Thursday, November 04, 2021

Tyrannis Mortem, Omnes Occidite

Tyrannis mortem, omnes occidite: Death to tyrants, kill them all.  That's what we're beginning to see now, especially after Tuesday's elections.  Not literally of course, at least not yet, but the American electorate has seen the enemy, and they are voting them out of office.  That enemy is tyranny, however it may manifest itself.  Here are some examples arising from Tuesday's elections.

The Virginia gubernatorial race was all about parents taking back power over their kids' education after hearing McAuliffe tell them that they as parents have no right to determine their kids' educational curriculum, and in response to Attorney General Merrick Garland's labeling those same parents as "domestic terrorists" and asking the FBI to investigate them as such.  That would piss me off, and I would beat feet to the polling booth to ensure that that kind of tyranny would be emasculated.  In Virginia, they were and they did.  Not only did Glenn Youngkin defeat Terry Mculiffe for Governor, but a naturalized black Jamaican woman, Winsome Sears, won handily the race for Lieutenant Governor.  Virginians also elected a Republican for both of the offices of Attorney General and Sate House. 

In New Jersey a self-proclaimed blue collar truck driver with no prior political experience, Edward Durr, won the senate race against a long serving democrat incumbent. And that was in New Jersey, a long time democrat stronghold.  However, Democrat Phil Murphy and Republican Jack Ciattarelli are locked in an unexpectedly close race for New Jersey governor.  Voters still are expecting a razor thin Murphy victory, but indications of democrat vote tampering are already coming in.

In Rochester, New Hampshire voters elected a new mayor, Paul Callaghan, a lieutenant with the Strafford County sheriff’s office who formerly served in the Rochester Police Department.  No previous political experience, and a cop, as well.

Ilhan Omar will not be happy. The Democrat U.S. House of Representatives from Minnesota, who pushed for abolishing police got bad news as Minneapolis voters rejected proposal to replace the city’s police department.  Law and order wins, chaos loses.

Even in Idaho, a radical anti-white leftist loses a Nampa school board seat to a Christian mom, Tracey Pearson,  fed up with the never ending negativity of "woke" racists.  Once again the winner by a 2-to-1 margin, has no prior political experience.

We've been shown, up close and very personal, what tyranny looks like.  It started long ago, but was amplified with the deceit of the Kenyan's regime, and continues now with the illegitimate Biden-Harris administration.  Unconstitutional diktats like lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, radical repressive cultural edicts demanding gender-bending identities, enforced "woke" nomenclature, and even the Attorney General labeling concerned parents domestic terrorists are simply tyrannical strong arm tactics meant to intimidate people and suppress liberty.  But this will not stand.

The rise of citizen representatives and the return of self government began with Donald Trump, and seems to be spreading, killing - or at least de-powering - the tyrants.  And that's as it should be; it's how the founders envisioned a self  governing representative republic.

As for me, I'd omnes occidite.  Just to be sure.

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