Thursday, January 12, 2017

Sun Tzu: Know Your Enemy

In the aftermath of the shooting at Ft. Lauderdale airport last week, Florida Senator Bill Nelson now comes forth and opines that we need more airport security so that future shootings like this can be prevented.  More strip searches, more gun control, more air travel interruptions and more dehumanizing public humiliation at airports. 

Image result for muslim takeover of americaNo, Bill, we don't.  What we need is an active engagement of the enemy.  But Democrats like Nelson refuse to call the enemy by his name.  It's always the fault of someone else - the FBI didn't vet this guy, or the CIA knew he was radicalized and let him slide. Same thing with the Ft. Hood shooter; same thing with the San Bernadino shooters; same thing with the Orlando nightclub shooter.  The left blames neighbors who didn't say anything, or military brass for overlooking radicalization, or law enforcement for not arresting the perp before the evil deed can be done.

Image result for civilization jihadBut the left, operating under direction from the Muslim Kenyan, refuses to state what every American knows.  We are under a full-on siege by Islam, and not only are we losing the war, we ain't even fighting it. One of the reasons we're losing this war is that while the violent jihadists get all the headlines, and by that I refer to the violent savages all the world over who kill people with religious abandon using guns, knives, bombs or trucks, the knee jerk reaction to these scenarios is to harden potential targets, or enact some kind of Orwellian pre-crime laws.  Both of these solutions are counterproductive in that they encumber the victims rather than dissuading the perpetrators.  But another more sinister jihad is what has been referred to as civilization jihad.  This is the method that Muslims use to out-populate-and-out-breed the host society.  We see this happening in European countries, and domestically in Dearborn, Milwaukee, Dallas, Tullahoma, and many other cities in the United States wherein Muslims have taken over local county and city councils, and slowly but relentlessly attempt to instill sharia law and courts. And we all know that sharia law is wholly at odds with a constitutional republic that protects individual liberty.

So the American people, being forced into this Muslim occupation by the Muslim in Chief himself as he imports even more of these 7th century savages, are being subjected to the twin swords of Islamic jihad - death and assimilation.  Talk about the Borg:  to the Muslim mindset resistance is indeed futile.  What's worse is idiots like Bill Nelson would rather infringe even more on Americans' personal liberties than to recognize and identify the real threat.

Image result for muslim takeover of americaThe Germans and the Swedish are in very real danger of losing not only their countries, but their national identities as well.  Ask any one of those citizens where the tipping point occurred.  They'll tell you it occurred at the very moment Muslim "refugees" infiltrated their lands.  Muslims have no interest in assimilating into host cultures.  They seek one thing and one thing only:  dominance.  They believe that all people are destined to either convert to Islam, die or to forever be dhimmi; a second class slave.

Sun Tzu, in his The Art Of War,  had some great advice regarding war fighting.  We should pay close attention.  We must overturn and reverse the invasion the Kenyan has foisted upon us.   Confidence is high that the new Trump administration recognizes the enemy and his war fighting methods.  And with God's help, we will at last be allowed to engage in a full-on unrestrained retaliation. So Bill Nelson and other Islam deniers should dust off their copy of Sun Tzu's advice, and pay close attention.  

Know yourself, but also know your enemy.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A Fresh Breeze

Can you feel it?  It's definitely in the air, a fresh breeze, both here in the US and everywhere else in the world.  It's a sense of optimism.  Not euphoria, no, it's more restrained than that.  It's a Jungian sense of joy and sanity and opportunity that has rekindled a "can do" attitude among folks literally everywhere.  Its origin is simple: the petty dictator and his globalist minions have been soundly rejected here in the US to be sure, and also in the UK as UKIP too seeks independence from the globalists' wet dream of a sovereignless and borderless Europe.  This fresh air can be found prevalent in Italy, in Greece, in Germany (at long last!) and even in the Philippines. We tried that global oneness thing the left is so enthused about, and it merely verified our worst fears.  Concentrated centralized power is always corrupt, and individual liberty is always threatened.  Yes, that's a universal statement, but it's been proven.

There's a basic truth that the progressive left likes to ignore which is driving this worldwide libertarianism. (Shouldn't they more accurately be called regressive?)  It's simply this:  people like to be around people who are like themselves.  That's a positive thing; it's not racist, or homophobic, or discriminatory at all.  People naturally associate with like minded folks.  It pulls people up, not pushes them down.  End of story.  But the left likes to paint this natural attraction as being exclusionary, divisive or intolerant.  Nonsense.  Through enforcement of political correctness and other coercion tactics, the left has endeavored to shove non-alike peoples together, to the dismay and discomfort of all.  This unholy practice gives rise to all sorts of resultant chaos and mayhem, and when all is said and done, ain't nobody happy.  To wit: note how well  Muslims interact with Western societies and cultures!

