Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Who Cares If You're Offended

Image result for pictures oppressive government

Thinking in terms of sound business decisions, let's say I owned a men's upscale clothing store, and needed counter sales employees.  In my search I placed an ad, and interviewed several candidates who willingly came to me in response, seeking employment at my business. 

The first, a young black man, came into my office and wanted the job I was offering.  He had dreadlocks down to his mid back, a teardrop tattoo on his left upper cheek, spoke in the slang parlance of the street, and all his front teeth were solid gold.  I tell him I'd hire him if he cut his hair, dressed appropriately and spoke in proper English.   The tats and the grill I was willing to accept, yet he declines, as doing so would be a sellout for him.

The second candidate was a relatively attractive young woman, reasonably educated and well groomed.  She was a Muslim, and wore a headscarf.   I told her if she were to dress in a conventional manner to reflect the culture and expectations of my customer base, I'd hire her.  She refuses to remove the hajib, and declines.

Supreme Court Hears Case Involving Abercrombie & Fitch And Religious Wardrobe Discrimination
Ah, Yes.  Our Dear Friends CAIR At It Again
As a business owner, taking the economic and market risks to provide a high demand service to the public at large, am I not the sole arbiter of whom I hire?  The answer is no. Abercrombie and Fitch faced this exact scenario some years ago, when they declined to hire a Muslim candidate for a modeling job who refused to remove her hajib.  Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of this woman who sued for discrimination after being denied a modelling job at age 17 at an Abercrombie & Fitch clothing store in Oklahoma because she wore a head scarf.  She initially won a $20,000 judgment against Abercrombie in federal district court. On appeal, the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver reversed, ruling in favor of Abercrombie.  Now SCOTUS reverses again in Monday's 8-1 decision, ruling in her favor after the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) took the case.  I disagree with that ruling.  A company has the right to set its own minimum standards for any given position.  The plaintiff in this case was not harmed, there was no dispute of facts, and she was certainly free to pursue other opportunities.  But when the oppressive EEOC (i. e. the US government) got involved, suddenly it became a religious issue, which it never was.

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Terrorist Imam Suhaib Webb (left),
Why do we even care about this?  Because as evidenced by this case and thousands of others, the creeping governmental usurpation of individual liberties in favor of idiotic perceived individual "rights" continues unabated.  In EEOC v. Abercrombie & Fitch, Plaintiff has no "right" to flaunt her cultism.   "Offended" isn't a valid cause of action.  Yet as to religious freedoms, this administration bends over backward to accommodate Muslims in any capacity.  But not Christians; they're pursued and harassed.  Another "offended" Muslim incident blown out of proportion, and culminating in yet another American company begging for forgiveness, is the infamous Muslim Coke can matter.  But wait.  This Muslim woman who claimed in a social media post that United Airlines discriminated against her because of her faith, has a history rife with deep connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and radical Imams.  Ya think?   In Minnesota, already a Muslim nation, a majority of Muslims want sharia law to replace freedom of speech and other constitutional freedoms. There's an aggressive agenda here, folks, and woe be to those who won't recognize the enormity of  it.  But you won't find the Department of Justice or Homeland Security investigating these militant Muslim factions who are openly engaging in overt sedition.  Not one.  Anywhere.

What you will see is vigorous investigations of the conservative, Christian political right in this country.  What you will see is the DOJ investigating movie theaters for God only knows what.  Loretta Lynch can be counted on to do the Kenyan's bidding by appearing diligent, all the while making smoke screens as cover for this corrupt administration's Machiavellian machinations.  Case in point: you will find DOJ again illegally making law by circumventing congress and implementing a dozen or more new gun control regulations.

Molon Labe!
So while we have to contend with - make that defend against - covert Muslim sedition; a new crime wave and rioting by black thugs; illegal Hispanic and Asian gangs crossing the porous southern to rape and rob at will; ISIS declaring a terror war on us individually; and a heavy handed and oppressive government involved in micromanaging every aspect of our personal and business lives, we see DOJ intent on just one thing.

