Molon Labe

But the Kenyan, fresh from yet another golfing vacation in Hawaii, wants to come back to DC and - with nothing more than a pen and a phone - issue another worthless, idiotic edict of which he is so fond. Tail wagging and tongue panting, Attorney General Loretta Lynch will do the Boy Dictator's bidding and attempt to enforce one more anti-Second Amendment executive order that Dear Leader will most certainly issue. This time it will be to curtail private firearm sales between private citizens, euphemistically referred to as the gun show loophole. Constitutional? Hell, no, but who's going to stop him? His fellow travelers in the far, far left Democratic party, along with the super-PAC Democrat press, have already attempted to stifle the First Amendment. So what's the problem with eradicating the Second?
No matter that in Texas, open carry is now law, and many other states are considering similar legislation allowing open carry by concealed weapon permit holders. In the last few years gun stores all over the country are seeing people purchase firearms and ammo in ever increasing numbers. And it's all because people see a heightened need for definitive self defense, both from bad guys, whether imported or domestic, as well as from the federal government. My household, for instance, was one of many that added a few items to its inventory last month.
So, for Second Amendment protectors and patriots, the operative slogan is now Molon Labe (Mo' lon la' ve), the famous utterance by King Leonidas at the battle of Thermopylae, in response to the Persians' demand for the Spartans to surrender their weapons.
Fittingly, the Governor of Texas, when asked about the Kenyan's confiscation intentions, said simply, "Come and take it." Brilliant and articulate.
Let the revolution begin.
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