Image result for political winds
Arrest, try, convict and execute
But as the treasonous homosexual mulatto Kenyan exits stage left, hopefully for good, the disinfection of the Halls of Power can begin.  The American people have had enough of this grand experiment, and voted these left leaning totalitarian ideologues out.  The lefties have become so enamored with themselves and their delusions that they lost all touch with reality - and certainly with the American people.  Even now they still can't wrap their minds around the unequivocal trouncing and mass rejection of their policies they received at the polls.  And their demise comes not a moment too soon.  Efforts are underway even as I write this to place responsible, educated, capable and mature adults in cabinet level positions in order to undo the extreme damage this poser has done to the United States. Even before the Inauguration next week, relations with other countries have already improved, most notably with Israel and Russia.  This trend will continue in coming weeks and months.

So take a moment and inhale the sweet, fresh air of renewal and optimism.  And let's learn from our past mistakes.  Individual liberty and self governance is the best choice for a free people; while tyranny, despotism and 7th century barbarism is not.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

The Third World At Home

Ah, America!  The shining city on a hill. An idea manifested as a place where dreams come true for anyone who is willing to adopt a sense of personal responsibility, hard work and self sufficiency.  The crowning achievement of man's effort to govern himself and others fairly and equitably.  It was and remains the best system of self governance ever devised.  That is until the perpetually offended took the reins of power, led by a homosexual, mulatto bastard from Kenya.

By way of the left's doctrine of incrementalism, individual liberties have been eroded within America to the point where the country's culture is almost unrecognizable as it was when founded.  Political correctness is censorship used to quell free speech, and victimhood is used to promote the benefit of the minority over the will of the majority.  A government of, by and for the people has become instead a government of elites over the people.  Lies, deceit and misinformation are the norm today as the once reliable free press has become politicized as nothing more than a propaganda arm of the ruling class.

Image result for american flag
Embattled, but still flying
And in that dismal transformation, the greatest nation on Earth has - and is - being turned into nothing more than a divisive, ignorant third world nation.  This administration, led by the anti-American community organizer, has done all it can to destroy the American Way.  The "war" it conducts is against whites, police, males, Christians, Republicans, libertarians, Jews, and anyone else it considers to be other than "progressive."  To balance the country's racial diversity, it imports literal savages from third world countries.  Does it bring in educated, civilized Asians with advanced degrees in medicine and electronics?  No, it imports peasants from central American countries illiterate even in their own language.  How about Indians with degrees in medicine and astrophysics?  No, it recruits illegal Muslims from North Africa and the Middle East, who are indoctrinated in a death cult that advocates the destruction of all that is not Islam.  Yet Americans are told this is done for our own good, to punish us for our success, and to absolve ourselves of the sin of advancing the human race.

So we get blacks who are taught to believe in their cause of victimhood, and are justified in killing police.  Any police. We get uneducated Hispanics who form gangs that rob and kill, and whose kids go wilding in malls all over the country.  All of which are coordinated and planned and well funded.  We get Muslims whose only goal is to establish a global caliphate, and that means destroying every western government in the world.  

I myself had a brush with arrogant, ignorant Muslims just last night.  My significant other and I went to one of our local restaurants, and a Muslim group was subsequently seated in the booth directly behind us.  They yammered all night in Arabic or possibly Farsi, but certainly not in English.  A lone male joined the group, left briefly, came back, left again and returned again.  As it was a sports themed restaurant, I turned in my booth seat from time to time to watch the Miami game being played on the television behind me.  This apparently disturbed the peaceful tribe behind me, because as we finished dinner and started to leave, I spoke briefly with the manager, whom we know.  I was drenched in hateful glares from these imported savages from the barren deserts of God knows where.  They must have noticed that we wear gold crosses.  Mine's Celtic, hers Catholic.  But as I pulled out of the parking lot, the lone male and others decided to intimidate me by driving their car aggressively and tailgating me. I don't intimidate easily, and certainly not from untrained, indoctrinated cultists like these.  I accelerated and took a quick right turn into what I knew to be a bank parking lot to verify their intentions.  Sure enough the idiot followed me in.  But before he could get to the bank lot, I had quickly turned my car around and now faced the entrance.  Startled to see me face on, he sped around me and attempted to circle the bank drive in lanes to come after me.  At that point the wife and I racked the slides of our carry .45s, and awaited what may become a confrontation.  But savages and bullies are always cowards, and these Muslim thugs high tailed it rather than face free, armed, well trained American citizens. But as these in-bred bastards continue to invade, with help from the unapologetic Kenyan and his Muslim advisors, we should be prepared for even more third world violence.  And for incidents like this.

But political pendulums swing from side to side, and we Americans received a wonderful Christmas present this year.  There will be corrections to the Kenyan's treasonous policies in the weeks and months to come.  My hope is that these will be diplomatic and peaceful.  But if the poorly trained, poorly armed and uneducated Muslim and Hispanic hoards want to confront us, they will learn what other enemies of the United States have learned over the last two hundred fifty years.  And that is this: the greatest fighter in the world is a well armed, well trained and determined American citizen.