Disarming America.

Monday, June 01, 2015

The Ferguson Effect

I Want What You Got, Whitey
They even have a name for it.  The Ferguson Effect.  It's the reversal of over twenty years of falling crime rates across the country, and it's all part of the plan.  It's abetted, if not engineered behind the scenes, by the racist-in-chief, the Kenyan, propagated by CNN, and it's working like a charm: Gun violence is up more than 60% compared with this time last year, according to Baltimore police, with 32 shootings over Memorial Day weekend. May has been the most violent month the city has seen in 15 years.  In Milwaukee, homicides were up 180%.   Through April, shootings in St. Louis were up 39%, robberies 43%, and homicides 25%.  Murders in Atlanta were up 32%, lootings in Chicago had increased 24% and homicides 17%.  Shootings and other violent felonies in Los Angeles had spiked by 25%; in New York, murder was up nearly 13%, and gun violence 7%. Shooting incidents are up 500% in an East Harlem precinct compared with last year; in a South Central Los Angeles police division, shooting victims are up 100%.

Planet Of The Apes
Who are the victims?  Poor inner city black folks.   Who are the perps?  Poor inner city black folks.  What is the result?   Cops afraid to arrest, young black thugs ready and willing to go wilding, civilization as a whole breaking down in the face of chaos.  Cui Bono?  The radical left as they apply the Cloward-Priven strategy to overwhelm and disrupt the system.  Keep ‘em down. Keep ‘em angry. Pretend you are their savior, not their oppressor, and keep ‘em voting for the very thing destroying them: big government and the Democrats who control it.

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Gun Control:  Using Both Hands
Isn't is curious that at this exact moment in time, the Kenyan goes to back door strategies for even more gun control. Gun control isn't working; we need more gun control.  These new regulations range from new restrictions on high-powered pistols to gun storage requirements and the issuance of new rules expanding criteria for people who do not quality for gun ownership, like mental illness or domestic abuse.  The definition of "criminal" is so fluid that anyone can be said to fit the description.

muslim bros in the whitehouse
Muslim Brotherhood Government
The Kenyan has 18 months left in office, and his plan to destroy America is being implemented by his appointed Blacks and Muslims in his administration.  That's a fact.  And it's working.  He hates America, and appoints those who share that sentiment.  The number of enemies the Kenyan has put in Americans' face continues to grow:  black thugs with a government license to kill; radical Muslims intent on mass violence; illegal Hispanic alien cartel and gang members killing and raping.   Oh, and ever more gun control.  That's the true Ferguson Effect.

Doomed Planet?

One of my few pleasures is reading the editorials in the Sunday papers over a cup of coffee.  That's papers plural, as I subscribe to two local papers; one center-right and the other far left.  This Sunday I was intrigued by an editorial in the far left op-ed pages, Changed Climate, Doomed Planets, a reprint of an article in the New York Times from this January.  In it, one Adam Frank, an astrophysics professor at Rutgers and co-founder of NPR's 13.7 Cosmos and Culture blog, had some interesting takes on how climate destroys planets.  The title along with the writer's bonafides is a spoiler; you can guess where this one is going.  The substance of this piece is that climates can make or break a planet, and that we humans can't do anything about it.  That's a switch from the left's constant drumbeat about reversing the Earth's non-existent climate change. Nonetheless, Frank cites Fermi's Paradox, which is the apparent contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and humanity's lack of contact with, or evidence for, such civilizations. No evidence of ET?  Says who?  But I'll refrain from a tangential departure just now.  Extraterrestrials haven't been here to visit with us, he says, because in their quest for technological advancement, they polluted themselves into either oblivion by destroying their planet, or simply devolved into a stone age status.  Lovely.

