Sunday, August 13, 2017

The War on White

With the recent events coming out of Charlottesville, Virginia, the anti-white-male mainstream media is hoping that they finally have the Great White Terrorist Villain that they've sought for such a long time.  A young white male crashes his car into a crowd, killing one and injuring more.  At last we have the home grown American Terrorist!  The problem is that the young man in question may very well be Jewish.  We'll have to wait to find out if that's so.  But for now, the MSM and grandstanding politicians trash the rally-goers, those normal Americans who had the proper permits to exercise their right to free speech and to peaceably assemble.  Of course, the Soros funded "activists," known to law enforcement as Antifa, short for anti-fascist, were there in numbers as well.  Their job, as anti fascists of course, is to physically attack the rally-goers and start a riot.  Which will essentially quell any assembly or free speech by any other philosophy apart from their own Soros funded fascism.  Yes, the irony is completely lost on them. And true to form, the far left and corrupt governor Terry McAuliffe rescinds the permits, effectively placing the rally-goers in violation of the law.  The Antifa black thugs of course, are not, according the the city's black mayor.

Image result for war on whites
The MSM has its narrative locked down.  White Americans, not all of whom are Southerners by the way, are labelled.  It's easier to hate somebody if they are labelled, especially with a passive-aggressive pejorative.  So these white Americans rally-goers are labeled Nazis, white nationalists, or white supremacists by the oh-so-tolerant MSM.  And we all know it's OK to hate Nazis.  Right?  So goes the war on whites.

How did all this divisiveness begin, this war on white men?  Apart from the Kenyan's eight year constant anti-white, anti-Christian policies, it began in earnest over fifty years ago in the primordial, radical cultural swamp of the 1960s.  And, it began, oddly enough, with self hating Jewish women who were too ugly - both inside and out - to attract a male.  Spoiled narcissists, shrill and vocally vicious, these harpies came onto the scene hating men because of their own personality failings.  Well, it can't be my fault, they said.  It must be men's attitudes that make them look away when I approach.  And so the women's "movement", now called feminism, began.  Led by Gloria Steinem and other females who refused to succumb to nature's most basic law of the sexes, this movement first defined and glorified victimization.  Men victimized women, and that must stop.  All within the guise of egalitarianism, of course.  But equality was never the goal.  Female superiority was.  It was time to bring down the cultural patriarchy of white male cultures.     

It worked.  By the early 1970s, laws were passed.  It became a federal crime to "discriminate" on the basis of sex. To discriminate is to victimize.  To victimize is a crime.  Therefore, only white males can be guilty of  discrimination, because you see, well, they're white.  In today's world, this hate for white males is directed toward what is referred to as white privilege.  I kid you not.  Read some feminist insanity on the topic here.

If you opened that link, you will note how the nonsensical feminist manifesto includes blacks and other people "of color" in their little cadre of victims.  So it's not really about feminism at all, then.  It's about anti-white-American-males. And by extension, any cultural achievement or human advancement brought to civilization by the European - that means white -  patriarchal culture.  And that's what they hate.  White males, and the civilization white males have built. 

It has been working so well that over the last fifty years that we've witnessed the death of the traditional nuclear family, a requisite for civilization for thousands of years.  We've witnessed the rise - and unfortunately a partial public acceptance - of infanticide as a function of a woman's "right."  We've watched as the MSM embraces the reanimation of an obscure 7th century death cult and its war on white culture both here and abroad.  We've watched as other disenfranchised and lunatic fringe groups adopt and employ the same victimization tactics:  blacks, Muslims, non-white Hispanics and central Americans, homosexuals, sexually confused individuals.

The agents of destruction are well on their way to the realization of their stated goal:  the end of white patriarchal American culture, and the removal of its existence from history.  Is it any wonder that white America is waking up and recognizing this existential threat?   Those rally-goers in Charlottesville certainly have done.  They are Americans.  White Americans.  And male. They are not the the villains the mainstream far-leftist media claim them to be. They are you and me.  The folks that built this nation and culture.  And as such, they are those who would defend her from all threats, foreign and domestic.  

