Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Co-Vid-19 Never Killed Anyone

The hysteria continues.  Science contradicts the hysteria.  Does it matter?  Well, yes it does matter to thoughtful folks who can actually think.  But no, it doesn't matter to the poor brain-dead sheep who consume the daily kool-aid the mainstream media serves. 

Yet another doctor-written article has come out that utterly destroys everything you thought you knew about this so-called pandemic.  At least, what the agenda-driven fake media has told you about it.  And that is what your humble narrator has been saying for months: CoVid-19 never killed anybody.   

Yep, go ahead and roll your eyes and click off this page if that's your choice.  After all, that's blasphemy!  Call me a heretic!  Oh, yes, I am all that and more!  But wait.  From Ted Noel, MD, a retired physician who is trained in Critical Care Medicine, and who writes extensively on medical and political issues, I quote:

The US is treating the Wuhan Flu as if it is a single disease that has killed so many people that it will kill the rest of us if we open up. Because we are allegedly having a massive spike in new cases, we have to reverse actions to open up our society. At the very least, we have to put masks on everyone.

In other places I’ve discussed how masks do no good and can actually cause harm. Others have discussed how the actual data on mortality and case count are vastly inflated. But this completely misses a couple of very important points. First, COVID-19 doesn’t kill people.

There. I’ve gone and said it again. There’s a very important reason for this conclusion. If all you get is the Wuhan Flu, you may get a bit sick, but you won’t even need to go to the hospital. You’ll get over it. That’s because you don’t get a “Cytokine Storm.”

But we can't have science and truth interfering with our perfectly executed global planned epidemic, so you won't see this or any other refutations of this CoVid-19 nonsense - or should I say, planned and executed effort to overthrow all national governments by a totalitarian global cabal of billionaire elitists - anywhere in the MSM. 

In layman's terms, a cytokine storm occurs when one's immune system is so fully engaged that it attempts to defeat the invading pathogen at the expense of the host organ.  Educate yourself about this and other corona viruses. Don't accept the MSM's lies at face value.  Follow the links Dr. Noel cites in his article.  Learn what science really says about Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) viruses. Unplug from the mainstream media who carry water for the Marxists as well as those greedy billionaires behind Big Pharma. They're lying to you.

The reality of this flu foolishness is that the Faucis and Birxs and Gates of the world are implementing creeping totalitarianism by demanding we wear masks all the time, or stay six feet apart or whatever.  And guess what?  We, the idiots that we are, are doing it!  We of the "just keep me safe" mentality.  I quote from my own post last month:
What to do?

First, unplug from the dominate Marxist democrat media complex.  You simply do not need Facebook, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS or especially PBS.  There are dozens of online news services that scan news sources all over the world and present straight up, unfiltered real news.

Second, do not succumb to every stupid edict coming from the petty tyrants who think they can control your every thought and act.  Here in Hillsborough County Florida, for example, an edict was declared requiring mask wearing in all indoor businesses throughout the entire county.  It's a second degree misdemeanor: 60 days in jail and/or a $500 fine for not wearing a mask.  Free will?  Free Choice?  Freedom of association?  Not in Hillsborough County.  So simply ignore it.  Shop in an adjacent county.  There's less of a threat from bat flu than there is from the common cold, and that's been studied and documented endlessly.  But we destroyed a vibrant economy and millions of peoples' lives and businesses to worship at the feet of the fascists who fostered this hoax upon us, and who continue to do so today.

Third, it's time we stopped enabling these dictatorial stupid and ignorant petty tyrants with their petty ordinances that they force upon us.  What the hell:  they've rid us of our police, so who's going to enforce failure to wear an idiotic mask?  An army of Karens?

And lastly, stand up.  Be American.  Simply say, "I will not comply."  And mean it.
Reread that last paragraph:  Be American.  Simply say, "I will not comply." 

And mean it.

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