GOES Full Disk Shows First Day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere
You Are Here
If, as he states, as the thirst for energy envelopes a given life form, then it also requires the waste created from the use of that energy to reside somewhere. In Earth's case, he says, all those 100 billion megawatts hours of energy we create produces 36 billion tons of carbon dioxide that gets pumped into the atmosphere.  And that rate of CO2 discharge will change the atmosphere's chemical composition, change the climate irreversibly, and destroy all life of Earth. Lost in his cause-and-effect structure is the notion that if true, then we humans should accept our fate, and just lay down and die.  Free will is an illusion, and God's will is manifest.  Uh oh.  I used the G word.  Liberal hand-wringers don't believe in God, so fate must be an illusion, as well.  This is their paradox.  As irrefutable proof that we're doomed, Frank cites that 2 billion years ago on Earth, the atmosphere was made up of mostly ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, mixed with methane gas. As microscopic bacterial life thrived, died and decayed in the oceans, it gave off tons and tons of a deadly poison, oxygen, which began to permeate the atmosphere.  And for the next 2 billion years, life forms adapted to oxygen as a requirement for life, and the predominate atmospheric gases were now considered poisonous to the new oxygen oriented life.  

Herbal Earth - Western Hemisphere
NASA Image of Earth's Plant Life, Western Hemisphere
So life changed and adapted and subsequently thrived.  How does that doom the planet?  There's no evidence that Earth is doomed in any way.  Possibilities do arise, such as catastrophic asteroid strikes, or a massive volcanic eruption.  Even those possibilities may not eradicate life and destroy the planet:  those events have happened before, even in recent history, and yet here we still are. Even if there's a preponderance of CO2 being pumped into our atmosphere, it would take centuries, if not millennia, to result in a complete change like that of The Great Oxidation Event that took billions of years to complete.  Developing nations like China and India are not going to curtail their industrial and technical pursuits - and their use of vast amounts of energy - just to solve a non-existent problem.  And taxing citizens in the US to compensate won't slow the rate of CO2 being produced, either.  It just devolves the US into becoming a third world nation, as we are required to cut our energy use dramatically so others may have it.  This is just more zero-sum thinking  from the left: that there's a finite amount of energy available. But there's more.  In a strained attempt to connect the dots, Frank claims that a catastrophic atmospheric change on Earth could actually alter other planets, and possibly even the balance of the solar system and more.  He cites the ruin of Mars as an example, and tries vainly to attribute the cloud covered atmosphere of Venus to its own global warming.

Trees Absorb CO2 And Give Off Oxygen
It always amazes me how far the left will go to express their own self hate, and how willing they are to impose it upon others.  To them, humans are bad for pure and sentient Mother Earth, and everything we do should be for the protection of Gaia.  Even if that means self sacrifice.  Nonsense.  The Earth is a magnificent, viable planet, and we humans are a part of this thriving ecosystem.  Want to limit CO2 in the atmosphere?  It's really easy and painless. Start a program in which each person on Earth plants at least one hardwood tree.  That's 6.5 billion new trees.  Trees absorb CO2 and give off oxygen, so we'll have more trees, more food, less CO2, and more energy.  It's good for trees, good for humans, and good for Earth.  And stop this defeatist, doom-saying, hand-wringing negativity.  Go hate yourself somewhere else, and stop ruining my Sunday morning solitude.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Enemy? What Enemy?

Border?  What Border?
With the continuing threat from the radial cult known as Islam, some interesting facts about this benign religion of peace come to mind.  With Islam's history of violence and murder against America, an open and porous border can only mean more of the same now that the enemy is within the gates.  Consider this list of attacks against the United States and Americans living either in the U.S. or abroad.  Even worse, the Kenyan's "deal" with Iran regarding their nuclear capabilities is anything but a fair and respectful meeting of the minds between the US and Iran.  Consider this candid position: A leading commander in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards has claimed his country’s ultimate aim is to turn the United States into “an Islamic Republic,” and rejected any possibility of a thawing in relations between Tehran and “The Great Satan.”  Commander Hassan Abbasi went on to attack the US, noting the position of Iran’s leadership remains one of perpetual hostility towards America and opposition to its most fundamental values. “Just as we defeated the United States’ policies in Syria and Lebanon and Iraq and Yemen in the Middle East, we will not rest until we make the United State an Islamic Republic too."

