The Eyes Tell All |
It's no secret that Vladimir Putin is a man's man. He's buff, confident, aggressive, and a proven leader While many have made comparisons of him to our very own Dear Leader, the differences in the two have been glaringly extreme. The Kenyan simply can't compare to Putin in manly terms. I've made comparisons here in
these pages.
So while our president
sucks up to the homosexual bully lobby by nominating an
openly homosexual man to be Army Secretary, and asserts that the
"rights" of homosexuals trump any religious freedoms in the US,
Putin is focusing on a clear and present danger to the whole world - ISIS.
In front of the United Nations, the Kenyan states he thinks that Syria's president Assad is the real problem in the Mideast,
publicly contracting Secretary of State John Kerry, who rightly sees Assad as the only stabilizing element there currently fighting against ISIS.
As does Putin.
No Kidding! |
So while Nero fiddles, Rome burns. Thankfully we have a
Russian warrior who is willing to unilaterally take the fight to ISIS, and without help from a hand-wringing, frightened United States, to annihilate the 7th century tribalist terrorists. And when he does, he and Russia will become undisputed world leader. And this to our nation's everlasting shame.
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