Wednesday, June 08, 2016

The Silent Lie

Image result for political correctness slang
 . .  And Proud To Be!
Readers of this blog know that I have have always considered political correctness - the silent lie we all must endure - to be nothing more than blatant censorship.  Here's why:  if someone tells you not to use a certain word or phase simply because it may offend someone, that's censorship.  And when those censored words or phrases coagulate into an idea, that idea is thereby also censored.  That's serious censorship.  So, censorship forces one to re evaluate the words or phraseology one uses, simply to avoid being censored.  The problem is that, in a civil discourse, very little speech is so incendiary that mature adults must be protected from whatever offense may occur, however slight or unintended.  This is a very powerful weapon used by the left to control the discourse, and by extension, the meaning and intent of ideas.

Image result for political correctness slang
Over Educated, Intellectually Challenged
Let's say I use the word "nigger."   I would immediately be labeled a "racist" even if the utterance was without content, simply because that word is at the top of the list of "offensive" words.  And why is that?  Because someone was offended by its use.  The word is merely a variation of the word Negro, which identifies a race of human beings.  It came about because it's easier to pronounce than Negro, primarily because of the oral construction of consonants and vowels in the English language.  Nothing demeaning about it at all, save for the artificially manufactured offensiveness attributed to it.  One may note that Negros use that very word with each other, with no offense given or taken.  Another variation of Negro is "nigga," which has been recently used in public by a Negro comedian in reference to our very own Dear Leader.  Yet no offense was given or taken by either party, and the matter shrugged off.  So we can see that both variations are merely words, and in of themselves contain no malice.  But they're essentially banned from use by our betters in the political class, rendering any use by Caucasians including use by Mark Twain verboten.  Yet terms like whites, whitey, crackas, gringos, redneck, trailer/white trash, Cletus, yokel, privileged, pink, or other "offensive" derivatives can be use with impunity.  How revealing. The irony of political correctness is that a value judgment - a thing abhorrent to the radical left- must be made as to its application.  In this case the Negro race is judged to be somehow inferior to the Caucasian race and therefore, since leftists have the solution for every problem, must be protected from offense, real or imagined.  And that protection is the manifestation of banning certain words or phrases - or any attributes that may accompany -  that could apply to that race.  

Report: Media Give Gorilla Death 6 Times More Coverage Than ISIS Beheadings of Christians
Muslims Beheading Christians
Once the general populace becomes accustomed to having its language modified for the benefit of some, to the detriment of others, it's easy to  control ideas and opinions across the board.  We can't call illegal aliens invaders; they're undocumented workers.  Convicted felons are now simply judicially challenged.  That's a much softer a description of law breakers, isn't it?  And the Muslim terrorists by whatever brand they may operated under - IS/ISIS/ISIL, Al Qaeda,, Hammas, Boko-Haram, Taliban, CAIR, Muslim Brotherhood, et al - aren't terrorists at all. Nope, they're refugees, or asylum seekers, or migrants or civilian combatants. Describing these savages and their abhorrent actions in softer terms makes it easier to sell the small print:  Islam is a religion of peace, when it is neither a religion nor peaceful. 

I believe most Americans clearly recognize political correctness for what it is: Orwellian Newspeak  Thought Control.  Yet somehow there's been no grass roots resistance to it, as the media, political leaders and teachers perpetuate the fraud on a continuing daily basis.  Yet.  It's about the silent lie; to distort the actual meaning in the world for the benefit of radical leftist political thought.  The popularity - and terror to some - of Donald Trump's appeal is that he not only eschews political correctness, but mocks it as well.  The American electorate loves that, but the entrenched power elite find it a threat.  

And that speaks volumes about the silent lie and the real purpose for its intended use.

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