Iraqi Security forces deploy after clashes with militants in Ramadi, 70 miles west of Baghdad, Iraq. (AP Photo/Iraqi Army)
US Military's In-Country Capabilities Severely Limited
So they believe that they defeated us everywhere in the Middle East.  Maybe they have.  With the Kenyan leading from behind, that assessment may be shared by Americans here, as well.   So we have an enemy from within and without, and we're not ready to fight.   The US military is at its historically lowest readiness.  In the Army alone, we've lost 80,000 soldiers, inactivated 13 brigade combat teams, and is in the process of cutting three combat aviation brigades.  Additionally, the Army also has cut 18,000 soldiers from the Army National Guard and Army Reserve, and it is reducing its total aviation force by 800 aircraft, with almost 700 of them coming from the active force.  Currently only 33 percent of Army brigades are ready, when sustained readiness levels should be closer to 70 percent, according to Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno.   "We have fewer soldiers, the majority of whom are in units that are not ready, and they are manning aging equipment at a time when the demand for Army forces is much higher than anticipated."

Buddhist woman beheaded by Muslims in Myanmar
Buddhist woman beheaded by Muslims in Myanmar
But that matters not to this seditious administration.  The Kenyan considers it a "dereliction of duty" to deny global warming. But as Islam advances in every civilized country, repressing civilization and cultures in favor of a 7th century Sharia law, we have only a very short time before scenes like this happen in Main Street, USA.  One can only assume that absent a total cluelessness in this administration's foreign policy, one must conclude that the Kenyan endorses it.

Go helps us.

Incitement To Arms

With all the news lately about the presumed police oppression of jus' po' black fo'ks, now comes the radical arm of the militarized Negro freedom movement.  Yep, that's right.  I guess Democratic Party largess isn't cutting it these days with this brand of new militants.  Now emboldened by the mulatto Kenyan's administration's incite-to-riot policies, these black racists are advocating an armed insurrection against the police.  You know, against those white racists who are tasked with keeping law and order in the, um, community.

Malik Zulu Shabazz
Malik Zulu Shabazz,  Public Enemy
Former national chairman of the New Black Panther Party and current national president of Black Lawyers for Justice Malik Zulu Shabazz stated on the official broadcast of the New Black Panthers Party’s Black Power Radio that blacks " . . will defend ourselves as Malcolm said, ‘by any means necessary,’ and that the only option can not be non-violence.  We have the right to defend ourselves with deadly force.”  Addressing the recent assassination of police officers across the nation, he added,  “Police brutality is going to come to an end one way or another, or it’s just going to be a lot of dead bodies in the streets.”

This Shabazz cat is one radical and angry dude.  He hates whites because they're evil, and he hates Jews because, well, they're evil.  Even the Jewish far left Southern Poverty Law Center, who tracks hate groups (i.e. conservative Christian), rates this guy as an extremist, and a racist black nationalist with a long, well-documented history of violently anti-Semitic remarks and accusations about the inherent evil of white people.  I thought the whinny Jews were the ones who said it's impossible to be a black racist.  Predicated, one assumes, only if black hate is directed solely at whites, but not at Jews.  At any rate, Shabazz has issued his official call to arms.  

So go ahead, NBPP, make my day.  Against the cops, you're out trained and out gunned.  You have hate on your side, so there's that.  But as to those dead bodies on the streets, be careful it's not your herd that needs and deserves thinning.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Kenyan's Legacy

I Still Can't Hear You, America!
The Kenyan is in a bit of a bind, as they say, regarding his presidential legacy.  While many conservatives, Christians, Tea Party adherents and other true Americans know what his presidential legacy actually is - and will continue to be - the swooning enlightened class is having palpitations as the Kenyan and his administration begin years of court battles over the legality of his policies.  It seems that congress and the judiciary have finally come to their collective senses regarding the last 6 years of lawlessness and destruction perpetrated on Americans by this anti-American Muslim Marxist.  Too harsh?  Consider that his second term agenda is pretty much in the hands of the courts.