And to Gloria Steinem, Lena Dunham, Rosie O'Donnell, the once-beautiful Ashley Judd, and all the other shrill and vicious harpies I say:  Be careful what you wish for.  If whites lose this war, you may just end up Muslim.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Sad Case of Charlie Gard

From the descendants of the freedom seeking peoples who overthrew a mighty king and gave us the Manga Carta, to that same fearless spawn who escaped a different tyrannical king and settled upon a new continent to subsequently establish a libertine form of government, to those cowardly authoritarian socialists who inhabit the country today, we can only recoil in horror at the dystopian news coming from the once great English courts.

Image result for Baby Charlie Gard
RIP Charlie, a victim of socialism's war on the innocent
I refer, of course, to the infant Charlie Gard, who was born with a rare disease that the state-run medical community decreed to be hopeless, and was allowed to die despite the fact that his parents had fought a five-month legal battle to keep him alive.  In the end, however, the British nationalized health service decided his life couldn’t be prolonged and that his life support should be turned off.

The argument is not whether the American or Italian teams of specialists who volunteered to intercede could have saved him.  Nor is it the cost of any experimental or otherwise unorthodox treatment that may have been considered; the parents had raised over a million pounds themselves absent any state sponsored funding. Nor is the argument that any treatment may or may not have had any effect on his condition at all.  Those are just hypothetical debates that have no resolution. The argument is simply this.  It is up to the parents alone to decide what is the best course of action for their son.  Period.

But the nationalized, socialized death panels made a decision that should have been left to the parents.  The Death Panel had final say over this boy's life.  It's simply a matter of economics, they explained.  He can't be saved, so why spend the money? Chilling.

But death panels are exactly what we have here in the Land of the Free in Kenyan Care, which is a carbon copy of the "health care" system in the UK.  Its architects have admitted so, despite the spin put out by our state run media.  So if you're old, or suffering from a rare and heretofore untreatable malady, be prepared to die if your fate lies with the government's own Death Panels.

So perhaps this case can be viewed as an indication of we Americans can look forward to under this illegal and ill begotten law that the Kenyan forced upon us.  But even so, as heartbreaking as the evidence clearly is, some lawmakers - who are exempt from Kenyan Care, I hasten to add - couldn't find it in American's best interest to repeal that insidious and hateful law.

And in so doing, widen the gap between the governed and those who represent them.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

It Ain't Easy Bein' Green

Home at last from a Caribbean cruise.  Lotsa fun, lotsa sun!  Oddly enough, after a week or more of me being incommunicado, it seems nothing has changed in the mainstream legacy media. The war upon the people of the United States by the entrenched power elites continues.  And intensifies.

I'm being to think that the only solution left in winning this war is through force of arms.  Radical?  Perhaps.  But the election results of 2016 was a wake up call for the swamp.  The denizens of that putrid place did take notice of the displeasure the voters had with their ruling betters.  The swamp was stunned, and even to this day operates in a fog of disbelief that they could be not only outed, but vilified as well.  But rather than acquiesce to the demand of the electorate, they pushed back even harder, trying to silence the populace and marginalize and nullify Mr. Trump's administration.

Good luck with that.

Back in the 1960s a cultural revolution against the establishment occurred. That movement was hijacked by Jewish radicals, Soviet collaborators, and hippy doper college dropouts, some of whom even created a textbook on how to resist, overcome and defeat established power structures.  Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals - which he dedicated to Lucifer, by the way - became the Bible for those radicals who now fifty years later are the very entrenched establishment that they once reviled.

Today a new cultural force has awaken and taken hold, and it is annoying the elites for several reasons.  First, the ruling class doesn't understand it.  And as such can't label it and therefore cannot defeat it.  Second, the movement has no leaders, so there's no one to destroy.  Third, it's organic. If Jung was right, and many philosophers including this one think he is, it means that this movement is a natural recognition of the current evil in politics.  

Enter the Alt-Right.  

Image result for pepe the frog alt rightWhat's the Alt-Right?  Ask ten people and you'll get ten different answers.  But the general idea is a cultural and political movement that's neither liberal nor conservative, but most probably a blend of the ideas of Libertarians, Socialists and Conservatives who have been left behind.  Educated, disillusioned and disenfranchised, these folks are primarily young white alpha males.  And they love Trump.   I expect that this movement will become the prevailing force in politics over the next generations, much like the leftward slide we've had to endure over the last fifty years.  That socialistic mudslide is what gave us the destruction of the American family, the rise of deviancy in all its forms, and the war on the Caucasian race.   Oh, yeah, and the Kenyan.

