Thursday, January 08, 2015

Mightier Than The Sword?

Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 8.30.21 AM
It Says, "Charlie Hebdo Must Be Censored"
The dhimmis are at it again. After the cowardly attack on Charlie Hebdo Magazine offices yesterday, and even after today's second attack in Paris, those "protected people" - the non-Muslims who defend the insane actions of radical Islam - can't wait to defend the violence by, as always, blaming the victim.  Not only that, but the Associated Press censored the satirical cartoons that allegedly started all this peace breaking out.  Dhimmi, indeed.

Why in the world would journalists, who live and breathe freedom of the press, be inclined to censor themselves willingly so as to not offend the perpetually offended Religion of Peace?  Especially when that brand of journalism often skewers religions of all stripes.  Christ in piss?  Oh, that's fine, no problem.  The artist even won awards for that piece, and nobody was killed, bombed or beheaded.  But let anyone put humor in the same context as Mohammad, and all hell breaks loose.  That sentence is to be taken literally, by the way.  Now this idiot Anjem Choudary comes on the scene to decry freedom of speech and redefine what Islam is really all about.  Yet the liberal dhimmis - those second-class infidels who are allowed to live as long as they suckle the Muslim teat - are defending what simply cannot be defended.  Islam is a cancer than cannot be left alone.  If it is, it will eventually overtake and kill its host.  It must be surgically removed with extreme prejudice.

But the world's journalists, who have always told us that the pen is mightier than the sword, are willingly giving up that power in the face of a despicable radically violent force.  They've surrendered, as they roll over to their Islamic masters.  Shame.

 Maybe the pen is mightier than the sword.  Or maybe not.

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