Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Axis of Evil: The Enemy Of The People 

Well kids, are we having fun yet?  We should be, because there is no shortage of political insanity upon which to comment.  The illegitimate Biden Reign of Terror, euphemistically known as the Kenyan's Third Term, is kicking out all the stops to "fundamentally transform America," I believe is the appropriate phrase.  And boy, have they been busy!  It's not hard to see the evil and vicious tyranny that has been shoved down our throats by this Axis of Evil in the last short eleven months.  Let's review just a few of these gregarious edicts, shall we?

In our sanity relief moment, we learn that Pelosi "thinks a lot about" what she would do if she ruled the world. In her own words,

“When people ask me, ‘If you ruled the world, what one thing would you do?’ — I think about that a lot,” Pelosi told the crowd. “It would be to prioritize the education of women and girls ... It would make the biggest difference not only in their lives, their families, their communities but to the world.”  

Yeah, that's high on everyone's list of immediate concerns, but the pure unadulterated hubris in that musing tells us much about Nancy's state of mind.  This is the person who runs congress, who fantasies not on how to further the health, happiness and prosperity of the American people, but of her own unbridled lust for power.

Worse, we have the perpetual blanket of lies concerning China's biological weapon we know as Covid-19.   As Rahm Emmanuel once famously advised, "Never let a crisis go to waste." And if one's goal is the complete submission of the entire nation to an unconstitutional and arbitrary mandate, then the so-called Wuhan virus is an excellent way to manufacture such an opportunity.  I have written about this scam numerous times, and now others are joining the chorus.  This from Steve McCann at The American Thinker is succinct and to the point:

"Among the myriad overt lies and exaggerations, the American people were subjected to are the following.

1. Covid-19 is ten times deadlier for the entirety of the American population than seasonal influenza and millions could die. The reality is for 90+% of the population Covid-19 is only marginally more dangerous than seasonal flu. To further panic the public, the fatalities attributed to Covid-19 were deliberately exaggerated by a factor of 10 to 1. 

 2. In order to get the American people to acquiesce to an unprecedented and unnecessary quarantining of the healthy, the citizenry was assured that a two-week shutdown would slow down the virus and defeat it.  In numerous places in the country, they are in week 78. 

3. Joe Biden declared that if a person is vaccinated, he or she will not be infected or die with the virus.  Currently, the majority of those being infected and dying of Covid-19 are vaccinated.  

4. Immunity generated by the vaccine is far better than natural immunity from having previously contracted the virus. In fact, natural immunity provides 13x more immunity to Covid-19 than the vaccines."

The Marxists - and by that I mean the cabal of Deep State operatives, the media and the Democrat party - know that if we actually have free and open elections, their agenda will be impossible to implement or enforce.  They know they have only until the midterms next year to either destroy any semblance of free and open elections, or impose such draconian measures as to essentially nullify any civil rights currently protected by the United States Constitution.  This awareness explains their full throttle, petal-to-the-metal push into full-on communism.  One of the best ways to pretend to have free and open elections is to flood the electorate with new voters.  Illegal alien invaders, in other words.  Bring them in, let them taste American affluence, and advise them to vote democrat.  And they will, every single time.  That is why we now have open borders.  We needn't speculate about this any further, because during the second democratic debate several weeks ago, the desperate Dems laid bare their position on illegals.  They want chaos, and a clash of cultures arising from opening the borders to third world natives is an apt approach to that end.

"According to a 2017 study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform, the annual fiscal burden of illegal immigration is a whopping $116 billion. If we open our borders to millions of illegal immigrants, however, this number will balloon to the point that it overwhelms our entire social safety net.

At the same time, open borders would make it even easier for drug cartels and violent gangs such as MS-13 to terrorize our communities, which are already plagued by rampant violence and a deadly opioid epidemic that has been fueled in large part by drugs trafficked across the southern border.

The Democrats seem to love illegal immigrants more than the American people — but their open-borders agenda would only inflict misery on everyone, citizens and illegal immigrants alike."

Speaking of chaos, what better way to ratchet up tension on a global level than to abandon our mission in Afghanistan?  First, we abandon our own people as well as our allies; we leave them to the tender mercies of the ruthless Taliban. Second, we allow them to "capture" stockpiles of American high technology war-making materiel.  Vehicles, small arms, aircraft - all in working order - are left behind to further arm our enemies, and enable them to sell said weaponry to others who are our enemy.  A billion dollars here, a billion there, who cares?  We can print more.

It's only been less than a year into this administration's illegitimate four-year term and already they have done so much damage to the economy, the culture and even to the psyche of the average American.  Americans have been overwhelmed with a barrage of terrifying mandates, lies, gaslighting and pure propaganda about illness, death and destruction.  And all of it comes from the disastrous policies promulgated  by the Axis of Evil headquartered at 1600 Pennsylvania.

More and more folks are awakening to the lies and deceit coming from this administration.  And as such, they're becoming "unwoke" and are able to see the real danger.  And that is to recognize the true enemy of the people, and exactly who they are.  They have shown us what they want, and have demonstrated what they are willing to do to get it.  Now it's all up to us.  Do we meekly quiver in fear and accept our fate?  Or do we stand up as did our fathers and forefathers, and fight this evil tyranny?

It's all up to us.  It's our move.  Let's go, Brandon!

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

It's All Going As Planned

Charles Hurt — Biden’s War: Image of President in Fetal Position Has Enemies Quaking 

Penitent Joe. That's what this photo attempts to portray; that Joe realizes he's screwed the pooch and is sorry for all his bad decisions.  Joe, having made the worst foreign relations blunder in US history, is sorry for his call.  He armed the Taliban to a degree equal to most Western nations.  That in itself guarantees another 9/11-level attack on US soil.  He left US citizens behind to face certain torture and death at the hands of the religion of peace.  He imported thousands of illiterate Muslims into swing states here at home, just to ensure that the Democrats have enough voters. He abandoned Afghanistan so that the Chinese Communist Party can move in and further their Belt and Road ambitions.  Joe lied, and Americans died.

But that's just how the American people see this fiasco.  In reality, Ol' Joe is a brilliant actor.  He knows that his role is to be the King's jester, the palace clown, and to deflect scrutiny away from those who are really in charge.  And he's done that masterfully.  For those folks actually running things, the goal is the destruction of the American way of life and US influence on world affairs.  That reality is to be brought to a screeching and humiliating end.

And those folks - the Kenyan, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarret, et al - are America's true enemies at war with Americans.  Their proxies however, are three:  The importation to support the rise of the Islamic threat, the tyranny of the Covid-19 hoax, and the blatant rigging of elections throughout the US.  They're in our face.  And they are winning.

So as Joe and his puppet masters arm Islamic terror, they go all out to disarm Americans, and make ammunition prohibitively expensive or banned altogether. A gun without ammo is just a paperweight.

They create a political vacuum in Afghanistan so that the Chinese can suck right in. Afghanistan is an integral piece of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) which is Xi Jinping's 21st century remake of the trade routes of the Silk Road 2,000 years ago. It's China's attempt to spread influence and money throughout Asia, Africa and Europe.

At home, Biden's administration sacrifices national security on the alters of "climate change" and "critical race theory." I guess when the next terror attack comes, we can blame Americans for not being "woke" enough.  

So shed no tears for ol' Joe.  He's got his place in history cemented, and he's done his job for his globalist masters. Well done, Joe.  And when you see the inevitable terrorist aftermath in Afghanistan; the domestic mandates for experimental gene therapy; the door-to-door searches for guns and subversives; and the boundless tyranny exerted by nameless, faceless bureaucrats, well, you will know.

It's all going as planned.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Afghanistan's Fall and Its Silver Lining?