So, here's to Pepe, the icon meme of the Alt-Right.  Long may he live.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

What Free Speech?

Image result for free speechDoes anyone you know really believe in free speech?  By that I mean as an applied philosophy, rather than just as an intellectual concept.  I'm not sure I know anyone who does.  Let's consider this for a moment.  The term "free speech" has been bantered about quite a bit recently, and as most terms in the political lexicon, its meaning becomes more ambiguous with each utterance.  It's being defined by different factions in different ways, so how do we know what we're talking about when we debate the concept of "free speech?"

Does free speech include vile, invective or disgusting language?  Or perhaps profane rants and calls for violence?  How about such no-no's as advocating death or annihilation?  Or maybe just biases and hate of one group by another?  Is any of that free speech?  Does free speech in a democratic and free society allow for any or all of those things?  I think it does.  And it should.

The immediate reaction most will have to that pronouncement is that we can't shout "fire!" in a crowded theater.  Why?  The nature of free speech is that one can express oneself fully and completely, and that's an admirable concept.  But there is no provision that someone else be protected from any reaction to that speech whatsoever, including outrage, offense, disgust or even terror.  So it would seem - in the purest sense of the concept - that one has the right to express oneself through the freedom of speech, but others are in no way obligated to listen.  

I would submit that any abridgement of pure and unadulterated free speech is a form of censorship.   Here's why.  The notion that speech - of any kind, but particularity political speech - should be moderated is, to me, utter nonsense.  Who is it who moderates?  What moral authority do moderators have to quell opinions, or even biases and phobias?  Have the moderators no opinions, preferences or biases of their own?  And as such, why do those opinions trump my own?   You can see how easily censorship rears its ugly head at the very instance of speech moderation.  A most notable example is the less-than-subtle censorship in the form of anti-conservative biases prevalent in the mainstream media.

The Internet has changed the way we act as a society in many ways.  Opinions are sent though cyberspace in an instant, and reactions are returned just as fast.  Sensitive souls - yes, I mean snowflakes - may take umbrage or offense, and demand that "something be done" about all that opinionatin' goin' on.  Rather than ignore the offending remark, they instead seek censorship of the offender by some higher authority.  That'll show 'em.  Even Facebook has twisted itself into a moral and legal pretzel in trying to moderate "hate speech" among its now two billion-plus users.  But it's a waste of effort, because hate speech is free speech.

Image result for free speechShould Black Lives Matter be allowed to call all white people racists and should be killed?  Should the sharia supremacists be allowed to call for the destruction of all non-Islamic civilizations?  Should skinheads be allowed to denounce homosexuals and Jews?  Should we allow feminists to advocate the breakup of the traditional nuclear family?  Haters gonna hate.  So what?  The answer, in a democratic and free society, is clearly yes for all of these.  But when rhetoric is acted upon, the law has a legal and  moral obligation to respond.  One may say what one wants, but actions are still guided by laws and have consequence.

Some of us grew up in a time when "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me" was more than a just schoolyard rhyme.  It was, and still is, a philosophy which is sorely needed today.  So get over being offended.  Say what you will.  Ignore what you dislike.  But don't censor "them," for "they" might just censor you.  If one takes exception to this across-the-board approach to freedom of all speech, however offensive or agitating it may be, then one doesn't truly believe in freedom of speech.  

And that, by definition, is censorship.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Fake News, Fake Terror

When the latest "terrorist involved" news came from London yesterday, I was skeptical.  Let me be even more frank:  I didn't buy it for a nanosecond.  The narrative - that is, the story - is that a middle aged white man drove his van into a crowd of Muslims, killing one and injuring ten.  It's plausible, no?  It certainly is when one considers that there would surely be a "backlash" occurring against all these savage killings of innocents at the hands of Islamists.  The MSM has been salivating for an instance in which normal folks may wantonly kill some random Muslims, just for, well, because they're Muslims.  And that is exactly the narrative that the media mafia is foistering on us.

