Thursday, July 16, 2015

Mental Health As A Weapon

America Imagine a World Without Her.jpgOne of my favorite contemporary thinkers is Dinesh D'Souza. D'Souza has always been very candid and outspoken about liberalism, and has identified the American "progressive" left for what is really is, and that is an enemy at home.  The left's determination to transform the values Americans hold dear into merely quaint unsophisticated emotions, and its propensity for appeasement to our enemies, has emboldened America's enemies to ever more aggressive attacks.  His commentary on American exceptionalism was spot on, if perhaps, his position on Islam - at least some years ago - was not.  However, his latest book, America:  Image  A World Without Her put the liberals into such a panic because he offers a passionate and sharply reasoned defense of America, rebutting every lame accusation made by progressives against the U.S.  Well, we certainly can't have that muddying up the scripted national discourse.  So the left does what is always does when faced with positions not of their liking.  They crush opposition.  The political persecution of Dinesh D'Souza has reach its zenith.  Hillary calls it the politics of personal destruction.  Stalin employed it, so did Mao, and now the Kenyan finds it suitable to his ambitions.  

APSo now a federal judge has been found to order psychological counseling for D'Souza, in my view simply because of his political stance. U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman, a Clinton appointee, told D’Souza that he considers his violation of federal campaign finance laws to be evidence of a psychological problem and ordered further counseling, ignoring and overruling the judgment of two licensed psychologists who found D'Souza of sound mind and body. According to prosecutors, D'Souza directed two close associates to contribute $20,000 to a political campaign, and then reimbursed them, a violation of federal election laws.  Never mind the Clinton Foundation's egregious whoring, or the Kenyan's illegal millions from foreigners like Soros and other globalists.  Nope, it's D'Souza who must be punished.  

OK, political retribution happens every day.  I get it.  However, this persecution is noteworthy, not only because D'Souza is high profile and on the political right, but because it's the first time that the DSM-5 manual has been put to a political use.  Mental Health is now a weapon, and can and will be used at the government's whim to ensnare any political dissident.  In fact, any physical illness can be classified as a mental health issue. It's called Somatic Symptom Disorder, and if you're White, a Southerner, a Christian, own a gun, or write in a conservative blog, you can be diagnosed with SSD, and whisked away to a re-education camp - to get your head right, you understand.  

If you think this is merely tin-foil-hat conspiracy theory, just ask Dinesh D'Souza.

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