Monday, December 07, 2015

A Legacy That Will Live In Infamy

nypostcover_islam_640After listening to the Kenyan's speech, or address, or lamentation, or whatever the hell it was, I'm now convinced that he intends to continue to aid and abet ISIS, which he insists on calling ISIL. By doing so, he grants this savage and insane ideology more credibility and power than it actually has.  Peachy.  He refused to call the shooting an act of Islamic terrorism, instead weaseling around the issue by calling it possibly a terrorist act, but more probably merely workplace violence.  He did, however, find time to admonish us to not confer on the poor misunderstood Muslims any more of our misplaced bigotry and discrimination.  Right.  We shouldn't hate them as they are shooting and killing us.  I have a solution for that.  But his denial of the evils of Islam is no surprise, because he, and his administration is packed with Muslim Brotherhood members.  

So while he's telling us that his administration is tracking down and killing bad guys in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan in order to "make Americans safe," he continues to import tens of thousands of ISIS fighters into the US disguised as Syrian refugees.  The problem is that ISIS is a global ideology, rather than a nation-state, and it needs fighting everywhere it shows up, especially within the United States.  All those windows and orphans the Kenyan asserts conservatives are afraid of are actually fighting-aged Muslim jihadists, and they're traveling without women and children.  He also demanded that we reach out to “Muslim communities” to combat terrorists, and that all those good moderate  should help us identify nail the radicals.  Like that will happen.  Even former FBI Counterterrorism Agent John Guandolo said that since 9/11, “we collectively have received nearly zero help from the Muslim Community.”  No kidding.  What a surprise.

Clearly not finished being petulant and condescending while talking down to Americans, the Kenyan then launched into one of his favorite themes:  gun confiscation - er, I mean control.  Lost on the Kenyan is the irony that California has some of the strictest and restrictive guns laws in the nation, and that no gun law - either enacted or proposed - would have stopped this carnage.  You see, Barry, criminals don't obey laws, that's why they're criminals.  No matter.  A defenseless society is a compliant society, in the Kenyan's view.  Taking Christ's advice to "sell your coat and buy a sword," Americans have set new records for each of the last two months for firearm purchases. Let's see, US citizens now need a handgun for everyday carry, and a long gun or a shotgun for home defense.  Got it.  With the Kenyan's importation of ISIS fighters, along with sleepers already here, it's a target rich environment out there.

Picture of the USS Shaw exploding during the Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor. - Picture courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.
USS Shaw Exploding
So the Kenya's Sunday lecture was just more of his same anti-American rhetoric:  Islam is good, and you American fools and your guns are the problem. And even though today is Pearl Harbor Day, not a word was uttered to honor those who have upheld the American culture and way of life, and have vanquished - that means killed - our enemies.  But with this Marxist Muslim, it's no surprise, for he is America's enemy.  

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