"An Armed Society is a Polite Society" |
I'm thrilled that the
Texas legislature has passed an open carry bill. Governor Abbott says he is "warmin' up my signing pen," and I believe that's a good thing. This bill is actually an expansion of existing Texas carry law, which allows concealed carry of handguns, and open carry of long guns. Here in Florida we've had concealed carry laws on the books since 1988, and I've carried a sidearm every day since before and after that date. Personally I'm a total purist, and I think that any carry law or other obstacle to a citizen bearing arms is a
violation of the intent and language of the Second Amendment, but I'm reasonably, yet warily, comfortable with the requirement that background checks and licensing be in place. That keeps everyone's crazy uncle or psychopathic wife from packing heat. In theory, anyway. Despite what the perpetually timid and afraid detractors maintain, open carry is a good policy for those who have met the background checks and obtained a concealed carry permit. There are several reasons for this, not the least of which is the deterrent factor. An armed society is a polite society. No one is likely to challenge someone with a pistol on his hip, and random craziness like road rage episodes will be considerably deterred when a raving lunatic doesn't know for sure if the intended victim is armed. The
Brady Bunch and their ilk will try to tell us that an open carry environment will have us reliving the violence of the Old West. Gunfight in Tombstone and the OK Corral revisited. Right. But with all but a handful of states issuing "shall issue" carry permits, Dodge City hasn't come to life, and remains firmly in the past.
Ruger LC9 in 9mm |
Kimber Ultra Carry II in .45 ACP |
The second benefit to open carry is the elimination of the need to carry ever smaller, lighter and less obtrusive handguns. And less potent ones, too. I'm a 1911-style, single action .45 ACP aficionado. I'd love to carry single action pistols in that caliber, like my
Kimber, or my
Colt or my 15-round
Para - or even my
Heckler+Koch USPs. But because of Florida's weather and the need for lightweight clothing, I'm resigned to carry my little
Ruger 9mm DAO (double action only). Compare the images here. Needless to say, if I ever need my pistol, I'd much rather have the .45 than the 9mm. Not to say that the Ruger isn't a fine gun, it certainly is. It's just that it's all I can lawfully - and comfortably - carry concealed. So when Florida gets around to finally passing an open carry law, and law abiding citizens are enabled to carry sidearms openly, I'll be packing the 1911-style 45 pistol. No doubt.
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