Just when you think it can't get any worse, it does.  Last weekend the Taliban captured Afghanistan's capital city of Kabul, trapping thousands of Americans and others who work there, and essentially completing the takeover of the country.
  Jen Psaki Takes a Week of Vacation as Taliban Seizes Afghanistan 
As the bearded Taliban elders sat around the Prime Minister's office for the requisite victory photo, declaring the occupied provinces to be now known as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, jihadi forces besieged the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, where US Army Chinook helicopters were evacuating Americans from the embassy rooftop.  Just like in Saigon in 1975.  Russian and Chinese embassies stayed open in Kabul, of course.
  Reports: President Ashraf Ghani Flees Afghanistan
Interestingly, the Taliban are Sunni Muslims, and differ significantly with their neighbors to the immediate west, the Shia Muslims of Iran. Whatever bitter fruit the fall of Afghanistan brings us, the silver lining could be these two disparate factions of Islam are now right next door to each other.  Neighbors, if you will.

Back here in the States, the hapless Pretender in Chief takes a nap as Afghanistan falls.  His white house spokesperson, Jan "Circle Back" Psaki is also missing in action - on vacation, we're told.  It seems nobody wants to get near this colossal cluster fuck, a humiliation on an order of magnitude for the United States.   Yet another silver lining in this mess, however, is that this will be the wooden stake  driven through the dead black heart of the Godless Kenyan's Third Term.  Joe and Kamala will take the fall for the team, of course, but everyone knows this is the end for this administration.  Meanwhile, the heroin trade will once again flourish, poppy fields will bloom, and the Taliban will become rich from Westerners who have so much stress in their civilized lives that they must get high.  The cartel mentality reemerges in the region and with it comes the crime and corruption that always accompanies drug production. 
Afghanistan Map And Surrounding CountriesSo now Islam has a forward base of operations from which to strike terror into the Western world, and fat with American payoff money and weapons seized, the Taliban is a formidable foe.  And this fiasco can be laid at the feet of the Never Trump deep state, who screwed this policy pooch just because President Trump had it all under control a year ago.  

This administration, beginning with the Kenyan, has been the most inept and corrupt in United States history.  The entire foreign and domestic policy of this illegitimate crime cadre is based on whimsical - make that psychotic - fantasies, rather than on real life issues. 
Where is the administration's focus?  Well, it's on transgenderism, whatever that is, global climate change, whatever that is, Covid-19 and its Greek-letter variants, whatever they are, and woke-ism and critical race theory, whatever they are.  
But is the focus on China's criminal influence in the US?  Nope.  Well, how about the medical fascism arising from Fauci, Gates, Soros, Big Pharm and other depopulationists?  Nyet.  Maybe it's on the deep state big brother alliance with tech giants and their concerted eradication of American privacy?  Not there either.  The border crisis and the importation of thousands of diseased criminals and welfare seekers?  Nay.

We know where this administration wants to go.  Eliminate white people. Eliminate educated free thinkers.  Import dumbed down compliant sheep. Nullify the curious brains in our kids. Instill group think, while killing rational critical thinking.  It's been done before.

So while the fall of Afghanistan was a disaster, it may have been the thunder that awakens the sleeping American giant to the absurdity and insanity of this administration's domestic policy.
Joe sits alone while America fails.  And the silver lining is that folks now recognize the sham.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Here We Go Again?

Some interesting recent polling data has shown up regarding an issue that most rational Americans thought was ancient history: secession. The poll comes weeks after a recent survey found that a sizable portion of Americans support dissolving the Union. In fact, as we speak, historical landmarks, statues and names of public infrastructure are being removed and erased, especially those having to do with American exploration, independence and even more so, the Confederacy.  The rationale behind this erasing of history is of course the left's new religion of "wokeness" which is essentially the psychotic extension and application of political correctness into and within society.

The result of this - and I'm being polite here - cultural movement has been to divide the country like we haven't seen in a hundred and sixty years.  And, as I have opined in these pages unendingly, that divide is great, and unsolvable. And now a George Washington University poll released this week indicated that both left and right leaning Americans are fed up with the status quo, and are willing to consider supporting at least a partial dissolution of the United States, and at best session of their state from it.

As The Daily Wire reported:

Two in three Republicans in the South and almost half of Democrats in Pacific states want to secede from the Union, according to a new poll.

Conducted in June by YouGov in conjunction with BrightLineWatch, the survey asked participants in each region of the United States: “Would you support or oppose [your state] seceding from the United States to join a new union with [list of states in new union]?”


At 37%, the overall percentage of those who want to dissolve the Union was “arrestingly high,” BrightLineWatch explained. Republicans and independents in the South were most favorable to secession, at 66% and 50% respectively. Of Democrats polled, 47% in the Pacific states said they want to break off. Sizable portions of independents in the Heartland and Mountain states also wanted to form their own country.

Well now. Those are some pretty high numbers and they do not bode well for a peaceful and lawful upcoming midterm election. Further, the poll also indicated that

". . . More than half of Republicans support the potential use of force to preserve traditional American values and nearly half believe a time will come when “patriotic Americans” will have to take the law into their own hands."

So here we are again, right in the middle of 1860.  The current state of affairs is such that some of the folks want even more centralized and powerful central planning by the national government, and others want less, with more power held by the several individual states.

Any armed confrontation, in my view, however Constitutional, noble and patriotic, will result in complete annihilation, as it did before.   The solution at this point is to trust the institutions that manage and contain the national government's power, and remove and replace those who have corrupted them.  We must vote them out.  With extreme prejudice.  Democrat, Republican and Independents all.

Should that effort fail, a reassessment of the situation would be in order.  But in an abundance of caution, I'd stock up on ammunition.

Just in case.

Friday, May 14, 2021

The Cure is Worse

The more the truth spills out, the more we turn a blind eye to it.  Yes, we once rugged, self sufficient Americans have caved in, become complacent, and are willing to not only listen to the lies the government feeds us, but to comply with them as well.  And that, dear readers, is a frightening situation.

A coworker of mine, a gentleman in his sixties, confessed to me that he thinks the country is finished and that there is no turning back from the tyranny reigning down upon us.  Another, an ex-Marine rifleman in his twenties, complained to me that the military insists that it is all about loving one's enemies, not killing him.

The alternative news sources like Liberty Daily, Rantingly, Epoch Times, PJ Media, The Gateway Pundit, and scores of others have been demonetized  - or completely banned - by the tech giants.  But the word continues to get out.  People are starting to realize they've been played.  Lied to.  Even the mainstream media is finally getting it, as they realize now that their ox too,can be gored.

The hammer by which the government pummels us is, of course, this covid virus nonsense. Here's an article from The Federalist written by a prominent epidemiologist who points out the lunacy of covid policy based on three prevailing myths. She points out that, affirming what I have written in these pages, this Wuhan-bat-flu is barely lethal, and only questionably contagious.  The mad scientists who gene spliced this virus together know this, yet the good people of planet Earth had to endue a globally implemented months long series of restrictions and lock downs.  Why?  Its purpose is not to stop the spread of a lame-ass virus but to get us all ready for the new normal - the global reset.  That is, the end of freedom.

Now we learn that the so-called mRNA vaccines themselves can self replicate, and spread from one person to another.  And now we further learn that even vaccinated people are still testing positive for covid.  That in itself seems to negate the case for vaccination, doesn't it?  What if the modified RNA vaccine is modifying the injectee's RNA?  Some reports have indicated that more people have died from the vaccine than from all vaccine deaths combined in this century

Everyone in government, from Biden on down, wants you to get vaccinated. They insist on it. Tucker Carlson comments convincingly on this:

But before you make the appointment: do you know anything about the potential risks? Probably you don’t know much. We all assume the risks are negligible. Vaccines aren’t dangerous. That’s not a guess, we know that pretty conclusively from the official numbers. Every flu season, we give influenza shots to more than 160 million Americans. Every year, a relatively small number of people seem to die after getting those shots. To be precise, in 2019, that number was 203 people. The year before, it was 119. In 2017, a total of 85 people died from the flu shot. 

