotionally and physically.  But hyper-risk adverse parenting has been around for several generations now, and it's no wonder we've become a nation of coddled pussies, when we have no experience of want, misfortune or loss for a frame of reference.  What damage has this hyper-protection done to our very culture, as we become the home of the unbrave?  All risk has been mitigated in our children's lives, sadly resulting in the loss of a realistic notion of life, and certainly of personal responsibility.

Now the busy bodies aren't just the little old lady down the street, it's the government itself.  And as it tries to protect us from ourselves, it does nothing more than create mindless, scared, dependent automatons, and liberty is the fatality in the face of tyranny.  But of course, that was the plan all along.

Monday, January 12, 2015

What Genie? What Bottle?

The genie is out of the bottle.  The cat is out of the bag. We've reached a tipping point.  There are other homilies one can use to describe this situation, but these will do.  The point is we've reached a point in our national history from which there is no turning back.  The overwhelming rate of change at every level is now unstoppable, and we the people will not be able to adapt to it.

Let's see if we can identify some of the liberties we've lost in the few years.

I've made my position clear on this matter here and here.  We're being invaded by elements hostile to the American Way and the world's highest standard of living, and who wish to see it destroyed.  Our leadership, under the hapless Kenyan, seeks not to elevate those with less than we have, but to reduce our standard of living to a third world level.  Excluding, of course, his cronies on Wall Street and elsewhere.  Today, leaked internal training documents from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reveal Border Patrol agents are now receiving guidelines instructing them that the vast majority of illegal immigrants in the U.S. are off limits to federal agents and are substantially immune to detention and deportation. In addition, Border Agents are no longer law enforcement agents, they are social workers.  I remind readers that all of this immigration policy is in direct contravention of existing US immigration law.  What does this say to immigrants who have come here legally, obeyed the law, learned English and paid taxes, and assimilated into the American culture?  With the invasion of tens of millions of undesirables through this unlawful policy, immigration policy will never be the same again.

National Security
Zero Dark ThirtyAmericans are spied on like never before.  Everything we do, say, watch, or think is monitored. The U.S. intelligence community is officially made of 17 organizations, but there is even more to the story. A groundbreaking investigation from the Washington Post found some rather daunting figures.  1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies are working on intelligence, counter terrorism, or homeland security in the U.S.  Just the NSA alone is contracting with more than 250 companies on intelligence work, including big names like Northrop Grumman and SAIC.  Many intelligence agencies are doing redundant work, such as 51 federal and military organizations that track the flow of money in and out of terror networks. We the people pay through the nose for this "security" that is watching mostly us.  When the Kenyan opens our borders indiscriminately, when the Kenyan will not categorically condemn Islamic jihadists, one would think we might need all this security.  But it's directed at us, not our enemies.  More liberties are sacrificed as the Kenyan's police state grows ever bigger, and ever more belligerent. And that genie will never go back in the bottle.

Armed Federal Police
Thomas Jefferson never wanted the new America to have a standing army, or to engage in foreign affairs, and would be appalled at the police state that exists today.  He believed in the tenacity of the American people, and considered them the militia, and that was all that was necessary to defend the homeland from all enemies, both foreign or domestic.  Hence the word militia in the Second Amendment.  But now alphabet agencies such as NOAA, FDA, IRS, and any others, now arm their agents with sidearms.  In the face of this militarization of the nation's agencies, an idiot professor in Wisconsin calls for the repeal of the Second Amendment, and Representative Keith Ellison, a Muslin Democrat from Minnesota, did so as well.  Obviously neither of these idiots understand the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, nor God-given liberty. 

All this is just cultural evolution, of a civilization progressing some will say.  A greater number of others will say something different as we witness the demise of the personal liberty concepts of the American system of self government.  And that genie had better go back into the bottle.

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Mightier Than The Sword?

Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 8.30.21 AM
It Says, "Charlie Hebdo Must Be Censored"
The dhimmis are at it again. After the cowardly attack on Charlie Hebdo Magazine offices yesterday, and even after today's second attack in Paris, those "protected people" - the non-Muslims who defend the insane actions of radical Islam - can't wait to defend the violence by, as always, blaming the victim.  Not only that, but the Associated Press censored the satirical cartoons that allegedly started all this peace breaking out.  Dhimmi, indeed.

