Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Quickening Pace it just me, or is there really an acceleration in violations of the Bill of Rights?  I especially sense an ever tightening choke hold on free speech, and it seems to be pervasive across the board.  In a nation with a tradition that honors and respects a civilized discussion and debate of ideas, both political and contentious, it seems now we cannot bear to hear a viewpoint dissenting from our own anymore. The political left, as always, is entirely responsible for this silenciamiento de las ideas, as otherwise they cannot prevail in the open and free arena of ideas.  They must employ censorship and tyranny to silence their opponents, as they have always done.  We call it political correctness, but Lenin, Mao, and countless others leading up to present day Main Stream Media and the White House, have employed this technique, and truth is the ultimate victim.  Even FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai thinks so.  Consider:

I wrote here earlier this month about the insidious limitations on free speech on college campuses.  Speech contrary to the statist indoctrination is "offensive" and therefore must be quelled.  Safe spaces are required to shield students from ideas that conflict with the established leftist narrative.

Just last week the greatest voice for Constitutional originalism was snuffed out.  With deference to his family in their request to accept the stated cause, make no mistake, hardly anyone of any political persuasion believes Justice Antonin Scalia simply died.  He was murdered -  possibly indirectly assassinated - most likely by those with whom he so adamantly disagreed. Simply because he did not fall in line with the leftist anti-constitution narrative.

Last month another good and righteous man was murdered by authorities, simply because he stood up to the cancerous growth of government tyranny.  The leftist media already has described him as a domestic terrorist, although the only terror that occurred was in the closed minds of government officials.

Image result for images social media
Tweet Me Not, Songbird
Social media has abandoned all pretense of fair and open conversation, as Google, Twitter and Facebook censor opinions of conservatives, arbitrarily delete what they consider "hate speech", all the  while pushing the left's drumbeat of political correct narrative.  They worship at the alter of the All Seeing, All Knowing, All Powerful Supreme Government, and folks who aren't drinking the leftist kool aid should well reconsider where they invest their money - and their opinions.  

There are many well funded groups whose mission is to silence free speech by using the insidious moniker "hate speech."  It's well named, because it's clear that these groups do indeed hate speech, especially free speech.  Take for example the notorious Southern Law Poverty Center.  It's mission is to live high on the hog by raising money on behalf of needy people who never see a dime of it, as it shakes down terrified wealthy donors.  They have created a so called "hate map" that supposedly tracks domestic terror groups within the US.  Oddly most of these are white militias or other conservative, white identity or Christian groups - and oh yeah, neo-Confederate groups.  Missing from this collection of hate groups is Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panther Party, ISIS, or designated terror group Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).  But SLPC is out there every day, doing what it can to silence conservative white Christian views.

Light of Truth
Speaking of CAIR, no group is quicker to sue anyone and everyone even remotely suspected of Islamophobia, whatever that is.  It presents itself as a legitimate advocate for Muslims' civil rights, but practices lawfare - the practice of suing someone into oblivion, rather than winning on merit -  in its most diabolical application.  The United Nations and the US Senate both recognize CAIR's close association to radical Muslim terrorist groups, but the United States seems to - out of political correctness, I suppose - continue to pretend that it is an arm's length advocacy.  All the while it continues to silence any criticism of Islam, Muslims or the nefarious sharia law.  As it supports terrorism.

" . . Don't Need That One, Or That One . . "
There have been countless other attempts to quell free speech over the last seven years.  Is censorship and the rewriting of the free speech clause of the First Amendment really taking place?  Emphatically, yes.  Is that eradication of a basic God-given right accelerating?  Under this administration, yes. That's why the death of Justice Scalia was so monumental.  The Kenyan can now stack the Supreme Court with an uber-liberal, leftist regressive who believes the Constitution stands in the way of the government's total management of the country and its people.  Because in fact, that's exactly why the Constitution was written; to ensure that government never was able to override and control the God-given rights of a free people.  As a political entity weighed heavily to the left, that Supreme Court would allow the government to dictate what to think, when to think and how to think.  And when not to think.  And once we were all correctly compliant in our thinking and speech, our means to counter that tyranny - the right to keep and bear arms - will be suddenly rendered moot.  Vanished.

The first three words of the Declaration of Independence are We The People, not we the government.  Yet to the Kenyan and his merry band of tyrants, a leftist court will ensure their stated Hope and Change:   America Vanquished, Mission Accomplished.

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