Thursday, October 15, 2015

Democrats: No Place For Heroes

Former Virginia Gov. Jim Webb is the recipient of the Navy Cross, the second-highest military decoration for valor. He was awarded the Navy Cross for his service during the Vietnam War. (Image via Twitter @TheFix)
1st Lt. Jim Webb, Viet Nam,  1969
Former Senator Jim Webb of Virginia is a hero.    Yet despite his feet-on-the-ground performance at Tuesday Democrat debate, when he declared the Viet Cong who threw that last grenade was his favorite enemy, CNN declared him a loser in that debate.  A loser?  I rise to take issue with that.  The losers were the two fifth grader communists who tried to best each other on who could be the bigger Marxist.  "Free health care!"  "Free college tuition."  "Punish the rich."  Morons pandering to imbeciles.  While the circus was in town - dedicated to ensuring the Hildebeast's nomination and her absolution of traitorous acts while Secretary of State - poor Jim's time was mostly spent squabbling with debate moderator Anderson Cooper over the amount of time allotted to the different candidates rather than in making an impression that would win over voters.  No kidding.  We can't have any American heroes on our network - it might offend the Muslim crazies, or worse, change people's minds about the insane, suicidal policies of the Regressives.

Senator Jim Webb, astoundingly still a democrat, is a decorated American warrior.  And there ain't too many of them left, especially in Congress.  He was awarded a Purple Heart, a Silver Star and a Navy Cross.  That's more than just fruit salad, folks.  That's a hero.  Here are the details of those awards, according to the official Navy Cross citation:

On 10 July 1969, while participating in a company-sized search and destroy operation deep in hostile territory, First Lieutenant Webb’s platoon discovered a well-camouflaged bunker complex which appeared to be unoccupied. Deploying his men into defensive positions, First Lieutenant Webb was advancing to the first bunker when three enemy soldiers armed with hand grenades jumped out. Reacting instantly, he grabbed the closest man and, brandishing his .45 caliber pistol at the others, apprehended all three of the soldiers. Accompanied by one of his men, he then approached the second bunker and called for the enemy to surrender. When the hostile soldiers failed to answer him and threw a grenade which detonated dangerously close to him, First Lieutenant Webb detonated a claymore mine in the bunker aperture, accounting for two enemy casualties and disclosing the entrance to a tunnel. Despite the smoke and debris from the explosion and the possibility of enemy soldiers hiding in the tunnel, he then conducted a thorough search which yielded several items of equipment and numerous documents containing valuable intelligence data. Continuing the assault, he approached a third bunker and was preparing to fire into it when the enemy threw another grenade. Observing the grenade land dangerously close to his companion, First Lieutenant Webb simultaneously fired his weapon at the enemy, pushed the Marine away from the grenade, and shielded him from the explosion with his own body. Although sustaining painful fragmentation wounds from the explosion, he managed to throw a grenade into the aperture and completely destroy the remaining bunker. By his courage, aggressive leadership, and selfless devotion to duty, First Lieutenant Webb upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the United States Naval Service.

Democratic presidential candidate former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb listens during the CNN Democratic presidential debate Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2015, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/John Locher)
Sen. Jim Webb, CNN Democrat Debate 2015
Senator Webb, I offer you an invitation to join the party of America, the Republican Party, and quit being reviled in and by the party of Regressives.  You have a home here, as you know since you were for a time U. S. Secretary of the Navy during the Reagan administration.  I can assure you that your voice will be heard and you will have a willing audience.  We love heroes - and patriots.

Jim Webb. One tough Marine.  Ooh rah!

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