I Am The Constitution!!
Most if not all of his "signature" policies are being challenged.  Even the anything-but-conservative Washington Post has now actually started to do its job in keeping a watchful and jaundiced eye on the body politic, and has started reporting facts rather than just regurgitating the party line.  Click the link to get up to date on the Kenyan's many disastrous policies:  the unconstitutional ObamaCare healthcare takeover. the culturally suicidal same sex marriage, the colossal climate change hoax, and the government sponsored invasion known as illegal immigration.

But real Americans - especially those who have been harmed by his economic policies such as the poor, the middle class, business people, and liberty-loving patriots - already know what his legacy really will be.  His legacy is that this man, a statist, a homosexual, and a Muslim, tried everything he could to destroy America as a nation, as a culture and as a way of life.  He contemptuously ignores and circumvents the constitution.

... Patrick Kennedy for Benghazi deaths; says family received no benefits
And as he ponders his legacy, real Americans will never forget that he left our Ambassador to Libya and three other brave Americans to be slaughtered by the animals that share his religion.  Perhaps we will see justice after all when the courts rule on his myriad of unlawful policies, and maybe, as befitting a traitor, he will be tried, convicted and hanged in the town square.  That's his proper legacy.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Short Takes

Memorial Day is now over, and my sweetie and I had a great time watching war movies (Patton, Saving Private Ryan) with the youngsters, who had serious questions about war.  The grill was going for hours as burgers, steaks, chicken and ribs fed us all day and the pool offered a respite from the heat here on the west coast of Florida.  We remembered those who served, and all those who now serve in the traditional American way.  But today the insanity continues.

Baltimore:  Return to the Planet of the Apes
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images/AFP
Protesters at Work
Unreported in the mainstream news media is the fact that because the leaderless leadership in Baltimore has given tacit approvals to "protesters" to loot, plunder, pillage and kill, the Memorial Day week was, well, exciting.  It seems the bad actors conducted twenty-six shooting incidents, nine of which had fatalities.  That means that May, so far, is the deadliest month in Baltimore in nearly two decades.    But we all know, don't we, that the "protesters" are merely black thugs with nothing to say except their hate for whitey.  Nice goin', race baiters, in your effort to empower the "community."

Terror on the Cheap
Amsterdam airport
F-16 Escorts Airliner
Iran is months a way from a developing a nuke.  But you don't need a nuclear bomb to be a successful terrorist.  The whole point of terrorism is to instill fear and terror.  That goal takes on many aspects, not the least of which are issuing deliberate false alarms.  If you want to instill fear in the passengers in an airliner in flight, for example, merely call in a chemical threat.  The authorities will have to take the threat seriously, and deploy fighters to escort the threaten jet to a safe airport where an investigation can be conducted.  That happen this weekend to six passenger airline flights around the world.  The bad guys are laughing, because it cost the US a whole lot more scrambling these F-16 fighters to deal with these events than it did the bad guys to make six anonymous phones calls.  Now that's what I call asymmetrical warfare.

Free Speech Silenced
Kirsten Powers
Conservatives have long known their voices don't matter, especially in the Zionist-controlled liberal world view of mass media. But now a self-identified liberal, the very hot Kirsten Powers, has written a book about how liberals, progressives and Marxists use labeling and intimidation to further quell speech in opposition to their liberal narrative, especially on college campuses.  A brilliant observation from her recent interview with Breitbart News is noted :
I have theories on why this is happening but they are not completely fleshed out. One of them is that the people who do this really behave like religious zealots. They have their current capital ‘T’ truth and they cannot tolerate or will not tolerate people who think differently. And it’s actually sort of an assault on them, on their being. I don’t know if that is because this has now become the sort of social signaling issue where, you know, ‘this is who I am’ much in the way a religion would be, an identity issue that I believe all these things that are right. Like I said it’s a very authoritarian impulse… I will not tolerate.
That pretty much sums it up. 

