Tuesday, October 09, 2018

The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday

Ever heard that one?  It's one of the favorite motivational sayings of US Navy SEALs.  What it basically means is every day you need to work harder than the last. But when you work hard every day and see what you’re now capable of, yesterday seems easy.  And that's what is facing the nation now as the vicious and unhinged Marxist left continues their assault on America.  And tomorrow, it's only going to get worse.

One might think that with the catastrophic failure of their attempt to torpedo the Kavanaugh confirmation, the crazies would drop back and reevaluate their methods.  Learn from their defeat.  Acknowledge that most Americans - yes, most Americans - are thoroughly appalled and disgusted with the antics of Diane Frankenstein, Maxine Mad Max Waters, Chuck U Schumer and Cory Spartacus Booker and others.  Real people aren't impressed with immature power hungry bullies bashing decent folks, and after-action polls indicate this.  In fact, this kind of behavior repels them.
But do the Marxists recognize the results of their treachery?  No.  In fact, they've now doubled down, pouting and whining as they promise their mouth-breathing base that they will impeach President Trump, then impeach Justice Kavanaugh.  Right after they retake the House of Representatives, that is.  Remember that Blue Wave we were promised?  They believe it, and they're counting on it.  And when it doesn't happen - and it won't - they're be even more incensed.  How dare the rubes in fly-over country deny us the power that is our birthright? 

But worse that that, I fear that the insane Marxists have reached the level of out-and-out physical violence.  It's already started.  Mobs of loud, violent leftists attacking and assaulting conservatives just going about their business.  Riding in elevators, going out to dinner, playing baseball, mowing the lawn.  They  get attacked just because they're not crazy Marxists.  Wait till somebody gets shot.  Oh, wait.  GOP House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot and critically injured and several others hurt.  That shooter cased the ball field beforehand, and fired over seventy rounds at the Republicans.  It was a planned attack, and after a year and a half has passed, Scalise is still healing from his wounds.

We can expect more of the same as the "leaders" of the Communist rebellion continue to call for violence against Republicans.  Expect more of the same as billionaires like George Soros and Tom Steyer continue to pump millions of dollars into mob violence from Anti-fa and Black Lives Matter.  And these seditious bastards continue to fund their rebellion without retribution.  There is no consequence.  Yet.

But perhaps one benefit of the Kavanaugh circus was to act as a wake up call for the every day, hard working, taxes paying, God fearing American. The left wants to destroy that guy, and perhaps Americans have finally seen that truth.  These Marxists will never stop.  They will continue with their campaign of personal destruction and physical assault.  Like radical Islam, they are literally at war with us.  We better wise up and acknowledge that.  And govern ourselves accordingly.

So yesterday was the only easy day.  And tomorrow it's only gonna get worse.

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