Sunday, February 05, 2017

They Really Must Hate That Man!

Image result for brady and trumpIt's Super Bowl Sunday, and instead of an all American football championship game, we get a super helping of liberalism, propaganda, and in your face anti-Trumpism.  Thanks, NFL.  Tom Brady, arguably the greatest quarterback to ever play the game, should be the odds on favorite to win this game over Atalanta Falcon's Matt Ryan.  But - wait a minute - Ol' Tom is friends with The Donald.  Oops.  And so is New England Patriots coach Belichick.  And team owner Robert Kraft.  On, no!  So the chattering sports talking heads are in a tizzy.  Their favorite team is oh, so Trump sided. We can't have that!  Cheer for Atlanta?  Never happen.  They are going to have to laud Brady and the Pats - if they win, of course - in loving terms as they award the trophy.  And Brady gets another ring.  And no doubt Trump will tweet something like, "Are we tired of winning, yet?  No way!"  The humiliation to the far far left sports networks and their dupes in media will be deep and wide.  

So what does Goodell and the NFL do?  Load up on socialist, progressive, Marxist and far left propaganda before, during and after the game.  Lady Gaga's halftime performance is guaranteed to be a "statement" of some kind.  Budweiser and Lumber 84 will show ads that are decidedly left wing.  Pure socialist.  Even the Pope will have a pre-taped "message" for us to ponder between bites of BBQ and sips of beer.  I can't wait for the post game talking heads to analyze - in strictly political terms, of course - the deeper meaning in the win, whether it's Atlanta or New England.

Image result for pats and falconsBoth of these teams have worked hard to get to Houston tonight, and it's a shame - and a stinging rebuke to our media culture - that a simple championship football game has to be so clouded and cluttered with political hate.  America loves an underdog, and that's why most folks want the Falcons to win, according to polls.  The Patriots have had several Superbowl wins; the Falcons haven't any.  But if Atlanta does win tonight, the sports media and MSM will try to spin that as being a popular rejection of Trump and his policies.  But of course it won't be.  America elected Donald Trump, and America is rooting for Atlanta.   Simple as that.

Let the media and the NFL publicly embarrass themselves further, as they must really hate that man.  Damn shame.  Because America doesn't.

Let's just enjoy the game.

Thursday, February 02, 2017

The Return of Testosterone

There has been a noticeable trend lately that men are not as, well, masculine, as they have been in the past.  Several books have come out about this dismal state of affairs over the recent years.  Examples of the discussion of dying manhood are The End of Men, Angry White Men: American Masculinity At the End of An Era, and The End of Men: A Novel.  Worldwide, recent studies have indicated that sperm count has been notably lower.  The cause of lower male fertility has not - as of yet - been determined.

What the world needs more of
Might I offer a possible cause of this untenable situation?  Consider the affects on male behavior as dictated by the radical, shrill, misandrist feminists.  They hate men.  What man hasn't known a shrew at one time in his life?  A high maintenance girlfriend?  A psychopathic wife?  Or a vicious and relationship destroying mother in law?  How do encounters with personalities such as these make a man feel?  Masculine?  Or emasculated to the point of cuckold?  Undeniably the latter. 

For decades, we men - especially if we happen to be Caucasian - have been told by these feminists that we are the sole cause of all that's horrible and wrong with the world.  Baby boomers have let that accusation impact their own lives, and in many cases that false guilt has trickled down to our sons.  Further, the constant harpy drumbeat that men are bad has infected subsequent generations of men as well.  It's been relentless, and has been so for decades.  Now, however, the vicious finger pointing is falling upon men and boys who have fewer and fewer manly influences on their lives.

But look what happened with a the occurrence of a just single event.  The unlikely election of a real man to the presidency of the United States has been - and will continue to be - a game changer.  Compare a manly man with his drop dead gorgeous wife to the outgoing homosexual wimp with his transsexual man for a wife.  The sigh of relief was clearly audible throughout the land.  But the feminists, who hate anything with testicles, have shown their true colors in the recent profanity-laced protest of this heralded event.

We have but to look at the state of the nation under the limp-wristed hand of the Kenyan.  In eight years, he all but destroyed and vilified the American way.  But the limp wrist and leading from behind is what one would expect form a man who is not quite a man.  His policies were deified by the chattering class, but was abhorrent to most real Americans.  And the backlash came last November.  In spades.

So we have the feminists and their cuckold boy toys all in utter shock at the realization that there's a man at the helm again.  A man who says what he means, and means what he says.  Horrors!  The snowflake generations and their enablers are about to get their first lesson in adulthood:  Suck it up, buttercup.  You lost.  Grin and bear it.