And note that London has a Muslim mayor
Let us look at this fake story with a jaundiced eye.  The van attack on London Bridge last week, where crazed Islamists randomly ran down innocent Londoners and tourists, driving into them at a relatively fast speed, and then leaped from the assault vehicle and started slashing the crowd with their knives.  These were Muslims intent on killing and aiming as many people as possible.

In contrast, let's compare that act of terrorism on London Bridge a week ago, with the fake story of Muslims run down at the mosque yesterday.  First, the run down occurred a good distance form the mosque, across several streets and beyond a major highway artery overpass, despite the insinuation of the media mafia.  Second, the van was driving very slowly, according to early witness reports, people were actually stepping in the way of the vehicle, and the only fatality was a poor individual who was having a medical situation prior to any threat from the driver.  Third, and most amazingly, is the fact that the Finsbury Park mosque's imam just happened to be at the site at the time of the incident, and is now being painted as a hero for stopping the crowd from killing the driver, now identified as 47 year old Darren Osbourne.  This very mosque, by the way, recently was under investigation for its teaching of terrorism and inciting terrorist attacks, and its previous imam was arrested and incarcerated on terrorist charges.  The UK's big three newspapers have all dedicated extensive ink on this fake story, and it's embarrassing to read their over the top gushing praise for this so-called "hero" imam.  

This story is clearly fabricated attempting to create a sense of moral equivalence to deny civilization the moral high ground regarding the use of terror. This tatic has been tried and failed before - Dylan Roof and Tim McVeigh come to mind - but the radical left and the media mafia are betting the farm on this one, you can be sure.  Watch the media mafia in the next few days.  We'll see more and more pro-Islamist stories, complete with  personable imams, essentially saying, "See, they do it to us, too.  And we're not so bad."

But of course we - that is, civilized people and advanced societies - don't engage in terror tactics.  But Muslims do.  In fact, during the so-called holy month of Ramadan this year, fatalities during this holiest month for Muslims this year, stand at 1,155.  This is nearly triple the 421 deaths that took place during the entire Ramadan period last year.  And Ramadan doesn't end for another six days.  And  so far in 2017, crazed Islamists have conducted 583 attacks, and killed 3,965 people according to  But the media mafia will use this fake story to beat readers over the head with the false notion that Muslims are victims of civilized non-Muslim terror.  They aren't.

But actually, subjecting them to the same treatment to which they've subjected us for the last 1,400 years may be an excellent idea.  Maybe we should try it.

But of course, we won't.  You see, we're civilized.

Friday, June 16, 2017

E Pluribus Unum, My Friends. Sine Qua Non

Image result for e pluribus unum, sine qua nonThis famous quote, uttered by Andrew Jackson on the occasion of receiving his honorary doctorate from Harvard, can be translated to "Of many, one, my friends, without which, nothing."  He was commenting in the fact that but for unity, the United States would be nothing.  Lofty words, to be sure.  But two centuries later, we see the affect of disunity.  We see disrespect, divisiveness, unbridled rage, and little if any personal responsibility.  Why?

Interesting, isn't it, how the culture of the United States has so drastically been eroded in the last six decades?  There's ample evidence to support that much blame for this demise can be laid at the feet of our more than permissive society.  Political correctness is the self censorship that we as a society impose upon ourselves. Seeking to be fair and balanced in our thoughts and deeds, we lie to ourselves about the realities of the world, just to make us feel better about ourselves.  And after years of this deceit taking root and blossoming in the societal fabric, we now are beginning to see what it has wrought. And what it has wrought is that our progeny - in fact, our very culture - is unfamiliar with reality.  We ignore violence where it exists, and conjure violence where it does not.

And what do we get?  Invading Islamists seeking to annihilate western thought are not only not seen as an existential threat, but are welcomed and supported by those it seeks to kill.  And misguided souls who are feed continuous daily portions of the hate-filled and divisive rhetoric emanating from the radical left's media propaganda machine pick up arms and attempt to kill duly elected government representatives.  The media mafia is alive and well, and it does a good job of distorting reality.  Good is bad, bad is good.

