The news as reported by the Ministry of Truth can be, shall we say, so filtered that it becomes laughable. It's a parody, really of what passes for journalism today. So maybe it's time for political bloggers like me to roll up the sleeves, jump into the trusty combat boots, and arm ourselves for some real reporting - of rumors! To be believable, rumors must be detailed enough to be plausible. Here are some "rumors" that are probably accurate.
A Helmet, John? Really? |
It seems that America, now the neutered compliant global neighbor the Kenyan wants it to be, is doing nothing at all about the
assassination attempt on John Kerry the other day. Oh well, yeah, they did circulate a story about Kerry breaking a leg in a bicycling accident in France. But the actual story is that he was meeting secretly with a top ISIS commander. Secretary Kerry was in Geneva, Switzerland, this past weekend, where he was trying to wrap up the last details of a nuclear agreement with Iran. But he and his entourage left for a secret meeting, supported by a French helicopter regiment, to a French air base where he would meet with
Colonel Gulmurod Khalimov, commander of Tajikistan’s special forces, But the American-trained colonel had defected to ISIS in April. Ironically, Khalimov and his command were trained and funded by Kerry's own state department. As to the gun battle that ensued, Kerry was “gravely wounded.” Details from this point on are lacking, but Col. Khalimov was intimately familiar with US security proceeds and how to breach them. If the lack of American follow up to the Benghazi attack is any indication, this administration will stick to the bike accident story.
Party On, Dude! |
Hillary Clinton, loves to imbibe. I mean our gal Hil really likes to imbibe.
In fact she's a drunk. A stumbling, falling, sloppy drunk. Even the
Kenyan says so. Most in-the-know in Washington know she is a drunk, but her handlers feed the press a blood clot cover story. Ok, a lot of politicians drink heavily. No, really! But Hill takes it to an art form. First, she breaks her arm walking on a flat surface, then she falls and gets a concussion. No wonder she won't testify. No wonder her campaign chugs along - without her. And not
only is she seen swilling everything from beer and wine to hard liquor
all over the world, but she was filmed drunk - staggering carefully up
the stairs on the State Department's plane in Yemen and falling flat on
her face at the top of the stairs. She has been at the bottle for a while now, and she's not above going on a
nationally televised debate in New Hampshire totally smashed. We know she drinks heavily, and as president she'd be an absolute disaster. Hopefully we learned about candidates who lie about their past and who are of low character. And Hillary is reminding us of that fact every day.
Jade Helm 15 Official Logo |
Another rumor floating around is that the recent military exercises in public places is a precursor for martial law. In Flint, Michigan this week, loud explosions started the residents, and the city issued statements trying to prepare residents for the fact that the
US Army would be training there for the next 10 days. However, no specific locations were noted, and the army's spokeswoman was not available for comment. Neat. Many folks all over the nation are convinced that this - along with the infamous Jade Helm campaign - er, exercise - is merely a rehearsal for the imminent martial law that the Kenyan will declare. We reported recently on
Jade Helm here. Many think that a
military coup is well within the scope of this administration's ambitions, and conspiracy theories abound. After all, lawless gun control schemes by this administration have been at the forefront for years. Think
Fast and Furious, and recently the
DOJ imposing new backdoor gun control regulations as just two examples.
Texas is having second thoughts about accepting Jade Helm maneuvers, and will have their National Guard monitor military activities. But most activity will be covert. Interesting. Whatever the truth really is behind this unprecedented military muscle-flexing, people are duly concerned.
News or rumors? To quote Hillary, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" We're still in a world of hurt.
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