Image result for women march against trump
What the world needs less of
So let those unattractive, over weight, vicious and negative misandrists march with their pussy hats, and their vagina themed costumes.  Let them rant and rave and spew their vulgar nonsense.  They have nothing positive to say; it's all just a tirade against men.  They hate the same men who find them physically and spiritually unattractive - hell, repulsive - and who don't want anything to do with them.  Hence their attitudes, no doubt.  That's not the way to a man's heart, I can assure you.  There's nothing attractive in androgyny, either.

So to the boys in the world, it's a new day.  A day for men and men doing manly things.  Ignore these ugly vicious harpies, me boy-o, they've brought us to pussified and cuckold status, all the while destroying chivalry.  And for God's sake, and for the sake of your sons, stand up and grow a pair.

You'll find your sperm count will go up.  Way up.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Livin' Off The Gold Card

Image result for credit cardsIsn't high level credit great?  A gold card, maybe a platinum card, or better yet an American Express with unlimited credit?  You bet it is.  Spend, baby, spend!  The bill won't come due for a month, and even then I'll have a ten day grace period or so before I have to pay up.  But what if my income isn't sufficient to meet that obligation?  The AmEx is due and payable, OK, but I can make partial payments on the others.  And next month I can do it all over again.  Cool.  Let's see what I can buy in the next, oh, say, eight years.

That scenario sounds immature and infantile on a fiscal level doesn't it?  Who, in their right mind, would do something as monetarily suicidal as that?  But that's exactly what the Kenyan has done to us for the last eight years.  Foreign governments were more than willing to buy US debt, so he spent and spent and spent.  On borrowed money.  Just like an unlimited credit card.  In fact, during his two terms in office, he racked up almost as much national debt than all previous presidents before him combined.  Yep, all of them combined.  He essentially doubled the national debt to within a hair's breadth of $20,000,000,000,000.  That's 20 trillion dollars.  Twenty followed by twelve zeros.  A number so large it defies rational understanding.  To make this a more manageable figure, he spent more than $100,000,000 - a hundred million dollars - every hour of his administration.  Consider that there is only $1.5 trillion currently in circulation.  That means we owe over thirteen times what we have in liquidity.

Image result for monetary policyWhere did the money go?  Oh, right.  To stimulate the economy.  That policy of crony capitalism worked like a charm for Wall Street, though, didn't it? But it didn't work so well for the rest of us.  It didn't get to the right places.  Yet in spite of all of the stimuli,  the Kenyan is the only president in history under whose administration the economy failed to reach a GDP growth rate of at least 3% per year.  Deliberate destructive policies?  Absolutely. 

While the media and the insane clown posse fret about loud, shrill, fat, has-been ugly hags in pink pussyhats, foreign governments have begun to shed US paper.  That could be bad; the equivalent of metaphorical collection agents knocking on your door to collect your AmEx bill.

Clearly President Trump has his work cut out for him.  He has to get the gears of commerce meshed so that the economy is working from the ground up, primarily through small and medium businesses.  And certainly not swished around in nebulous and intangible stock trades.  Thankfully, he is a serious and successful businessman rather than an overeducated-for-his-intelligence politician, and he understands the dynamics of a functioning economy.  Get government off the backs of the producers; stop uneducated and illiterate illegals from sucking up government largess; cut the confiscatory taxes companies and individuals are burdened with; and cut the bloated size of the federal government so that less money is needed to feed it.  That's just for starters.

So let the left freak out.  Let the politicians whine.  Let the media spew its regressive propaganda.  The business of getting a fiscal house in order after years of addiction to free money will take time and testicular fortitude.   

But guess what.  The Donald has both.  In spades.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Harpies In The Henhouse

Image result for ashley judd meltdown
The face of feminazi insanity
What is it with these aesthetically challenged women protesting all over the country?  What can they possibly be on about?  Is it the fact that President Trump has now taken over the reins of power and they fear and loathe manliness?  I think so, too.  The hate and vitriol being spewed by these harpies leaves no doubt that they are in fact deranged. Completely.  For example, if there was any doubt that the liberal feminist left was in a complete panic, one needs look no further than to the once hot Ashley Judd's manic and incomprehensible  "I'm a nasty woman" speech at the Women's March in Washington D.C. It's extremely vile, so listen at your own risk.  It's a shame, too.  I used to like Ashley Judd.  Madonna made a similar fool of herself, as well.  What all this hateful rhetoric has to do with Mr. Trump has yet to be established. 