Every death is tragic, but big picture, we don’t consider those numbers disqualifying. We keep giving flu shots, and very few people complain about it. So the question is how do those numbers compare to the death rate from the coronavirus vaccines now being distributed across the country? That’s worth knowing. 

We checked today. Here’s the answer, which comes from the same set of government numbers that we just listed: Between late December of 2020, and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccines in the United States. Three thousand, three hundred and sixty-two — that’s an average of 30 people every day. So, what does that add up to? By the way, that reporting period ended on April 23. We don’t have numbers past that, we’re not quite up to date. But we can assume that another 360 people have died in the 12 days since. That is a total of 3,722 deaths. Almost four thousand people died after getting the COVID vaccines. The actual number is almost certainly much higher than that — perhaps vastly higher. 

A ten-fold increase in vax deaths?  That's significant.  Could the ultimate goal of this orchestrated pandemic really be global depopulation?  Some say yes, and many others say probably.  Why are they doing this? Since no benign reason is apparent, the use of nonsensical covid policies leading ultimately to vaccine passports - along with the much touted global banking reset - could result in a totalitarianism unlike the world has ever seen. Recall the evil of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Hitler, and mass depopulation remains a logical outcome.  Ask Bill Gates about his vaccine trials in Africa over the last few years.  And he's a major force in this hoax as well.

So the cynicism of my co-workers, who are just regular guys but who can still perceive the situation as it really is, is well founded.  This country and the world is in deep ca-ca, and if we don't remove the blinders - and the mask - and deal with this threat by force of arms if necessary, then the world will be looking at the bleakest future one can imagine.  

And Revelations 20:7 may well be the warning.

Saturday, May 01, 2021

The Buggering Continues

The American people continue to be buggered by the Globalist Deep State - that omnipotent tyrannical government we've manged to let control us - and like any bully, it continues to push us around.  In fact, it has upped its game, tightened its grip, and has kicked out all the stops.

The ever changing mask mandates are a case in point.  I know of no clear thinking person who believes masks are effective in slowing, containing, or preventing  any virus.  But the control fascists want you to wear one continuously anyway, ignoring the fact that breathing in your own CO2 is assuredly not  healthy.  Amazingly, the fear campaign must work, because folks compliantly and dutifully wear the damn things indoors, outdoors, while eating, and even in the shower.  It's pointless, absurd and unhealthy.  Yet the regime's fear campaign is unrelenting.  Deep State, through the CDC and other corrupt political institutions, tells us that some six hundred thousand Americans have died from this Wuhan virus, which may or may not actually exist.  If that were so, you'd literally see bodies stacked in the streets in every major city.  Yet major hospitals were not overrun with flu patients despite the dire predictions to the contrary.  Further, 600,000 is the approximate number of casualties arising from the three-plus years of America's bitterest conflict:  The War Between The States.  The flu can't compete.

How about the wave of treason going on?  John Kerry, never an American patriot in his entire public teat-sucking career, has advised the bomb makers in Iran that Israel was the force behind some of the whippings Iran-backed "insurgents"  took in Syria recently.  That's great John.  Let Iran build a nuke or two.  Why not?  Other countries have nukes.  That seems to be the IQ challenged Heinz heir's rationale.  And what about the invasion on our southern border?  No terrorists, no murders, no diseased persons, no perverts, no rapists are found in that lot, right, Kamel-toe?  Well, actually, she wouldn't know, as she's not been down there to observe.  But Old Joe keeps letting them in, gives them free money, and flies them all over the US to relocate and infect Western civilization with their own brand of amorality.  Kinda like the Kenyan did with all those Muslim "refugees" he relocated all over the US.  Third term, indeed!  Even the idiot Eric Swalwell was boom-booming his own China doll, who turned out to be a Chinese spy operative. Worse, her name was Fang Fang.  I kid you not.  Pillow talk and a modern day Mata Hari, but we're told no secrets were spilled.  Right.

Treason is bad enough, but let's talk about sedition.  Enter Gate Mouth Mad Maxine.  She's in her mid eighties now, but she gonna march and protest and riot if dey aquit dat white boy cop what done kilt po' George Floyd.  No justice, no peace. Is influencing and intimidating a jury her brand of justice?  Well  yes, apparently it is.  

America's enemy is so entrenched, yet innocuous that it is hard to singularly identify: the Deep State, Marxists, Progressives, Leftists, Antifa, BLM, Globalists, Democrats are all names for the same brand of totalitarian philosophy.  Their goal is the absolute and  total control of every person on the planet.  And as pervasive as this malady is, it still cannot defeat the American in a frontal attack  So it chips away at the traditional foundation of American law and culture as noted above.  It censors free speech, it forbids free assembly and association, it changes the meaning of our language, it denies the right to arms, and it criminalizes critical thinking.  But worse it divides us into ever smaller blocks, categorized in ever tighter terms: white versus non-white, religious versus atheist, birth sex versus transgender, gay versus straight, rich versus poor, Borg versus Freemen, red state versus blue state, thinker versus follower, masked versus non masked, and now vaxed versus not vaxed. 

This campaign of the destruction of America seems to be working.  Traditions like individualism, family unity, rule of law, and sense of community to name just a few that have served humanity well for millennia are turned on their heads.  And it's all happened since the Kenyan infected his brand of "hope and change" upon the culture.  Thousands of years of human tradition have been wrecked in two short decades.  And under informed Americans are giving consent by their compliance and silence.

But history has shown that those tyrants who seek to destroy, to rule, and even to depopulate, notwithstanding the murderous ruination of their reigns, the pendulum eventually swings back the other way.  So there is reason to expect that they will ultimately fail and that civility and order will arise once again from this chaos.  And that this, too, shall pass.

But for now the buggering continues.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Yes, They're Trying To Kill Us

It should be patently obviously to anyone with a still functioning brain that something foul is afoot.  That something's out of sync; or to paraphrase Shakespeare in Hamlet, "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark."  Consider the monumental cultural shifts occurring in just the last few years, not only in the United States, but in other Western countries as well.  Woke-ism, Transgenderism, covid-ism, censor-ism, cancel-ism, and a bunch of other isms, as well.  Why? Why is this onslaught of fear mongering and curltural destruction occurring  right now, and all of a sudden?  And what the hell is the reset all about?

The answer is so huge, so all encompassing, so monumentally existential, that we have trouble wrapping our brains around it.  Yet is is true.  It's there, staring us right in the face.  We are being eliminated.  Exterminated.  It's for our own good, you see. And it's being done through the so called vaccination of a less-than-lethal, lab-created virus, and by the implementation of the follow-on totalitarian network of  health "passports." 

There . You can see how that statement taxes one's incredulity. It seems too conspiratorial, too evil, too massive a task, simply too obscene to even consider it true.  Yet in ignoring it, or not even considering that this answer to the questions posed could even be true, may lead one to remain "dumb unto death."  

Consider the recent interview with Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer's former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry leading new medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with “the most senior research position” in his field, who elaborates on this very topic.  It's rather long, rather scientific, so I've copied the entire article from Life Site News below.  I know readers may not open the link above, so just read the whole thing below.  By the way, Life Site was one of the many conservative voices banned by YouTube and other platforms.

April 7, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer's former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry leading new medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with “the most senior research position” in his field, spoke with LifeSiteNews in a telephone interview. 

He addressed the “demonstrably false” propaganda from governments in response to COVID-19, including the “lie” of dangerous variants, the totalitarian potential for “vaccine passports,” and the strong possibility we are dealing with a “conspiracy” which could lead to something far beyond the carnage experienced in the wars and massacres of the 20th century.

