Monday, March 02, 2015

The People vs. the Federal Government

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For years many Americans - in fact, the vast majority of them - seem to think that the federal government is getting out of hand.  Recently federal government agencies - the vast majority of them - seem to think American citizens have gotten out of hand.  Looks like a Mexican standoff.  Pun intended.  So what happens?  Well, Americans gather together and discuss how to reign in their out of control government. Notice the use of the possessive pronoun - their government.  Oddly, mostly perpetrated by the Kenyan and his leftist panting lapdogs in the press, the government thinks it's their government.  Something's gotta give.  In Texas, a few dozen Americans gather together (hint:  First Amendment's peaceful assembly clause) to discuss seceding Texas from the union, and returning it back to its original Republic of Texas status.  Well, we can't have folks in Texas or anywhere else exercising their Constitution rights like freedom of assembly and freedom of speech, so in a "show of force," presumably to intimidate any others from challenging the federal government, the feds, along with the local police and sheriff's deputies, raided this political meeting (hint: again a violation of the First Amendment) and seized all phones, tablets computers and any and all digital recording devices, and fingerprinted every single person attending.  Wow.  Is this the America we grew up in?  Or is this a nightmare from Soviet Russia, or East Germany's Stasi? In reporting the story, Information Liberation noted the irony being lost on the jackbooted thugs when they stated:  "The raid has angered many people.The tactics used went well beyond what was necessary to address a few individuals over a matter of disputed paperwork. It is clear that full-blown raid was performed to intimidate and harass every member of the group. … The irony of the situation is that the thuggish tactics employed by the police and federal government actually validate the concerns of the members of the Republic of Texas and other Americans who would prefer independence from the United States federal government.”

Again The Past:  Must We Fight For States' Rights Again?
One hundred fifty-five years ago, eleven states decided that they too had had enough of the dictatorial northern-based federal government, and seeking independence from the heavy-handed US federal government, they elected to secede from the union to become the Confederate States of America.  It didn't work out well.  In the ensuing four-year war six hundred thousand Americans and Confederates lost their lives in an attempt -  not to preserve the Union - but to reestablish the concept of limited federal government as set forth in the original Constitution of 1787.  But as always, the victor gets to write history.  The true cause of the War of Northern Aggression was mostly due to the clash over the rights of the states and people as enumerated in the original Constitution, i.e. about limited federal government, and far, far less about any slavery issues. The northern states refer to this conflict as a civil war because they didn't recognize the Confederacy as a sovereign nation.  The southern states refer to it as the War of Northern Aggression (also know as War Between the States, or War for Southern Independence) because they did consider themselves a sovereign nation, which they were.

Nonetheless George Santayana reminded us that those who are ignorant of - or ignore - history are doomed to repeat it.  Let's hope that this regime and its lawless, illegal Marxist ideology can be brought under the people's duly elected Constitutional control before we have yet another war between the states.

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