Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Common Core and Freedom of Thought

Once again, traditional values have come under attack as the ever vigilant progressive movement continues in its mission to destroy American culture.  I'm referring to the so-called Common Core education standardization.  Most parents know instinctively that this government intrusion into their children's lives has the stigma of governmental control all over it, but the packaging and marketing has been successful.  So far.

The left has always used a false paradigm to sell their propaganda, which is the unquestioned assumption that they are, of course, always right in their positions, and any opponent is therefore universally wrong.  It's the application and implementation of these programs, not the notion of them, that is detrimental.  Emotion is always at the forefront in their marketing, and logic - that is, the details -  is murky at best or simply ignored. For instance who isn't in favor of clean air?  Of clean water?  Of preserving the environment?  No one, of course.  But it's always how one achieves those lofty goals that disagreement occurs.  Let's say we can agree that one clear duty of parenting is to educate our children at least to, and hopefully beyond, the levels to which we were exposed.  Who is in favor of educating their children to the highest level possible?  Most hands go up. But in progressive-speak, hands up, you're in favor of Common Core; hands down, you're opposed to educating your children. 

Not so fast.  That conclusion is logically flawed.  In short, it's a lie and a trap.  Tell us first what these standards are and how will they be applied. Reading and math, says the proponents, need to be standardized. Well, that's fine, but why does the federal government need to be involved?  Here's why:  the progressives in the federal government are of the opinion that the citizenry must toe the utopian party line, and the way to do that is get to them early while just starting out in school.  Set a "standardized" curriculum that stays in place for the full twelve years.  Yes, we'll have them read, but exactly what will they read?  Yes, we'll have them learn advanced math, but exactly how will we present it?  The goal is indoctrination through education, not education itself, because progressives believe our children belong to them, and parents should have little or nothing to do with child rearing.  Remember Hillary Clinton's famous "it takes a village to raise a child" pronouncement?  This is it being implemented.

Don't believe me?  Paul Reville, member of the liberal think tank Center for American Progress (founded by John Podesta, current counsel to Obama and former Clinton chief of staff) and former Massachusetts education secretary, in an interview with CNN, said, "Why should some towns and cities and states have low standards or no standards and others have extremely high standards when the children belong to all of us and would move [elsewhere during their education]?"  (Emphasis mine)  Wow.  My kids don't belong to the federal government, and I'm pretty sure you feel that yours don't either.  Nor do I want them indoctrinated into some failed utopian system of government that is diametrically opposed to the Constitution and the American way of life.

So before you succumb to the appeal of standardized education, ask yourself:  What's the agenda both seen and unseen, and more importantly, who's administering it?

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