His main points included:

  1. There is “no possibility” current variants of COVID-19 will escape immunity. It is “just a lie.”

  2. Yet, governments around the world are repeating this lie, indicating that we are witnessing not just “convergent opportunism,” but a “conspiracy.” Meanwhile media outlets and Big Tech platforms are committed to the same propaganda and the censorship of the truth.

  3. Pharmaceutical companies have already begun to develop unneeded “top-up” (“booster”) vaccines for the “variants.” The companies are planning to manufacture billions of vials, in addition to the current experimental COVID-19 “vaccine” campaign. 

  4. Regulatory agencies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency, have announced that since these “top-up” vaccines will be so similar to the prior injections which were approved for emergency use authorization, drug companies will not be required to “perform any clinical safety studies.”

  5. Thus, this virtually means that design and implementation of repeated and coerced mRNA vaccines “go from the computer screen of a pharmaceutical company into the arms of hundreds of millions of people, [injecting] some superfluous genetic sequence for which there is absolutely no need or justification.”

  6. Why are they doing this? Since no benign reason is apparent, the use of vaccine passports along with a “banking reset” could issue in a totalitarianism unlike the world has ever seen. Recalling the evil of Stalin, Mao, and Hitler, “mass depopulation” remains a logical outcome.

  7. The fact that this at least could be true means everyone must “fight like crazy to make sure that system never forms.” 

Dr. Yeadon began identifying himself as merely a “boring guy” who went “to work for a big drug company … listening to the main national broadcast and reading the broad sheet newspapers.”

Continuing, he said: “But in the last year I have realized that my government and its advisers are lying in the faces of the British people about everything to do with this coronavirus. Absolutely everything. It’s a fallacy this idea of asymptomatic transmission and that you don’t have symptoms, but you are a source of a virus. That lockdowns work, that masks have a protective value obviously for you or someone else, and that variants are scary things and we even need to close international borders in case some of these nasty foreign variants get in. 

“Or, by the way, on top of the current list of gene-based vaccines that we have miraculously made, there will be some ‘top-up’ vaccines to cope with the immune escape variants. 

“Everything I have told you, every single one of those things is demonstrably false. But our entire national policy is based on these all being broadly right, but they are all wrong.”

‘Conspiracy’ and not just ‘convergent opportunism’

“But what I would like to do is talk about immune escape because I think that’s probably going to be the end game for this whole event, which I think is probably a conspiracy. Last year I thought it was what I called ‘convergent opportunism,’ that is a bunch of different stakeholder groups have managed to pounce on a world in chaos to push us in a particular direction. So it looked like it was kind of linked, but I was prepared to say it was just convergence.”

“I [now] think that’s naïve. There is no question in my mind that very significant powerbrokers around the world have either planned to take advantage of the next pandemic or created the pandemic. One of those two things is true because the reason it must be true is that dozens and dozens of governments are all saying the same lies and doing the same inefficacious things that demonstrably cost lives. 

“And they are talking the same sort of future script which is, ‘We don’t want you to move around because of these pesky varmints, these “variants”’— which I call ‘samiants’ by the way, because they are pretty much the same — but they’re all saying this and they are all saying ‘don’t worry, there will be “top-up” vaccines that will cope with the potential escapees.’ They’re all saying this when it is obviously nonsense.”

Possible end game: vaccine ‘passports’ tied to spending allowances, thorough control

“I think the end game is going to be, ‘everyone receives a vaccine’… Everyone on the planet is going to find themselves persuaded, cajoled, not quite mandated, hemmed-in to take a jab. 

“When they do that every single individual on the planet will have a name, or unique digital ID and a health status flag which will be ‘vaccinated,’ or not … and whoever possesses that, sort of single database, operable centrally, applicable everywhere to control, to provide as it were, a privilege, you can either cross this particular threshold or conduct this particular transaction or not depending on [what] the controllers of that one human population database decide. And I think that’s what this is all about because once you’ve got that, we become playthings and the world can be as the controllers of that database want it. 

“For example, you might find that after a banking reset that you can only spend through using an app that actually feeds off this [database], your ID, your name, [and] your health status flag.”

“And, yes, certainly crossing an international border is the most obvious use for these vaccine passports, as they are called, but I’ve heard talk of them already that they could be necessary for you to get into public spaces, enclosed public spaces. I expect that if they wanted to, you would not be able to leave your house in the future without the appropriate privilege on your app.

“But even if that’s not [the] true [intent of the vaccine campaign], it doesn’t matter, the fact that it could be true means everyone [reading] this should fight like crazy to make sure that [vaccine passport] system never forms.”

“[With such a system], here is an example of what they could make you do, and I think this is what they’re going to make [people] do.

“You could invent a story that is about a virus and its variations, its mutations over time. You could invent the story and make sure you embed it through the captive media, make sure that no one can counter it by censoring alternative sources, then people are now familiar with this idea that this virus mutates, which it does, and that it produces variants, which is true [as well], which could escape your immune system, and that’s a lie

“But, nevertheless, we’re going to tell you it’s true, and then when we tell you that it’s true and we say ‘but we’ve got the cure, here’s a top-up vaccine,’ you’ll get a message, based on this one global, this one ID system: ‘Bing!’ it will come up and say ‘Dr. Yeadon, time for your top-up vaccine. And, by the way,’ it will say ‘your existing immune privileges remain valid for four weeks. But if you don’t get your top-up vaccine in that time, you will unfortunately detrimentally be an “out person,” and you don’t want that, do you?’ So, that’s how it’ll work, and people will just walk up and they’ll get their top-up vaccine.”

Gov’t lies, Big Pharma moves forward, medicine regulators get out of the way, and possible ‘mass-depopulation’

“But I will take you through this, Patrick, because I am qualified to comment. I don’t know what Vanden Bossche is about. There was no possibility at all, based on all of the variants that are in the public domain, 4000 or so of them, none of them are going to escape immunity [i.e. become more dangerous].

“Nevertheless, politicians and health advisers (to loads of governments) are saying that they are. They’re lying. Well, why would you do that? 

“Here’s the other thing, in parallel, pharmaceutical companies have said, several of them, it will be quite easy for us to adjust our gene-based vaccines, and we can hasten them through development, and we can help you. 

“And here’s the real scary part, global medicines regulators like [the U.S. Food and Drug Administration] FDA, the Japanese medicines agency, the European Medicines Agency, have gotten together and announced … since top-up vaccines will be considered so similar to the ones that we have already approved for emergency use authorization, we are not going to require the drug companies to perform any clinical safety studies. 

“So, you’ve got on the one hand, governments and their advisers that are lying to you that variants are different enough from the current virus that, even if you’re immune from natural exposure or vaccination, you’re a risk and you need to come and get this top-up vaccine. So, I think neither of those are true. So why is the drug company making the top-up vaccines? And [with] the regulators having got out of the way — and if Yeadon is right, and I’m sure I am or I wouldn’t be telling you this — you go from the computer screen of a pharmaceutical company into the arms of hundreds of millions of people, some superfluous genetic sequence for which there is absolutely no need or justification

“And if you wanted to introduce a characteristic which could be harmful and could even be lethal, and you can even tune it to say ‘let’s put it in some gene that will cause liver injury over a nine-month period,’ or, cause your kidneys to fail but not until you encounter this kind of organism [that would be quite possible]. Biotechnology provides you with limitless ways, frankly, to injure or kill billions of people

“And since I can’t think of a benign explanation for any of the steps: variants, top-up vaccines, no regulatory studies… it’s not only that I cannot think of a benign explanation, the steps described, and the scenario described, and the necessary sort of resolution to this false problem is going to allow what I just described: unknown, and unnecessary gene sequences injected into the arms of potentially billions of people for no reason. 