Why in the world would journalists, who live and breathe freedom of the press, be inclined to censor themselves willingly so as to not offend the perpetually offended Religion of Peace?  Especially when that brand of journalism often skewers religions of all stripes.  Christ in piss?  Oh, that's fine, no problem.  The artist even won awards for that piece, and nobody was killed, bombed or beheaded.  But let anyone put humor in the same context as Mohammad, and all hell breaks loose.  That sentence is to be taken literally, by the way.  Now this idiot Anjem Choudary comes on the scene to decry freedom of speech and redefine what Islam is really all about.  Yet the liberal dhimmis - those second-class infidels who are allowed to live as long as they suckle the Muslim teat - are defending what simply cannot be defended.  Islam is a cancer than cannot be left alone.  If it is, it will eventually overtake and kill its host.  It must be surgically removed with extreme prejudice.

But the world's journalists, who have always told us that the pen is mightier than the sword, are willingly giving up that power in the face of a despicable radically violent force.  They've surrendered, as they roll over to their Islamic masters.  Shame.

 Maybe the pen is mightier than the sword.  Or maybe not.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Nothing Trivial

Trivia Earth facts are funny things.  Standing alone, they make one think in terms of higher consciousnesses.  Consider:

  • The International Space Station is the most expensive structure ever built at a cost of $150 Billion
  • Human beings can only survive in space unprotected for 2 minutes
  • The time for the Earth to make one complete rotation on its axis is 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4 seconds.  That's why we have leap year every fourth year
  • Since 1957, when Sputnik was launched, the Earth has collected 38,000 man made objects in orbit
  • Of those, 5% are functioning satellites, 8% are spent rockets, and 87% are fragments and inactive satellites
  • 12 miles is the limit to which a human can survive without a pressurized suit.  Called the Armstrong Limit, at that altitude water will boil at normal body temperature.
  •  Water on earth is 97% salt, only 3% fresh
  • Antarctica has as much ice as the Atlantic Ocean has water
  • Probably 1,000,000 species of life live in Earth;s oceans, and two-thirds have yet to be described
  • 90% of Earth's volcanic activity occurs in the oceans.
  • The deepest part of the ocean, the Marianna Trench, is over 6.7 miles deep
  • Only 8 to 12 deaths by shark occur each year, yet 100 million sharks are harvested annually for their fins
Earth's Core
  •  Lutetium is the rarest earth element, yet it's 200 time more common than gold in the Earth's crust
  • 99% of Earth's gold lies within the core itself
  • The core's temperature is 9,900 degrees Fahrenheit, as hot as the surface of the Sun
  • The Earth's solid iron core is 1,500 miles in diameter, but the intense pressure prevents iron from melting
  • Two and one-half miles below the Amazon River flows the subterranean Rio Hamza river
  • Bacteria have been found 1.7 miles deep in the Earth. They survive by using radioactivity from uranium to convert water in to energy
Okay, that's enough distraction.  Now back to work.

Defining Deviancy Down

Global Homosexualism on the Rise
That famous observation by the late New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan - a Democrat, no less  - is more evident than ever, it seems.  Now that homosexual unions are legal in Florida, the local left wing newspaper nearly wet itself in delight with 24 point headlines.  You would think that a cure for cancer had been discovered, or an asteroid was headed our way.  Nope.  Nothing of any import.  Merely the continued destruction of civilization.  Homosexuals comprise less than 2% of the population, yet their agenda (whether real or imposed) is thrust upon the rest of the 98% relentlessly. One must ask: Why?  What, or who, is being served by this?  And what is the real agenda?  Don't accuse me of homophobia.  I couldn't care less who sleeps with whom, or how sexual congress is enacted in your house.  Really.  Don't ask, don't tell.  I don't care.  I do care, however, about the erosion of the fundamental notions upon which our civilization is founded.  If one is a homosexual and one seeks to live as such with one's partner, then fine.  Do it.  Don't try to pretend to be accepted as a normal, species enhancing familial unit, because that is realistically and biologically not the case.   And as such, "marriage" is a word inapplicable to define a union such as this.  Heterosexual sex is required to perpetuate the species, and by freely opting out of this process, homosexuals could - and should - be regarded as anti-human.  Sin and political correctness aside, the left's aggressive push for acceptance and legalization of homosexual unions disguised as marriage is not about basic human rights.  That is obfuscation:  in fact, it's simply about the desire to destroy western civilization's religious foundations, and to inject in its place a secular world view.