Image result for trump inauguration
Why so glum?
What is it with the indomitable Mz Clinton?  Finally arising from seclusion in her bedchamber, she has come forth to study what public service she may deign to offer us.  The embarrassment of losing her second president campaign apparently left no shame in this woman.  Not only did she lose - rather soundly, I might add - but she and her money laundering foundation is still under investigation.  But as a member of the elite left, she fears no law.  And with the Clinton Foundation's bribes - er, revenue - falling to a trickle after her political influence has been decimated, it's unlikely she'll hold any office or advisory position other than perhaps as a trusty in a minimum security federal prison.  But unmitigated gall is what harpies have in abundance.  That and unattractiveness, both in looks and deed.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A Regime In Review

Image result for face of obama
Right back attacha, Barry
At last - at long last - the Kenyan's regime is at an end.  In two more days, a new American president (an actual American citizen this time) will take the reigns of power.  And not a moment too soon.  The MSM and other far left apparatchiks have been telling us for eight long years how wonderful the Kenyan is, and what amazing things he has done - and will continue to do - for us.  Lost in their praise is the American concept of self governance, but the left has no clue about that.  They think rights and stuff are granted and conveyed to the people by the government.  Therein may lie the the genesis of the disconnect the left has with real Americans who do understand American exceptionalism. 

So the media has been carrying his water for two terms, and we get "polls" telling us he has a fifty-plus percent approval rating.  I sincerely doubt the veracity of this figure.  Consider the source.  But this number is certainly within reason given the extreme and pervasive propaganda that pours out of the MSM, which has become indistinguishable from the Democrat party.  As they are already demonstrating, the MSM will use the same effort to destroy a popular president Trump's administration as they did propping up the failed legacy of the hapless Kenyan's.  Or perhaps greater.

In all my research on news sites in virtually every political persuasion, I rarely, if ever, see comments from readers lionizing this narcissistic, petulant little man.  Flowery puff pieces, yes, to be sure.  But in the comments section, across the board, I find no fifty-plus percentile of support for him.  In fact, it's quite the opposite.  He's reviled.

In light of this I was surprised to see a recent Gallup Poll come out that seems to support my contention.  Rather than love and worship him unconditionally, as the MSM would have us believe, Americans seem to have him pegged pretty well.   In fact, even with Kenyan-supporting questions being posed, the poll results indicate that people feel the United States has gone backwards - overall - in key issues.  Well, Glory be!!

Screen Shot 2017-01-17 at 1.15.01 PM Even factoring such non-issues as the first three - LGBT, Energy and Climate - which were obviously included and designed to pump up the favorable rating by catering to far left issues, the overall total was -9%.  Interesting.  Negative nine percent.  Egg on the face of the MSM and its propagandists, no doubt. This poll is verification of the mood and view of the country at large when one considers the comments posted on internet news sites.  In printed media, there is no opportunity for commentary within the news piece itself.  In internet media sites, there is.  No wonder the left wants to shut it down, and why some sites - like the NYT for example - have eliminated the comments section altogether.

So Kenyan's administration has been proven to be a failure in any meaningful way, as we all knew all along, but now has been legitimized by Gallup.

History will not be kind to this man, and that, I think, will be his just desserts.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Call It What It Is, Bill

Esteban Santiago, 26, was accused of killing five, wounding six and sending thousands scrambling for safety in a shooting rampage at the Fort Lauderdale International Airport
Esteban Santiago, aka Aashiq Hammad
What a surprise.  Today it has been confirmed by the FBI that the crazed shooter at Ft. Lauderdale airport was indeed an Islamist terrorist.  Esteban Santiago is the New Jersey-born Iraq war veteran of Puerto Rican descent who killed five people and wounded six others at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport in Florida earlier this month.  Citing public records opened last week, Sunshine State News adds that Santiago converted to Islam and created a “jihadist identity” for himself, assuming the Islamic name Aashiq Hammad, prior to joining the U.S. Army.  Yet Florida's own Democrat Senator, Bill Nelson, was one of the first to come out in favor of more airport security.  That means more invasion of privacy, and more public humiliation for air travelers.  Oh, and a lot more gun control.  Yeah, that'll work.

Bill, let me enlighten you:  Muslims want to kill everyone, including their own.  And even just for name calling.  That's not just my opinion; it's what they tell us every day.  You cannot harden the target enough to dissuade them.  You cannot protect against them.  You must recognize, engage and eliminate the enemy.  You must kill him or be killed.  These are the rules of engagement the Muslim enemy himself has enacted.  We must fight within those parameters. 

Wife of Orlando nightclub shooter arrested
Noor Salman,  Omar Mateen
Also today, the FBI arrested the Orlando night club shooter's widow, and she will be charged.  She knew, she helped, and she acted as liaison with ISIS directly. A grand jury this month charged Salman with obstruction of justice and aiding and abetting her husband's material support to ISIS, the Islamist terror group to which Mateen pledged allegiance in phone calls with 911 and the media before dying in a shootout with police.  "She knew he was going to conduct the attack," Assistant US Attorney Roger Handberg told the judge Tuesday.

So Bill, where's your disconnect with this?  What more do you need?  Shed the insane political correctness you're infected with, and look at the real world.  

They are here.   Right here in your home state, too.