“I’m very worried … that pathway will be used for mass depopulation, because I can’t think of any benign explanation.”

‘Absurdly impossible’ variants will escape immunity, ‘just a lie’

“If I can show you that one major thing that governments around the world are telling the people is a lie, you should take my 32 years of experienced opinion that says, most of it, if not all of it, is a lie.”

“The most different variant is only 0.3% different from the original sequence as emailed out of Wuhan in … January 2020. 0.3% [is] the one [variant] that is the most different on the planet so far. And now another way of saying it is, ‘all of the variants are not less than 99.7% identical to each other.’ 

“Now, you might be thinking, ‘hmm, .3%, is that enough [to escape immunity and become more dangerous]?’ The answer is no. Get away, ya know, get out of here … 

“The human immune system is a thing of wonder. What it does is when it faces a new pathogen like this, you’ve got professional cells, they’re called professional antigen-presenting cells —they’re kind of rough tough things that tend not to succumb to viruses. And their job is to grab foreign things in the near environment and tear them limb from limb [inside the cell]. They really cut them up into hundreds of pieces. And then they present these pieces on the surfaces of their cell to other bits of your immune system, and amazingly, because of the variability that God and nature gave you, huge variability to recognize foreign things, and your body ends up using 15 to 20 different specific motifs that it spots about this virus. They’re called epitopes, basically they’re just like little photographs of the details about this virus. That’s what they do. And that is what is called your repertoire, your immune repertoire is like 20 different accurate photographs, close-ups, of different bits of this virus.

“Now, if a tiny piece of the virus changes, like the .3% I’ve just described, if you are reinfected by that variant, your professional cells tear into that virus and cut it into pieces, present them again, and lo and behold, most of the pieces that you have already seen and recognized, are still there in the variants.

“There is absolutely no chance that all of them will fail to be recognized and that is what is required for immune escape, to escape your immunity. It must present to you as a new pathogen. It must be sufficiently different that, when it is cut up by your professional checker cells, it won’t find mostly the same thing it has seen before. And that is just absurdly impossible when you have only varied .3%, so it is 99.7% (similar).

“You can go and check that by looking at papers by a person called Alison Tarke. There is also Shane Crotty, and all of the other co-authors.

“And before them, coming from my theoretical understanding of multi-locus immunity, which is what I just badly tried to describe, to what actually happens … If your [immune system] is presented with something that contains even half of those similar pieces, there is no way your body will say, ‘that’s a new pathogen.’ 

“And, so, the idea that 0.3% could even have a chance of getting around immunity is just a lie. It’s not [even] like an opinion difference. 

“I don’t think 3% would be enough. That’s 10 times more variation than has occurred in 16 months [with this virus]. I don’t even think 30% difference would be enough. So, I’m saying that 100 times more variation than has actually happened, would still leave me putting a big bet on the human immune system not being fooled that these are new pathogens

“I’ve chatted this over with several professors of immunology and they agreed with me, it’s like, ‘why are you asking me this?’

“So, I think that what I’ve just said is that governments and their advisors in multiple countries are lying about variants. That’s a massive thing! You should check it out. Your readers should check it out. If it’s true, don’t you think it’s terrifying?! It was when I realized it. 

“So, they’re lying about variants, and then, of course, since [the variants] are not really different, you do not need a ‘top-up’ vaccine. Now you should be getting the hairs on the back of your neck up, because they are making them right now!” 

“They are making billions of vials of it. And they will be available by the end of the year.

“And I think they’ll require people to first, be on the vaccine passport one-world database, and then it will roll up into the top-ups, and if it takes a bit longer it will take a bit longer. 

“But this is not going away. It won’t go away until enough people, if they ever do, say ‘you’re a bunch of frauds and we are taking our freedoms back, so you can just stop doing this.’ 

“Because one person shouting into the wilderness and all of the other academics looking the other way, will have us just going down this pipe maybe a week later than if I hadn’t said anything, but we’re still going down to hell

“So, that’s why I’m frightened. 

“The variants aren’t different. I call them ‘samiants’… they’re pretty much the same. They’re not different. Therefore, you don’t need a top-up vaccine, so don’t go near any of them.”

‘Why is my government lying to me?’ Because ‘they are going to kill you.’

“[And if you recognize that our governments are involved in a major verifiable lie], don’t just turn your computer off and go to supper. Stop. Look out the window, and think, ‘why is my government lying to me about something so fundamental?’ Because, I think the answer is, they are going to kill you using this method. They’re going to kill you and your family

“The eugenicists have got hold of the levers of power and this is a really artful way of getting you to line-up and receive some unspecified thing that will damage you. I have no idea what it will actually be, but it won’t be a vaccine because you don’t need one. And it won’t kill you on the end of the needle because you would spot that.

“It could be something that will produce normal pathology, it will be at various times between vaccination and the event, it will be plausibly deniable because there will be something else going on in the world at that time, in the context of which your demise, or that of your children will look normal. 

“That’s what I would do if I wanted to get rid of 90 or 95% of the world’s population. And I think that’s what they’re doing.”

“Now I don’t know [for certain] that they’re going to use that [system] to kill you, but I can’t think of a benign reason, and with that power they certainly could harm you, or control you, so you should object [and strenuously oppose it].”

People can’t deal with this level of evil, but Soviets, Hitler, Mao show its possibility

“It’s become absolutely clear to me, even when I talk to intelligent people, friends, acquaintances … and they can tell I’m telling them something important, but they get to the point [where I say] ‘your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death and that of your children,’ and they can’t begin to engage with it. And I think maybe 10% of them understand what I said, and 90% of those blank their understanding of it because it is too difficult. And my concern is, we are going to lose this, because people will not deal with the possibility that anyone is so evil…

“But I remind you of what happened in Russia in the 20th Century, what happened in 1933 to 1945, what happened in, you know, Southeast Asia in some of the most awful times in the post-war era. And, what happened in China with Mao and so on.

“We’ve only got to look back two or three generations. All around us there are people who are as bad as the people doing this. They’re all around us. So, I say to folks, the only thing that really marks this one out, is its scale

“But actually, this is probably less bloody, it’s less personal, isn’t it? The people who are steering this … it’s going to be much easier for them. They don’t have to shoot anyone in the face. They don’t have to beat someone to death with a baseball bat, or freeze them, starve them, make them work until they die. All of those things did happen two or three generations back and our grandparents or great grandparents were either victims of this, or they were actually members of it, or at least they witnessed it from overseas. That’s how close we are.

“And all I’m saying is, some shifts like that are happening again, but now they are using molecular biology.

“And the people going along with it, I think they would probably say, ‘I was only following orders,’ which we have heard before. 

“But I know, because I have talked to lots of people, and some of them have said ‘I don’t want to believe that you are right, so I’m going to just put it away because if it is true, I can’t handle it.’ And I think … all you need to do is find a good reason to tell people, ‘Don’t take the vaccine unless you’re a medical risk of dying from the virus!’ That seems to me a pretty good line!”

Towards a solution – ‘We need God’

“I’m a scientist, and I can tell you, talking to non-scientists, using science as a tool, will not work. It will fail. 

“So, we need philosophers, people who understand logic, religion, something like that, [they have] got to wrestle with this, and start talking in a language people will understand. Because if we leave it with scientists, people like me, even though I’m well-intentioned, I’m a gabbling alien as far as most people in the street are concerned. They won’t believe the government will lie to them, they don’t believe the government would ever do anything that will harm them, but they are [doing such things].”

Finally, in an email correspondence, Dr. Yeadon concluded, “I have latest taken to signing off with ‘May God save us’, because I think we need God now more than at any time since WW2.”

LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here.