The War on Cops
Tweet posted by @AlanGrayson.
Alan Grayson's Infamous Tweet
Thanks to the Kenyan's militarization of local police, the war on cops continues unabated.  The certifiably insane Alan Grayson, democrat representative from Florida, tweeted a photo of militarized cops with some interesting graffiti in the shot.  "Fuck the Cops" was a sentiment that he circulated, but didn't renounce. He used words like "occupy" and "attack."  Wonder how he really feels.  He's an attorney, you know.  Also in Florida, cops were attacked by "citizens" as they tried to arrest a disorderly man carrying an open container of an adult beverage. Prior to threatening to use his Taser on the mob, the officer received cuts and bruises in the scuffle.  Around here, folks would help a cop in that situation, but in democrat controlled, liberal leaning ares of my fair state, the Kenyan's message of incitement and radical lawlessness is being acted out by his low information followers.  As an aside, concealed carry permits are surging nationally.  Gee, I wonder why.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Planet of the Apes

OK, I could have used another title - Lord of the Flies comes to mind, but what the hell - I resolved some time ago to defy political correctness in both thought and deed.  The point is that civilization collapses when it succumbs to identity politics and mob mentality.  Two recent news event in separate areas of the county illustrate this. 

Image result for baltimore mayor DA images
The Face of a Racist
Firstly, in Baltimore, a feminist radical black activist disguised as the city's mayor, actually says she's dedicated to fighting crime.  Yeah, by charging six police officers with capital crimes arising from the arrest and subsequent death  of a black thug.  Meanwhile, as Baltimore cops rightly wonder what the hell their roles are now, targeted as they are, the district attorney blames all the city's violence on cops' racism, and of course violent crime by blacks spikes

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A Lie Enshrined
Secondly, in the embattled city of Ferguson, certain elements will erect a monument to Michael Brown, the 18 year old wannabe thug who got himself cancelled when he violently attacked a police officer. It's a monument to a politically correct lie, and that lie is this:  All black man's oppression is the fault of white people.  This lie is the political left's perpetual narrative, and is picked up and echoed by radical Negros who hate white people. Meanwhile the Asian store owner who was beaten and robbed by the now-deceased Mike Brown is ignored, his loss not aggrieved.  Cigars stolen, displays smashed and assault and battery were overlooked - unreported and censored -  by the media as well as the radical Negros as the press wet themselves reporting their spin on this story.

Nice job, mainstream media.  Nice job, black activist politicians.  Nice job, Kenyan and Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch and Baltimore's black mayor and Maryland's black district attorney.  Your idiotic identity politics are undermining civilized behavior, fanning the flames of racial discord, and loosing the dogs of chaos.  Liberalism, egalitarianism, communism and socialism have been shown to fail time and time again, including with the very first white settlement in America.  Today criminal black males - with your explicit endorsement - run amok killing and looting, and in doing so, demonstrate that pervasive permissiveness has its own reward.  It's chaos.  And civilized folks - both black and white - pay the price.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Bob-Tailed Boys

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The Eunuch's Fate
In California, disruptive minority students in public schools will no longer be suspended and sent home, rather they will be retained in class and white students will be suspended instead.  Nationally, the Boy Scouts, in an attempt to prepare boys for self sufficiency in adulthood,  have decided to not allow water fights among scouts with water guns.  Across the United States, because incarceration rates are higher for black men than whites, Hispanic or Asians males, crimes committed by black males will not include jail or prison.  On college campuses, male students are subject to charges of rape regardless of  the facts.  Nationally, police forces are being cast as villains as the Kenyan's administration seeks to destroy local police and sheriff's departments in favor of a brown-shirt federal police force.  As masculinity is culturally and politically destroyed in favor of an egalitarian "equal outcomes" philosophy by those currently in power, the American male has been emasculated, and we are now essentially eunuchs, or as the ancient Chinese called them, "bob-tailed dogs."  It's no surprise that many boys didn't survive the brutal, one-swipe knife cut process in those days.  The blurring of the sexes continues today at the peril of the species.  Societal suicide at its worst.  But in order to protect and serve that despicable harem, the federal government, we men must must be made docile, soft, and dependent.  Castrati for and by castrati, the emasculation of the now sissified American male goes on unabated, and is nearly complete.

