Monday, January 23, 2017

Harpies In The Henhouse

Image result for ashley judd meltdown
The face of feminazi insanity
What is it with these aesthetically challenged women protesting all over the country?  What can they possibly be on about?  Is it the fact that President Trump has now taken over the reins of power and they fear and loathe manliness?  I think so, too.  The hate and vitriol being spewed by these harpies leaves no doubt that they are in fact deranged. Completely.  For example, if there was any doubt that the liberal feminist left was in a complete panic, one needs look no further than to the once hot Ashley Judd's manic and incomprehensible  "I'm a nasty woman" speech at the Women's March in Washington D.C. It's extremely vile, so listen at your own risk.  It's a shame, too.  I used to like Ashley Judd.  Madonna made a similar fool of herself, as well.  What all this hateful rhetoric has to do with Mr. Trump has yet to be established. 

Image result for trump inauguration
Why so glum?
What is it with the indomitable Mz Clinton?  Finally arising from seclusion in her bedchamber, she has come forth to study what public service she may deign to offer us.  The embarrassment of losing her second president campaign apparently left no shame in this woman.  Not only did she lose - rather soundly, I might add - but she and her money laundering foundation is still under investigation.  But as a member of the elite left, she fears no law.  And with the Clinton Foundation's bribes - er, revenue - falling to a trickle after her political influence has been decimated, it's unlikely she'll hold any office or advisory position other than perhaps as a trusty in a minimum security federal prison.  But unmitigated gall is what harpies have in abundance.  That and unattractiveness, both in looks and deed.

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