Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Paul Ryan Just Doesn't Get It

They just don't seem to get it.  Last November Americans overwhelmingly elected Donald Trump to implement his mandate.  The salient planks in that mandate included:
1.   Build a border wall to stop illegal aliens from entering the US illegally
2.   Repeal in its entirety the disastrous takeover of health care known as ObamaCare
3.   Stop enemies from entering the country, specifically Muslim jihadists
4.   Lower taxes on the American people and their businesses
5.   Extract the United States from unfavorable international trade deals
6.   Repeal cumbersome and intrusive government regulations on business and citizens
7.   Create job enhancing policies via the repeal of government intrusions above 

Obamacare Repeal and Replace House AP
Yuk it up.  The joke's on you.
So what does Paul Ryan do?  Does he follow the lead of his president and the will of the American people?  Does he put forth the same bill repealing ObamaCare the GOP sent to Obama time after time?  Nope.  He drafts a new bill - ObamaCare 2.0 - that is merely a watering down of the existing unconstitutional onerous law now in effect.  So what are we to think?  He's so tone deaf and doesn't understand that people want this monster gone in its totality?  He's so incompetent that he can't draft a bill that's a new approach to people's concerns about their most private health issues?  Or that he's just sending the people a giant fuck you, I'm gonna do what I want so as to not insult my donors, the Kenyan and the far left democrats?

I'm inclined to buy into the last explanation.  Lord Acton said many years ago, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."  And corrupt is undoubtedly what this moron Paul Ryan and his comrades such as McCain, Graham, and all the other Never-Trumpers have become.  Damn the people, we want to keep our power, our perks, and our control over all y'all.

So we sit and watch.  And I guarantee you we the people are watching the insurrection very carefully.  We're taking notes.  Mr, Trump, don't cave.  We're still here behind you.  And if the RINOs sabotage your mandate above - the people's will - there will be hell to pay.

And be advised.  It won't be paid at the voting booth.

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