John Wayne - john-wayne Photo
American Men Love God, Guts, Guns and Dogs
It's a shame but true that the American male now must find himself a sealable clay jar in which to keep his butchered manhood, for he has been castrated.  The strong silent type of man, characteristics and traits once admired by men and women alike, is now reduced to a mere anachronism, subject to snickers and open ridicule from the trendy and enlightened metrosexuals.  Would John Wayne thrive in today's cultural and political environment?  I don't think so either.  Maybe that's why there's such a relentless push for illegal Hispanic immigration.  Maybe the macho Latino can help teach the beat-dog-down American white man how to regain his manhood - to be a man again - and his rightful place in society. 

Men, take a good look at the two images here.  Which do you want to be?  Don't let them turn you into a eunuch or a homosexual.  Unfortunately that process begins with the hideous, emasculating practice of circumcision, which is performed on male infants who have no voice to resist it.  Ignore the feminist propaganda from your teacher, your pastor, your Jewish doctor, your homo friends, your whinny girlfriend, and become the man you were born and destined to be.  Bob-tailed dogs?  Never.  It's not too late to save the species.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Paranoia Strikes Deep

picture of paranoia  - Handgun over US flag  - JPG
Defense of Country
Paranoia strikes deep.  Into your life it will creep.  Thanks to Steven Stills of Buffalo Springfield for this sentiment from the 1967 anthem For What It's Worth.  But paranoia is running deep these days, isn't it?  You can feel it in the air, sense it in the comments that readers of news articles and blogs leave on the internet, and even in the news that leaves out so much of the news.    No wonder the government, through the Federal Elections Commission of all places, wants to control - read that stifle - the internet, which as I'm sure you all will agree, is the last bastion of free speech.  The Associated Press is the defacto Ministry of Truth for this administration, and as such is the major source of propaganda for most of the US media, also known as the mainstream media.  And it prints nothing but blue skies and a booming economy.  Really?  That doesn't fool anyone anymore, thanks to a sophisticated populace and alternative media sources.  Want real news?  Try the outlets from the UK.  I kid you not.  At least they actually still report, as opposed to reading and reprinting verbatim AP wire feeds.  That's why the Kenyan's administration wants the Internet neutered and muted.

In Jade Helm operation, Texas gives early lessons on the ‘human domain’ photo
Jade Helm 15 Theater of Operations.  Add LA and FL
For example, what do we really know about the upcoming Jade Helm 15 exercise?  Is this story  competing for ink with the economy, the Republican candidate field or Hillary Clinton's corruption?  The answer would have been absolutely nothing if not for a leak by an internet news source earlier this year.  Now we know that the government - you know, the American government of, by and for the people - will be conducting live military exercises in seven or more states this June.  This exercise - whose motto is Mastering the Human Domain, by the way - is a joint operation including special operations teams from the Navy, Army, Air Force and Marines along with regular divisions like the 82nd Airborne, and they will be interacting incognito with citizen civilians in these areas.  That's why it's fodder for conspiracy theorists everywhere.

But wait.  If this unconventional warfare exercise is to prepare our troops for potential asymmetrical engagements against an enemy within the gates, such as terrorists from such groups as La Raza and its radical ‘reconquista’ agenda, or any of the many Islamic terrorist cells that have walked freely into the United States via these border states, then I can certainly applaud the exercise.  And it would follow that these states with the highest incident of illegal immigration will become the battlefield upon which defense of the United States will occur.  After all, La Raza has openly declared its intent to invade and reconquer the whole of the western United States by assimilation, if not by force.  We see that happening now, and to date, it goes unchallenged.  Likewise, Islam has declared that it seeks a global Islamic caliphate, and as such, America as we know it must fall to the dictates of Islam and sharia law.  We see that happening now in Texas and Minnesota and elsewhere as Muslims of all nationalities invade en masse, again marginally if at all challenged.  I hope that that national passivity is changing with the execution of Jade Helm.