AP/Craig Ruttle
NYPD Officers Morn the Loss of Two
In more distressing news about the decline of American civilization, the radical underclass is at it again, this time with their war on cops. In New York, two cops in the Bronx were attacked and wounded. This time it's two Hispanic males caught on video.  This is just more fallout from the Ferguson idiocy.  As the ripple effect from the latent approval of blacks protesting any vindication of policing by the Kenyan and his pet monkey at Justice expands, more backlash against cops occurs.  Race relations have deteriorated markedly under the Kenyan's regime, and he and Holder have blood on their hands.  It's now patently acceptable to shoot cops on sight, and cops are now reluctant to shoot blacks.  Shall we now add Hispanics to that list?  Or should we just limit shootings to white people?  Today the National Paternal Order of Police wants to criminalize cop shooting as a hate crime!  

As the left, ever true to Alinsky's mandate, overwhelms the culture with impossible demands, deviant behavior is no longer shunned.  Get a tattoo, talk like a gangsta, welcome illegal diseased and criminal aliens, overturn the rule of law, shoot a cop, defy God, and worship at the altar of global warning and political correctness.  If America wants to be a shinning city on the hill and have her best days before her, as Reagan envisioned, she better recognize the cultural coup d'etat going on inside the halls of power, and act now to stop and reverse the perversion.  Time is running out.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014

And good riddance to a most troubling year.  The accelerated demise of American culture was on full display this year.  We witnessed the chipping away at the Constitution in so many ways:  the enactment of KenyanCare, the government sponsored first ever unanswered invasion of sovereign US soil, the invited pandemics (that thankfully so far has failed), the release of our nation's enemies to fight against us again, the rise of the guilty-until-proven-innocent concept of law, and the war on cops.  Whew!  If the American people don't get involved in this coup d'etat, and fight this insidious cancer, there will be no future for our kids and grand kids.  That's not hyperbole, it's a fact.

But what can we the people do?  I have two suggestions.  First, get educated on the real goals of this administration and its supporters behind the scenes, and see though the obfuscation.  Read two tomes, if nothing else:  Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals, and  Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto.  Don't buy them, that supports their cause.  Find them free on the internet.  Those two works embody the game plan for the End of America.
My Sentiments Exactly!
Second, disregard Political Correctness in all its permutations.  Political correctness is intolerance and censorship in disguise.  Do not let these people change your language.  Don't let them diminish it, either.  Say Merry Christmas, or God bless you.  Don't shrink back.  It is absolutely okay to have your own feelings, opinions and preferences.  Don't let them take the English language away form you.  Don't use their substitute words.  A homosexual isn't "gay,"  Negros (the proper name of the race) are not "African Americans."  They are Americans who are black.  A Muslim terrorist isn't a "freedom fighter," or a "combatant,"  he's a terrorist.  An illegal alien isn't an "undocumented worker" or an "immigrant."  He's a criminal border crasher.  Never allow yourself to be labeled "phobic" because you have a moral code.  Erosion of morality is essential to destroying the social fiber that makes us civilized.  I am not homophobic just because I don't endorse a homosexual lifestyle; and I'm not a misogynist simply because I don't adhere to the radical feminist movement.  Nor am I greedy if I own property and am financially comfortable.  And I am not destroying the Earth or changing the climate because I drive a sport utility vehicle.  I drive it because is utilitarian. And I am not a knuckle-dragging redneck due to the fact  that I own and use firearms.

Sound familiar?  There are many, many more examples of ridiculous and insidious political correctness that seeks to change you into acknowledging and accepting decivilization and tyranny. If you engage in mainstream media - TV and print - and you're a normal, red blooded American with both a moral and religious upbringing, you'll find yourself subject to ridicule from these sources.  Do not believe it.  You're normal; the hate-spewing media is not.

So next year join me as I abandon and avoid political correctness.  Recognizing it in all its permutations is the first step, and standing up to, and fighting against it is the second. But for now, put away the nonsense for a few hours and enjoy the New Year's party, and have fun. Here's to a better, more prosperous and more spiritually free new year!  Welcome 2015!