So there it is.  Your worst fears confirmed.  I have many friends and acquaintances who have already taken both jabs, and they're convinced they are now immune.  As Dr. Yeadon states above, their deaths will be structured by a modification in their RNA in one way on another, possibly years from now, so attributing their demise to this jab or that will be neigh impossible to prove.  

This is scary stuff, and is far beyond any tyranny the world has ever seen.  Orwell didn't know how right he was.  Mark of the beast, indeed.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

RIP G. Gordon Liddy

An American icon, George Gordon Battle Liddy, AKA G. Gordon Liddy, has passed away at the tender age of 90.  He was an outspoken man's man, and never missed an opportunity to challenge authority and his arch enemy, the political left.

The oligarchy will paint him as a villain for his role in the Watergate scandal that ultimately brought down the Nixon Presidency.  He was all that of course, but he was much more as well.

I, like ten million other Americans in the mid-1990s, never missed his syndicated radio show, which was carried by some 270 stations, and I especially loved his Review and Commentary on the news portion.  His formal education allowed him to formulate observations with a decided self reliant slant to the mostly leftist sanitized reporting.  His views were always straight up, and right to the point.  No wobbly, weak kneed consensus-born commentary here.  It was all over the top testosterone fueled commentary, like when he told gun-toting radio listeners to aim for the head when encountered by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents. “Head shots, head shots,” he stressed, explaining that most agents wear bullet-resistant vests under their jackets. He said later he wasn’t encouraging people to hunt agents, but added that if an agent comes at someone with deadly force, “you should defend yourself and your rights with deadly force.”  

Further, he stuck it to the emerging force of feminazi harpies when he released his infamous "Stacked and Packed" calendar, which featured voluptuous ladies heavily armed.  The perfect man cave addition, and a fitting salute to the WWII pin up girl posters. 

The Washington Post includes this perfect description of Liddy:

With his intense stare, cannonball head, bristling mustache and machine-gun style of speaking, Mr. Liddy looked like the archetypal bad guys he later depicted in television shows including “Miami Vice.” His friend and fellow Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt described him as “a wired, wisecracking extrovert who seemed as if he might be a candidate for decaffeinated coffee.”

Hunt, by the way, is rumored to have made a startling deathbed confession that he was "one of the shooters in Dallas" but that controversy continues to this day, absent any hard evidence coming to light.

Say what you will about the Vietnam era in Washington, the Nixon administration and all that that period in our history revealed, but one thing is certain.  Love him or hate him, they don't make steely men like G. Gordon Liddy anymore.

Damn shame.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

The More Things Change . . .

In 1849, French writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr wrote “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose “, or in English, the more things change, the more they stay the same.  That bit of wisdom and observation was made a hundred and seventy some odd years ago, in a more subtle and perhaps simpler age.  But it is apt, even - well, especially - today.

Politically for example, we are living with a stolen election that put in power a corrupt system that appears to be merely an extension of the Kenyan's Reign of Terror Tour 2008-2016.  It's clear to everyone on the planet that Joe Biden can't manage the job by himself.  And most folks also believe that Camel-toe Harris isn't up to the task either.  That means someone else is at the controls at 1600 Pennsylvania, and that someone is the Divider-in-Chief from a prior administration: the despicable Kenyan himself.  You know, the same guy who publicly wished he could have a third term, so successful and well-loved was his administration.  

But in reality, it was neither well loved nor successful to anyone other than the adoring media groupies, and a few white self hating liberals.  But no matter, with George Soro's  and the ChiCom's uncounted billions, this current clown show oozed its way into the halls of power. And as such, we have the Kenyan's third term for which he wished so passionately.  

Even after the country's welcomed Trump revolution, which redefined populism as a valid self-reliant and Constitutionally grounded movement, we again witness the truth of the old proverb: the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

White Terror Again! Ban Guns!

Oh boy.  Right on cue there's another mass shooting.  This time it's by a white, Trump-supporting Republican NRA member domestic terrorist.  This time the scene is a shopping center in Boulder Colorado, where many privileged white people, including some of my old-friends-and-now-liberals live.  I know this to be true because I saw it on Twitter, and well, because it fits the media's white-domestic-terrorist-threat-needs-immediate-gun-control narrative.

But wait.  There's a problem.  It seems the shooter was a actually a 21 year old mentally disturbed Syrian Muslim (but I'm being redundant), one Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa (Al Issa), who had just days before the massacre purchased Ruger AR-556 pistol and appropriate ammunition.  In Colorado.  Odd.   Nobody I know can find hardy any ammo of any caliber anywhere in the US.  But Al Issa apparently manged to do so.  Oddly enough, this type of weapon - with a shorter barrel than a standard AR-15 - was actually banned in Boulder until March 12 if this year, when a federal judge blocked the ban.  So now we have a recently legalized weapon, available for sale to a crazy white person (Syrians are white, aren't they?), just in time to "create awareness" for the dire need for draconian government imposed gun bans.   And confiscation.   The body count of the ten people, including a police officer, who are now dead is merely cannon fodder for the left's tyrannical push to disarm Americans.

By the way, this photo of the "suspect" being detained in this shot doesn't remotely look like a 21 year old.  And it's not even similar to the other published photographs of Al Issa.  So there will be more fun facts and spin added to this event as the "Biden-Harris" illegitimate administration continues its Soviet style fascist propaganda throughout the media

So here we have another shooting by another Muslim.  Americans are dead.  The Muslim is alive.  And the illegitimate leadership in Washington wants gun control.  Not border control.  Not terrorist control. Not immigration screening control.  None of that. 

This administration wants chaos. And they just might get it.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Whatcha Gonna Do When They Come For You?

The last ten or twelve months in the United States of America has been surreal nightmare.  For a country that was founded on individual independence and sovereignty, it seems today that we have most assuredly lost our way. Think about the limitations in the last year have been placed upon our individual liberties, our freedom of movement and assembly, our ability to do business, and worse yet - our ability to engage in free thought or free speech.  Are you kidding me?  All this tyranny has been eking its way into our daily lives for a couple decades now, but the last year or so has seen the tidal wave of crushing tyranny writ large.  The deep state isn't even subtle about it anymore: witness the military's siege and occupation of Washington, DC as just one example.  And for what?  I'll tell you for what.  Simply to protect the deep state apparatchiks in their paranoid delusions that the "people" will be running in the streets, mad as hell and heavily armed, eager to tar and feather those who have violated their oaths of office, and trampled on the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Well, perhaps they should be terrified of that, because in a sane world that is exactly what We the People should be doing.  But we're not.  And I'd like to know why.  Are we're too busy checking our bank account balances to see when we'll get our next stimulus checks?  If so, dear readers, that is absolutely frigging pathetic.

The global elites - by which I mean the oligarchical multinational cabal that has quite literally taken over the world - have come out of the dark satanic mists in which they dwell, and are now completely fine with letting us know with certainty what their agenda is.  And that agenda is not good.  Not for us, those of us seeped in individual freedom, and not good for the poor serfs who live in other countries who have never tasted individual freedom.  Are we screwed?  Well, we are unless the GenXers and Millennials of this fine blue planet get their head in the game and recognize what's in store for them.  Their grandfathers kicked ass in Europe and Asia two generations ago, and their fathers kicked Muslim ass all over the Middle East last generation.  This domestic-coup-fueled-by-Soros-Open-Society war is their game now, and this two-hundred-plus-year-old marvelous experiment in self governance is theirs to lose.  And the enemy is a hell of lot more serious about victory than is the 20-and-30-somethings of the world.

Where are today's minutemen? The patriots?  The freedom lovers?  Are they too narcissistic to care?  Too wired in, and tuned out to be bothered?  Do they feel this is nothing to them?  Or just too brainwashed to recognize the threat?

They will find out when the jack-booted, brown shirt fascists kick in their door, and haul them off to a re-education camp for crimes committed du jour against the state.  Then they'll know.  But by then of course it will be too late.