And that Orwellian contradiction is echoed by popular culture as well.  By that I refer to the wanton violence found in certain video games, in the vile and disgusting lyrics of so-called rap music, as well as in the vulgarity and depravity oozing from Hollywood's motion pictures.  Not limited to the vile language and blood and gore that constitutes many films, but including the stupid and vapid plot lines of many of the feel-good films recently, all constitute an unstoppable onslaught on what used to be courteous and polite behavior.  Through these outlets, we are taught to be not gentle men and women, but rather to be crude, coarse, rude and violent.  And permissiveness finds its way into parenting, as well, and that adds to the demise of a gentle culture.  Gentleness comes from understanding and taking personal responsibility; of behaving in such a way that the enables the better man to live under the immutable laws of cause and effect, and of action and consequence, and that leads to the consideration of others.  That's how many of us were brought up.  We learned it from our parents, who demonstrated gentility in act and in deed.  But Gen X-ers, and Gen Y-ers and millennials may not recognize gentility as a moral foundation.  They, in many cases, may live under an I'm-right-the-hell-with-you attitude.  The God of Self.  That's the opposite of tolerance and civility.  And for eight years, our cultural fabric has been infused with this sort of "us and them" ideology, resulting in the demise of civility.

So it's no wonder that some yahoo, saturated to overflowing with anti-American, anti-self responsibility rhetoric from radical left wing sources, finally takes up arms and shoots some congressmen.  He vents his rage on folks who are not his enemies in a real world sense, but to him, brainwashed by overdosing on years of hateful, divisive discourse, they are.  E pluribus unum to him becomes non sunt mei: They are not me.  From unity to selfishness.   At the end of the day, all it got him was infamy - and dead.

But what to do?  We all know as a nation we are divided.  Non sunt mei can be our new unofficial national motto. The radical left has been intent on America's destruction since even before the end of WWII, and perhaps their labor is paying off for them.  Real Americans are gentle in behavior, and are slow to take offense, to take up arms.  But if this non sunt mei ideology becomes as irreversible as religious dogma, and a national unity cannot be achieved,  then we've lost the nation, and an actual civil war will surely occur.  

Should that happen it would prove Andrew Jackson right all along. "Of many, one, my friends, without which, nothing."  But for unity, the United States is nothing.  

Unity:  Do we have it still?

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Normandy Forgotten?

June 6, 1944.  D-Day.  On that day allied forces of mostly Americans and Britons stormed the beaches at Normandy, France.  It was a bold and costly onslaught whose mission was to push German forces back from the coast, and ultimately to liberate Paris.  It worked.  It began a series of events that would be seen as a turning point in the war in Europe.

Image result for d dayThe bravery of those men who rushed the beach in the face of intense and murderous machine gun and mortar fire cannot be understated.  They were scared beyond comprehension, but put the mission ahead of self.  Many never made the beach; and many never made it off the beach.  A handful managed to scale the cliffs and neutralized the German resistance.  And thos men went on inland to change the course of the war.

Many have said that the college educated, effeminate pajama boys of today could not - and would not - engage an enemy within that context of intense combat.  I'm not willing to go that far.  I personally know several millennial men who serve the country today in Special Operations, and I can attest that the warrior culture is very much alive and well in today's military.

Although D-Day happened seventy-three years ago, it behooves us to always remember the will, resolution and sacrifice demonstrated on that morning.  Unfortunately, not many of the media considers it news worthy anymore.  That's a shame.  Thankfully several great movies honor that day, including but not limited to The Longest Day, Saving Private Ryan, and Band of Brothers.  These and others are well worth watching.

Just as the military learned that the tried and true battlefield tactics of yesteryear, and I'm referring to the long charge against entrenched defenses here, is warfare of another time.  Think Picket's Charge at Gettysburg or Lord Cardigan's Light Calvary charge in the Crimea some nine years earlier, for instance,  Hopefully it's unlikely that we'll see massive onslaughts such as the Normandy invasion, or the assault on Iwo Jima in future conflicts.  Warfare has changed, and tactics and technology prevent the need.  And that's a good thing.  But the warrior mindset still exists in American men and women, and the pajama boys and the modern castrati need not apply.

