Afraid so, folks. It's all on the line in November. If either of the Democrat candidates are elected president of the United States, the constitution will be rendered impotent. There won't be any fanfare in eliminating it, our laws will simply not be obeyed nor enforced. On the other hand, the election of either Trump or Cruz (or both as a ticket, as some have suggested), and barring any high-jinks during the convention, a slow but steady return to a constitutional republic form of government is possible. Not ensured, by any means, but certainly possible. Let me share with you just a few stories that broke just today as evidence of my concerns.
If I Want Your Opinion I'll Give It To You |
Even though the whole global-warming-climate-change fraud has been exposed as nothing more than a massive international wealth distribution scam, the Kenyan's regime clings bitterly to it. It's even been debunked by some of its leading scientists, but no matter, truth doesn't fit the totalitarian narrative. So Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified Wednesday that the
Justice Department has “discussed” taking civil legal action against the fossil fuel industry for “denying” the “threat of carbon emissions” when it comes to climate change. Astounding. If the Kenyan's corrupt administration can do that, and the courts actually do hear cases which will result in establishing case law, then what's next? Will you be arrested and incarcerated for, say, being pro-life? Or perhaps being pro-Christian heterosexual marriage? This is not a paranoid conspiracy theory anymore, folks. They're out in the open with their totalitarian Regressivism, so embolden they have become. If you think, and you think for yourself, you're a threat to the State, and you must be silenced, rebuked and eliminated.
Big Brother In High School
High School: Counter Intelligence |
Say what you will about the government's - and private industry's - digital surveillance of everything from your Xbox to your smart phone. The Regressives feel that if they spy on everyone, they're not discriminating or profiling, so it's all right. Completely normal. Spying on US citizens has become the norm but this next story is right out of Stasi East Germany, or Stalin's secret police. A new FBI initiative, based on Britain’s “anti-terror” mass surveillance program,
instructs high schools across America to inform on students who express “anti-government” and “anarchist” political beliefs. That safe space indoctrination is paying off. Now immature, indealistic16-year olds can tattle on each other directly to the government for any slight, real or perceived. And we know that parents' anti-government views trickle down to the kids, so this is a great program to bypass due process, warrants and all that other nonsense embodied in the constitution. The FBI won't vet Muslims invaders, they won't indict career criminals like HRC, and they assassinate BLM-protesting American ranchers, but they're fine with politicizing our children.
Emergence of "White Privilege"
The New Army: PVT Bradley "Chelsea" Manning | |
The insidious indoctrination continues anywhere there's a captive audience, like schools or the military. I kid you not. In April 2015, soldiers of the 67
th Signal Battalion based in Fort Gordon, Georgia,
were forced to attend a “white privilege” briefing, designed to coach them on how they have systemic privilege for being straight, white men. In the PowerPoint presentation, the troops were instructed that “race privilege gives whites little reason to pay a lot of attention to African Americans,” primarily because of the invisible “powerful forces” that conspire to keep hard working black Americans down and stop them from being valued by the rest of society. According to the presentation, it is in fact white privilege alone that creates a “yawning divide” in income and general prosperity. A "fact" like climate change, I guess. Soldiers aren't given the option to opt out, or to disagree; there's no free discussion. Judicial Watch has been on this forced indoctrination of US soldiers for a while, and not long ago, it was learned that the Pentagon defined
conservative groups as "hate groups." The culture of trigger warnings, white privilege, and microagressions that have started online are now accepted as reality and pushed onto our soldiers. Where will be the hard men trained to do hard things when we need them? Quivering in a huddle in some "safe space?" This is not your daddy's army. Anymore.
"I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Remember Voltaire's classic statement? Have you heard it recently, or have your heard quite the opposite? As political correctness continues, day by day, to erode our ability to engage in free speech, to exchange ideas and political positions with each other civilly, without being afraid of criminalization or incarceration, we see our liberties disappear one by one before our very eyes. Who's doing this? Over the last seven plus years the Kenyan and his obedient Department of Justice has ramped up a war against white Christian America. So it's all on the line in November. The choice is stark - and clear. To save the republic we must end totalitarianism in America - in any way possible - just as we have done in Germany, Russia, feudal Japan, Kuwait, Iraq and many other places around the world. We just never dreamed we'd have to end it here in the United States.
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