So, my young countrymen, whatcha gonna do?

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

So You Think You Know Pain?

So.  You think you know pain?  Maybe you do.  Maybe you know the pain of that nonsensical tyranny of being forced upon you as you're "required" to wear a face diaper for the last year or so.  Or maybe you know the pain of being infected with the ChiCom's latest bio weapon, a lame-ass virus that is highly contagious, but not very fatal to anyone who's not already respirtorily impaired.  Kinda like Legionnaire's Disease Lite.  Being infected with that bug is not painful, but it is certainly an inconvenience, especially when one is "required" to self quarantine for two weeks.

Maybe you know the pain of losing your job because of the tyrannical and nonsensical lockdowns imposed upon businesses by those who consider themselves our betters, and who know what's best for us.  Now that's painful.

Maybe you know the pain that's here now, and more coming ever since Dementia Joe and his fascist handlers stole the 2020 election, and appointed themselves emperor supreme.  That's painful.  Gas is at $2.90 as I write this, and there's a couple hundred thousand illegal gate crashers down on the southern border, all diseased and sexually perverted, just waiting to storm your town and start banging your wives, sisters and daughters.  Mothers, too, as no one is safe from these desperate creatures.

Pain is watching as your countrymen, dumbed down and complacent, dutifully wear their little masks in full and patriotic compliance; watching their government's Ministry of Truth "news" shows spewing the approved propaganda, and believing - yes, actually believing - they know what is going on.  That's painful to watch as most of us know the country's been hijacked, and the once mighty America is now just a joke of a third world country.

Pain is seeing your highly educated and financially savvy friends seeking dual citizenship all over the world, as your once friends and now ex patriots seek to save the fruits of their labors by getting out of the country, the United States of Tyranny.

Pain is seeing Margaret Chao, wife of Surrender Caucus leader Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein and others get fat at the teat of the Chinese Communist Party, and nothing is done about their treason and sedition.  Or of those obvious traitors in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the Pentagon, and elsewhere embedded in the swamp. Pain is watching government corruption go unchecked, unchallenged, and unjustly ignored.

All that is annoying, yes, but I'll tell you about pain. Pain is having your life shattered in a blink of an eye.  Pain is having the love of your live show you the door.  Pain is realizing you gave up your life, your love, your business, and your very fucking soul to someone who has devoured all that you are, psychically sucked you dry and spit out the remaining bone and cartilage.  Discarded you without even a second thought.  Pain is starting over - from the very bottom, and having to claw your way back up to where you once were.  And pain is knowing that you're having to do this after becoming a septuagenarian.  That, dear readers, is pain.

And now you know where ol' Lightfoot Cruise has been for the last five months.  But I'll fight back. For myself, for my home, for my family, for my tribe, and for my culture.  Against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Will you?

Thursday, December 03, 2020


War is a mere continuation of [political] policy by other means, as Karl Von Clausewitz has so brilliantly observed. But there's a refinement to his axiom as well.  There is also Low‐Intensity Conflict (LIC is the Pentagon's preferred acronym), and it refers to a level of hostilities or use of military power that falls short of a full‐scale conventional or general war. It includes peacekeeping, anti-terrorism, assistance to foreign countries for internal defense, fulfillment of international treaty obligations, assistance to foreign law enforcement agencies, and commando operations.  Might we also include high level propaganda operations, and media blackouts in that definition as well?  I think so, too.  So in essence, LIC is any less-than-lethal operation.

And war, dear readers, is the state we find ourselves in today, just four days short of the seventy-ninth anniversary of the Japanese attack on the US naval Base at Pearl Harbor.  This war however, is an internal coup d'etat, and doesn't include an attack by a foreign power, unless, of course, you count Communist China as an agent provocateur.  It's between the globalist "deep state" elite and the constitution of the United States, and the people who love and support it.  So confident is the deep state/democrat/media complex in their coup, that they actual have told us they would steal the 2020 presidential election, and how they would do it.  And true to their word for once, they did exactly that.

But some patriots and concerned attorneys have taken up the gantlet and are fighting back.  Let's review some recent legal actions as reported by The Epoch Times:

This cannot be called a contested election, because it wasn't truly a fair and open election in the first place.  It was a complete theft by fraud, deceit and fabrication. But to Americans all, and no matter who you wanted to win, I say we cannot have one side or the other rigging or cheating in elections of any kind.  If that were to happen - and it may very well already have happened - then we no longer have a republic of, by and for the people.   We have some fake banana authoritarian oligarchy.  See Cuba, Venezuela and Hong Kong for reference.

Is this Low Intensity Conflict, resulting in an attempted coup, treason?  Yes, it is.  Are the players in this coup, politicians, billionaire financiers, and the media pundits all traitors?  Yes, they are.  Are there laws against treason and sedition?  Yes, there are.  Will the people get their country back, and will justice prevail? 

Only time will tell.

Monday, November 09, 2020

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

WTF - Whiskey Tango Foxtrot in phonetic alphabet - is the deal with Dominion Software?  We exposed the issues with this unreliable and wholly manipulative software in the last post, here.  Now we learn that the scandal surrounding Dominion is even bigger - read that as "worse" - than we imagined.  How, you might ask.

Well, Sidney Powell - a high powered attorney who is on Trump's team and who is also General Flynn's attorney - interviewed Maria Bartiromo, an American conservative television personality, anchor, Fox Business network host, and author.  During that exchange, Maria shared the following about Dominion that runs the application used in Michigan where thousands of Trump votes were switched to Joe Biden.  Read more here.

It seems that Nancy Pelosi's longtime Chief of Staff - Terri McCullough - is a key female executive of that company. But it gets even better.  Richard Blum, Senator Diane Feinstein’s husband is also a significant shareholder - to the tune of 60% holding - of this company.  And then it gets even better.  Dominion is also linked to our gal Hil's Clinton Foundation, as well.  But they're completely neutral, as you can see.  Just the fact that the Dominion voting machines flipped votes to Biden in at least two instances in Michigan alone is reason to audit all states where Dominion is used.

Some reports I've seen suggest that Trump knew of all this prior to November 3rd, and set up a sting wherein he could definitively record Dominion's manipulations of voters' electronic ballots.  If he did, it will be explosive. It will destroy the deep state and the hard core left establishment for generations to come.  If not, it's going to fall to the courts to enforce a fair and free election. Only time will tel how all this will end.

But remember this: Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union's communist dictator said, “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”

Think about that.

Sunday, November 08, 2020


The Democrat Party, along with the Mainstream Media, Socialists and Communists, just three days after election day, have called the 2020 presidential race for Joe Biden.  But why are we surprised?  They told us months ago that they planned to steal this election, and true to their word, they did.  Joe himself, in a video posted on Twitter said this:

"We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."

Well now.  How's that for having a deep regard and full respect for the rule of law, or for sanctifying the integrity of the secret ballot?  It isn't.  But in today's political climate, winning is the only thing that matters, and ethics be damned.  And the left thinks it has won.

But wait.  We have incontrovertible evidence that voter fraud did occur - in several states and on a mammoth scale - and the Trump team, known for their street fighter persona, will not take this lying down.  And while the left is running for inauguration, the Trump team is headed for the Supreme Court.

In democrat controlled states and counties we find uncounted military ballots; more voters than adult residents; ditched mail-in ballots by USPS; censorship of all conservative and Republican content on social media; and mysterious carloads of blank ballots delivered in the wee morning hours to the ballot counters.