<b>Military</b> Employed For Crowd Control At College Football Game This ...
The Blurring of Posse Comitatus
If however, as many preppers and ordinary hard working citizens contend, this is a prelude to an execution of martial law, gun confiscation, dissident internment, and suspension of the US Constitution, then we have a serious problem.  Many points can be made to support this: newly constructed and imposing FEMA camps, the Kenyan's purging of almost two hundred top military brass, the Trans-Pacific Partnership eroding US sovereignty, and the general suspicion that the government seeks to impose a totalitarian government in advance of the 2106 elections.  Can this administration, led by an admittedly anti-American president, really bring down and subjugate the world's last best hope for mankind?  Only if, like Rome succumbing to the Goths simply by assimilating them, we the people let it happen from within. Our greatest deterrent against a hostile government has always been a free and independent press, but that description no longer applies to what's become the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.  Instead we must rely on foreign media as well as the alternate internet media for real un-spun, factual news, and that's why the Kenyan wants to shut it down.  

It's not paranoia.  We've been warned.  He has told us himself that he wants to "fundamentally transform America" by ending American exceptionalism and indeed the entire American way of life.  And we've been challenged to try to stop him.  'Nuff said.

Friday, May 01, 2015

Morning Blues

I don't feel well
I look like Hell
I'm groggy and weak
Is it more sleep I seek?

I'm dazed and confused
Body and mind abused
There's an ache in my back
Was it too much Jack?

My ticker is thumping
Though not from humping
Throat tight and mouth dry
Should I curl up and die?

A bullet! That's it!
Or a good stiff shit
My work can wait
For five minutes hate.

My world is distressed
Mr. Coffee's possessed
Two eggs I just poached
On advice from the coach.

But corks I must buy
So soon I will fly
The wine must be bottled
Alas! No time to be coddled!

The vitamins I take
Don't abate the ache
I'm seeking relief
Oh stop it! Good grief!

With profound apologizes to Dr. Seuss.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Riots? Or Uprising?

We Gone Burn It Down!
Those lovable, nappy-headed rascals are at it again.  They're so adorable to watch, with all that burning, looting, rioting, destruction and cop baiting.  Just like spoiled, coddled little kids turned loose on a playground.  And those slogans!  Hands up! Don't shoot! Black lives matter!  Madison avenue would be proud!  Their pouty, selfish message must be working because they've created awareness in Ferguson, New York and now Baltimore.  With nods of approval from the Kenyan and his brand new Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and supported by Baltimore's Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who publicly gave the kids permission to destroy with abandon, those petulant adolescents did just that.  The police were told to stand down and let the kids have their fun.  They'll get tired eventually and meander back to the plantation, we're told, and then the adults can go in and clean up the mess.  As they always do.  Now, emboldened by the adults' response of  "standing down" in the face of the kids' destructive temper tantrums, some of the bigger kids are now joining in.  Yep, the Bloods and the Crips and even the Black Guerrilla Family have made a pact to join together to target police across the nation.  What fun!  Now we can watch the kids play unsupervised in cities all across the fruited plain!

Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Armored Vehicle
And maybe the cops will get a chance to use all that cool new surplus military hardware they've been given. After all, they need a reason, right?  Here's the chance!  Blacks and Latinos armed with - what? - AK47s, maybe an AR15 or two, a couple of Beretta 92Fs and some stolen Glocks?  Not a very heavy arsenal to go up against up-armored vehicles sporting a belt-fed Ma Deuce mounted on top.  It should be fun to watch, though, and when the Band of Thugs scatter, mop-up can be conducted by regular armed citizens who are tired of the kids' boisterous antics, despite all the fawning and protection by the leaderless leadership currently in power.  Quietly, armed citizens in every state are cleaning, oiling and sighting in their weapons.  You know, just in case the fun gets a little out of hand.