Monday, October 10, 2016

It's Just How Guys Talk

Image result for male versus femaleYawn.  So what.  I'm so bored with all the hype being generated around the so-called scandal about what crude thing Donald Trump may have said a decade ago.  It was a crude remark to be sure, but it was nothing more of a scandal than any male in the world has said, or will say in the future.  It's just an example of how guys talk to each other, and has nothing whatever to do with politically correct feminism.  Let's see if there may be other notable hot mic quotes from high ranking, educated and sophisticated males in the political arena to determine if DJT's comments is any big deal.

Barack Hussein Obama, from his own book Dreams of My Father:
“Gotta Have Them Ribs and Pussy”

Lyndon Baines Johnson, on Air Force One:
“I’ll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years”

William Jefferson (Bill) Clinton to Ted Kennedy, referring to Barack Hussein Obama:
"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee."  

William Jefferson (Bill) Clinton, to Gennifer Flowers:
"Hell, Hillary's eaten more pussy than I have."

William Jefferson (Bill) Clinton, to Juanita Broaddrick:
"You better put some ice on that."

Colin Powell:
"Bill's still dicking bimbos in Chappaqua." 

Fredrick Nietzche (sure to make feminists howl with rage if applied to HRC)"
“When a woman turns to scholarship there is usually something wrong with her sexual apparatus”
Gore Vidal:
"I really don’t give a fuck. Look, am I going to sit and weep every time a young hooker feels as though she’s been taken advantage of?"

Norman Mailer:
"A little bit of rape is good for a man’s soul."

Charles Bukowski:
"Don’t wait for the good woman. She doesn’t exist. The female loves to play man against man, and if she is in a position to do it there is not one who will not resist. The male, for all his bravado and exploration, is the loyal one, the one who generally feels love. The female is skilled at betrayal. and torture and damnation. Never envy a man his lady. Behind it all lays a living hell." 

Mae West:
"A hard man is good to find."  (Yeah, chicks can be rough and talk sex, too.)

Anthony Wiener:
Well, that was a photo from his alter ego, Carlos Danger, rather than a quote, actually.  But a picture can speak a thousand words. 

That's just a few.  Look, guys on all sides of the political spectrum talk rough.  They talk sexist.  All of them.  Every one.  Including the castrati hacks who gasp and clutch their pearls at the very notion of rough sex talk.  They lie.  They talk shit, too.  So everyone should just get over it and consider where our now pussified country and society is headed.  

The alpha male should be admired and lauded, not diminished as a mere anachronism left over from a feminist misandrist food fest.  These quotes above show that the male spirit is alive and well, and hot mic or not, will always be the dominant spirit.  It's just who we are as men; it's not a scandal.

And we're rough and talk sex.

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