But that's all just rookie street thug stuff.  It gets worse.  The real voter manipulation crime is the  revelation of a "glitch" in vote processing software.  Yep, Dominion Software is noted for being less than accurate or reliable - in Texas alone for instance, Dominion Voting Systems was turned down three times for certification in state elections for numerous major security issues - and yet it was selected by Democrats for voting management in 30 states, including every single swing state.  That's right: Every. Single. Swing. State. Dominion is now linked to voting irregularities in both Michigan, where it was found to switch 6,000 votes cast for Trump to Biden, and in Georgia, where voters were unable to cast machine ballots for a couple of hours in Morgan and Spalding counties after Dominion's electronic devices crashed.

These are just some of the blatantly fraudulent issues with this election.  These frauds  are well documented too, but are not only ignored by the MSM, but enthusiastically and disingenuously denied.  That's why MSM should be mockingly known as the Ministry of Truth.  Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge echoes my position perfectly on this:

"What I find most disturbing is the impunity with which Democrats are gaming the system. They’re not even trying to cover their tracks. They are 100% certain that there will be no consequences for their actions. They know that the media, which should be a watchdog on behalf of American citizens, is actually an arm of the Democrat party that will do everything necessary to cover for Democrat election crimes."

But put aside the Biden-Trump contest for a moment and look solely at the integrity of national elections.  Did your vote get counted?  How do you know?  Did you vote in person, giving your vote to a machine? Or did you vote by mail, and is your ballot smoldering in a burning dumpster somewhere?  How do you know?  Is this the kind of election we want?  That whoever can cheat the best wins?  And if he wins, he gets all the marbles?  Or do we want to have a fair and safe election, wherein we know our vote is counted fairly, and may the best man win?  A fair and safe election wherein those who cheat are caught, charged with federal crimes and punished, and the sanctity of a ballot filled out in a safe and secure voting booth is upheld?  Yeah, that's want I want too. 

So yes, it is imperative that Donald Trump and his team of lawyers take this issue to the furthest extent of the law.  Not just for him alone, but to reestablish integrity of the one man-one vote idea.  If the country allows this kind of in-your-face cheating, Republicans will never win another election again.  It's that serious.  Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis says this:

"Despite projections by many news organizations Saturday that former Vice President joe Biden has won the presidential election and defeated President Trump, the media don’t have the power to decide the outcome of American elections. Legal challenges by the Trump reelection campaign, where I serve as a legal adviser, are still before the courts and we await judicial rulings on our challenges.  In other words, as the late baseball great Yogi Berra said in 1973, referring to the National League pennant race: “It ain’t over till it’s over.”

And ladies and gentlemen, it definitely ain't over. 

Looking realistically at the returns so far, and taking into consideration that many districts are in contention, it's clear that Trump won - and is continuing to win - the election.  In 2000 Al Gore lost, but was given another month or more to count all the "hanging chads" in contested Florida, you may remember.  Trump's team deserves no less.  The left is thumbing its collective nose at us, and the message is clear:  "We'll do whatever the hell we want, and y'all can just sit down and shut up."   So.  You think there's nothing we can do about this blatant in-your-face corruption?

Think again, commie.  Think again.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

A New Red Flag?

With less than a week before the 2020 presidential election, it seems as though the Democrat party has crashed and burned in this campaign.  Sleepy Joe can barely climb out of his basement to campaign, and when he does, he butchers the talking point narrative.  And that's assuming he even knows where he is and what he's saying.  This week for example, he informed us that he's Kamala's running mate.  Well, he is in a sense, I suppose.  Kamala hasn't been seen too much, and when she is spotted, she's contradicting one issue or another.  Meanwhile, towns and cities continue to burn with the left's useful idiots BLM and Antifa acting out in spoiled brat fashion.  

If the complete lack of a cohesive, comprehensive and identifiable campaign wasn't enough, we now learn of the bombshell revelation of "big guy" Joe's son Hunter's peccadilloes involving China, Ukraine, and other nefarious actors on the world stage.  It seems Hunter and daddy-Joe have been selling United States access for years, and have made quite a stack of cash at it, too.  Hey, self enrichment is what public service is all about, if you're a democrat.

So with Trump rallies all over the US bringing out thousands of supporters, and with ad hoc mini-MAGA rallies on nearly every street corner in the land, the dems must be beside themselves in panic.  But rather than curl up into the fetal position and wet the bed, like they did in 2016, these democrats have taken it to the streets.  Violence, looting,  murder and other means of peaceful protesting is the order of the day, and the dems need something - anything - to get the Hunter Biden corruption story off the front page, even if it's only on the front page of conservative media outlets.  Which it is.

So what to do?  Well, some folks think there may very well be another false flag event coming, a staged tragedy orchestrated to change the focus.  Another assassination attempt on Trump?  Maybe.  A mass murder at a Trump rally?  Possibly.  A fake spike in the fake flu scam?  Could be.  But whatever the satanic left  chooses to disrupt the election, it will fail.  The inertia for draining the swamp with DJT at the helm is too vast to stop now.  Even if he looses the popular vote due to Democrat cheating, as was the case in 2016, the electoral college landslide will keep him office for another 4 years.

And the left, far from admitting defeat again, will pull out all the stops to halt this populous uprising.  So regardless of the outcome of Tuesday's results, we can look forward to four more years of violence, murder, looting, and coup attempts.

And it's all because the left has been exposed for what it really is, and that's tyranny writ large, and now they have to act accordingly.  

Sunday, October 04, 2020

Not A Coincidence

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, it does.  The current situation reminds me of an ancient saying that warns of evil:  "If the demon sees you, he will know you.  If he knows you, he will torment you."

The demon, known to some as the democrat party and their complicit accomplices in the media, have pulled out all the stops, using every trick in their playbook to end this presidency.  And every single crisis or scandal or political attack has failed.  But one particular trick that our gal Hil has always used to her advantage might have been played against the president this week:  Arkancide. 

The talking heads are quick to convince us that Trump catching this lame-ass plannedemic, brought to us by none other than the fascist pretend doctor Little Tony Fauci, is nothing but the karmic consequence for his telling us the truth about the ChiCom-built bio weapon and how utterly ineffective it really is.  So they conspired to use his catching covid to kill the president, or more probably, use his "illness" as an excuse to activate the 25th Amendment.  Nancy is third in line for the Oval Office, keep in mind.  Deep in the bowels of the demon's own political party, we can almost hear the plan being hammered out.  "He criticized our little virus scam, so let's make him die by those words."  And the assassination plot was hatched.

And so, President Trump, First lady Melania Trump,Senior White House adviser Hope Hicks, Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel, Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., former adviser Kellyanne Conway and even former N.J. Gov. Chris Christie all managed to "catch" this virus at exactly the same time.  All of them.  At the same time.  What a coincidence.

But only Republicans caught the virus, no democrats.  Not a single one. Isn't that mighty strange?  Joe Hoft at The Gateway Pundit asks,

With only top Republicans, including the President, contracting the China coronavirus this week, Americans are curious why no Democrats contracted the virus. Now authorities have been able to determine that a recent outbreak started in Cleveland at the site of the Presidential debate.  Now let’s see if authorities can tell us who these people are and how this happened.

Yes, let's see indeed.  Officials for the City of Cleveland said 11 cases of the Wuhan coronavirus could be traced back to the Sept. 29 presidential debate, a result of debate pre-planning and set-up.  Contact tracing is ongoing, and Cleveland officials are trying to identify a single "carrier" who may have been present or involved with the debate setup.  Or perhaps it was the event at the White House rose garden.  All those folks named above were present there as well.  But one event was held in a contained and closed environment, while the other was outside in the open air.  Maybe someone just walked through either area  - or both perhaps - with an aerosol sprayer.  By the way, it's reported that Thom Tillis was dutifully wearing his face mask at the time.

As of this writing it appears President Trump will be released from Walter Reed tomorrow, and if so, this thinly veiled assassination attempt will have failed. But those who planned and executed this treason will walk the streets as free as they always have been.  

And the demon will smile and tell you, "Oh, it's just a coincidence."