Monday, February 28, 2022

Who's Side Are You On ?

When all of leftdom is crying for support of Ukraine in its defense against Russia, one can assume there's more to the story than merely a little country being invaded by a more powerful one. It's time to seek the "why" behind the "why." 
Putin's motivations in this matter are obviously numerous and complex.  First and foremost is undoubtedly his ambition to regain Mother Russia's global influence as it was in the later part of the nineteenth century.  In those days, under Tsar Nikolay Aleksandrovich Romanov, aka Nicholas II, Russia was massive; she encompassed most of eastern Europe from the Black Sea to the Bering Sea, and her power and influence was vast, as neither China nor the United States had any global influence at that time.  Tsar Nickolas II would have undoubtedly continued his ambitions eastward to Japan, China and Korea, had the Bolshevik communists not taken over the government in 1917, and slaughtered the Romanov family.


Most of us in the West today only think of Russia in terms of the USSR, but my take is that Putin does not.  To him, what was formerly classic Mother Russia must be made whole, and that means at the very least the re-acquisition of Crimea, which he annexed in 2104, Ukraine, which he invaded in 2022, and most likely Belarus, which he may acquire if he's even marginally successful in Kiev.  That's the nationalistic reason.  But there are economic reasons for his foray as well.  Eastern  Ukraine has vast coal resources, and Putin puts no stock in silly and feel-good "green" energy production as do the "woke" imbeciles in the West.  Further, the most logical and effective routes for his oil and gas pipelines to energy hungry Europe go right through the middle of Ukraine. And lastly, these annexations of Crimea and Ukraine coupled with Belarus - already a Russian puppet state -  allows Russia's western strategic control right up to Poland, and thus creates a significant buffer zone between Russia and NATO members.  Having NATO on Russian borders is a serious concern of Putin's; to him, that's a valid security threat.  So we can readily see that there is apparently a plan to "Make Russia Great and Secure Again" emanating from Moscow. Putin is simply a nationalist, rather than a crazed despot conspiring to make war and take over eastern Europe.  

So why do the Globalists, the American left and the ever-compliant media have hysterical psychotic episodes over Putin's Progress?  Maybe it's because if he wins, the depth and breadth of the Biden family's corruption will be laid bare.  Or perhaps it's because Ukraine's top-down corruption will expose that nation's role as the world's premier money laundering location.  Perhaps it's because Ukraine is fractionalized and completely non-unified so puppet governments are easy to install.  After all, there are some 349 political parties in Ukraine, ranging from Nazis to Nationalists to Orthodox Christians to Muslims.  Maybe if the left here at home can whip up enough public anti-Russian animus, a new US-involved fighting war can be had, and the globalists and the military-industrial complex can have another fat payday.  Maybe that's why the globalists want to continue to stir the corruption stew to further their own ends.  That most assuredly is the case.  

And that's why all the narratives you see are casting Ukraine as the underdog - which it surely is - and Russia the aggressive bully - which may or may not be the case - is a fabrication.  Why do the globalists fear Putin's control of Ukraine? What dog do they have in that fight?

This may explain Putin's adventurism; then again it may not.  But it makes sense for us to question why the globalist cabal seeks victory for Ukraine.  Why are we being manipulated into "taking sides" on this conflict?  
I don't know either, but I bet it's not for the benefit of the Ukrainians. 

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