D-Day left us a legacy, and that in part is that bravery, will and valor mean something, and are valuable and desirable virtues to possess.  And to our current generation of lazy, self absorbed and shallow adult children, take note.

If you won't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

Monday, June 05, 2017

Falling Down On London Bridge

London's Muhammadan Mayor Khan apparently got it right just two weeks ago when, in response to the slaughter of children at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, he advised Britons to just get used to Muslims killing people as a matter of course of living in big cities.  So yesterday more innocent people were killed as a matter of course of living in big cities.  Sounds insane, doesn't it?  That's because it is insane. Or just plain evil, perhaps.  

But what does the west do?  Candlelight vigils.  Teddy bears.  An appeal to just get along.  To coexist.  Intellectual giant Bette Midler, flush with being so enlightened, tweeted "More sorrow and grief at the hands of madmen in London. Men and religion are worthless."  What does that even mean?  Many of those arrested yesterday were women jihadists in the terror cell network.   Prime Minister Theresa May said  that the national threat level remains at “Severe,” meaning a terrorist attack is “highly likely.”  That means more are certain to be killed.  Yet no matter the facts, Bette knows who's really to blame for all this mayhem.  It's Christians, Sikhs and Buddhists with penises.  But that's the mindset of those on the enlightened left.  And after all, it's just what we have to put up with when living in big cities.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Can't We Kill Them Now?

While most of the world's leaders quiver and shake at the notion of saying or doing anything that could even remotely disparage Islamists, President Trump goes about the business of annihilating this evil scourge from the face of the Earth. Not only has he gone to the belly of the beast itself, and has shown himself to be a no-nonsense arbiter of peace, but he has called Islamism what it really is. The cult of political Islam is inconsistent with peaceful civilized countries.  Period.  The castrati grasp their pearls, but the adults in world leadership sigh with relief.   

22 Dead, 120 Injured, Youngest Victim Eight Years Old After ‘Suicide Bomb’ at UK Ariana Grande Concert
An 8-year-old girl is Islam's enemy?
And while The Donald is abroad constructing an effective coalition against the world's longest lived super villain, the evil cowards decide it's time to kill some young British girls.  So a 22 year old miscreant blows himself up with a high shrapnel nail bomb in their presence at a pop concert.  What a martyr for his moon god!  What a blow against Western civilization!  Ever ready to make a meaningless statement, the French dimmed the lights on the Eiffel Tower at midnight.  London's mayor Khan - a Muslim cultist himself - uttered the inevitable shrug and noted that well, we should just get used to it as a condition of living in big cites.  But not one country launched a strike against any member of the Wahhabi cult.  No, their strategy is to coexist, which could be a great solution only if it's a mutual concept.

Of course, many will say that the slaughter in Manchester was just the inevitable retaliation to ISIS being driven out of Mosul by US and Iraqi led coalition forces.  A last gasp of a desperate army against the Great Satan - the United States.  Nonsense.  Islam began its war against Christianity and western civilization 1,200 years before the Untied States even existed. And here in the Tampa Bay area where I live, the Kenyan's imported Muslims strut their fat and odorous selves through our well lit, well supplied shopping centers wearing their head bags in open and hostile defiance to the cultural mores of their host country.  And just this week, a recent white-boy-convert-to-Islam idiot shot and killed two of his roommates for the unpardonable sin of disrespecting the shooter's "faith."  From there he went to a Muslim owned smoke shop to take hostages.  Subsequent police investigation found bomb making material in a garage under his control.  Here we have a 22-year old multiple murderer from Massachusetts, equipped with firearms and bomb making materials, and we're told he is simply acting on his "faith?"  That's quite a theology.  And one that should be met with equal or greater force.

The notion that terrorism is simply retaliation to whatever the Muslim crazies think the United States is and does is utter foolishness.  Islam seeks world dominance over all peoples, and that has been its stated goal for 1,400 years.  After all this time, it's pretty clear what the outcome will be should this cult be successful.  And after all these centuries of the war, murder, terror, beheadings, invasions and occupations perpetrated by these low IQ savages, one would think that the solution is right before our eyes.  And of course it is.

President Trump sees the solution.  The solution is the annihilation of Islam.  All of it.