Monday, November 02, 2015

The News Media Lies To Us

Not Spoken Here
The movie Truth has been released, with the decaying Robert Redford portraying Dan Rather, all the while struggling to regain the glory of the Watergate days, basking as he did with All The President's Men in which he played Bob Woodward.  All the hippie lefty Hollywood elites like Redford sure would like to see a return to the simpler days of media control, where Rather and Cronkite set not only policy, but the political mood for the nation.  I will never forget seeing Cronkite on the evening news declaring ". . . the war is all but lost . . . " when reporting on our winning the Vietnam struggle.  Traitorous bastard.   Even our ol' pal Mitt Romney piled on last week in an interview with David Axelrod, yet another traitorous bastard, also bemoaning the widespread conservative viewpoint created by all these right wing, patriot internet news portals that just, well, confuse voters with facts.  Tolerant to a fault, the left just can't allow other views to permeate the political landscape, especially as they've held that ground for so long.  

They're NOT Refugees but Millions of Muslim Invaders
ABC, CNN, MSNBC and the other Democrat super-PAC networks flounder in both revenue and viewership, other voices thrive.  Why?  Because they tell the truth about current events.  Want an example?  Just consider the invasion.  What invasion, you ask?  Checkmate!  You proved my point.  In the mainstream media in the US, this invasion is disguised and presented as "amnesty."  It's an act of love, Jeb! reminds us, that we should give citizenship - yes give, not earn citizenship - to those would would cause us harm.  Breitbart, Drudge, Hannity, Limbaugh, and Levin are a few of the voices warning us of the confrontation that surely will ensure from these misguided policies.  We're at war, and the front lines are your neighborhood.  South and Central American drug cartels, hardened violent Latin criminals, Muslim rapist extremists (there's no other kind)  who seek to eradicate Western cultures, especially America's version.  They consider us the Great Satan.  Yet our ruling class elite want them in the US, because they work cheaper than American workers, and if there's a social conflict of cultures leading to chaos, so much the better.  Short sighted?  Destructive?  Of course, and all according to globalist billionaires' plans.  You won't find out the real and painful ramifications of Muslim invasive jihad until you can access the European media.  The US MSM won't report the ungodly results of this cultural influx that Europe is now experiencing fully.  The bleeding heart liberals in those countries now have to face the reality of their blind refusal to face the threat for what it is.  And they're paying the political price.   I've reported on the clear and present danger that Islamification of the West has wrought numerous times in this blog.  But by far the most comprehensive and thorough web portal to get the facts concerning the Muslim jihad is Bare Naked Islam, as it cites news from all over Europe.

Which Way Truth?
So last week during the GOP debate when Ted Cruz challenged the morons posing as journalists, a crack was opened in their facade, in living color and during prime time.  The Ministry of Truth will never bring in all voices - they present only those who espouse their socialist narrative.  It's up to you, the informed voter, to ferret out the real story, and turn off the mainstream lying media.  Start with these pages.  You'll be glad you did, because there are many other Americans out there who think right as do you. 

Now you know the news.  Good Day!

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