If you want to die for Allah's glory, I'm here to help.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Merry Christmas Gift

Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year to all.  This year there is much to be optimistic about, and I sense that optimism all over the country as I have been traveling the last couple of weeks.  At last there's a feeling of throwing off the oppressive doom and gloom that has been so prevalent over the last eight years, and that's a great and welcomed Christmas gift.  Even Wall Street gets it.

Apply locally and liberally.
Some, however, are certainly not optimistic.  The thought of unfairness being righted, of optimism replacing pessimism, of an administration that is dedicated to the advancement of all Americans, and a revival of the American can-do attitude is more than these precious liberal snowflakes can handle.  As cognitive dissonance overwhelms their thinking - such that it is - they wail and cry and retreat to their safe rooms to suck their thumbs in the fetal position and bemoan the fact that their insane ideology has failed.  Their movement to retool the entire American experience into an Orwellian tyranny has failed.  Utterly and completely failed. But they still can't admit that their ideology has been rejected by the American people in this and the last several mid term elections.  Americans rejected the narcissistic heavy handled community organizer, corrupt politicians, and the top heavy and thoroughly politicized federal government.  They just said no to sedition and treason and oppression.  Yet in the face of the obvious, the left whines and blames everyone and everything else except themselves.  So for Christmas, I'd like to give a present to the infantile lefties: a can of butt hurt salve.  Apply locally and liberally.

Islam's war on Christmas
Now that the children have been sent to their rooms without supper, we adults can get on with the business at hand.  Taking back the country of course, is first and foremost, but also fighting this disease known as Islam, and eradicating the greatest existential threat to humanity in history.  Should Islam prevail in its goal of subjugating every man, woman and child on this fair planet, the fate of the human race is clearly doomed to a return of 7th century brutality and slavery.  Christmas - and Hanukkah too, for that matter - will no longer exist.  It's the jihad, stupid!  As proof of that, in the last few days dozens of non-Muslims have been killed and seriously injured at the hands of these jihadi savages: nine Christian revelers in Berlin, assassination of Russian diplomats in Ankara, a disabled woman in a wheelchair blown up with fireworks in London, honor killings in the US and Canada, and many more instances are all examples of how Islam deals with the Christmastime celebration of  peace and goodwill.
So in the spirit of the season, I say Merry Christmas to all!  After the holidays, however, Muslims beware.  We will take this war to you, and unlike the Crusades, this time your vile hatred will be neutralized.  

For the good of the planet.

Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Parallels In Infamy

USS-Arizona-Sinking-Pearl-Harbor-Newspaper-December-7-1941-AP-GettySeventy-five years ago today, in 1941, Japanese fighter bombers bombed and strafed the US Navy Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor.  President Roosevelt called it a "day that will live in infamy."  Stateside, in response to the attack, Japanese Americans were rounded up and interned in makeshift camps.  Today, some would say it was not our finest hour.  Others would say that it was prudent.  The ensuing war in the Pacific was grueling as America's Navy in that theater was decimated. But it was speedily rebuilt and sent to seek out and destroy Japan's presence with prejudice.  Today in 2016, Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will visit Pearl Harbor later this month, becoming Japan’s first leader to do so,to console the souls who died there, he said.  At the end of the war bitter enemies became fast friends.  We drive Toyotas; they play baseball.

Image result for 9/11 headlinesFifteen years ago, on September 11, 2001, another day of infamy perpetrated by a brutal enemy again occurred on US soil.  Nineteen Muslims hijacked four US commercial airliners and crashed them into various targets.  Two hit the twin towers in New York, one crashed into the Pentagon, and the last crashed into a field in Pennsylvania as a result of passengers attempting to retake the aircraft.  All on board perished, and did thousands on the ground.  This time, however, no internment of Muslims took place.  None were rounded up.  President Bush invaded Iraq as a response, a move that left many in doubt as to whether the US had correctly identified the enemy.  Some would say it was not our finest hour.  Others would say it was prudent.  Even today, with the war between western civilization and radical Islam raging, some still deny the nature of this 1,400-year-old conflict.  Islam has become radicalized even further than its violent 7th century tenets dictate, and the West has been lulled into a sense of pacificity to the point of pussyfication.  In stark contrast to the war seventy-five years ago that was decidedly settled within only forty-five months, the war with Islam is in its second millennium, with no clear end in sight.  In fact, Muslim attacks continue on the Kenyan's watch.

What lessons can be learned from that day in December seventy-five years ago?  Well, I can think of at least one.  An enemy who sneak attacks us must be immediately confronted, engaged and defeated.  Beaten.  Destroyed.  Punished.  No negotiation.  No compromise.  No coddling.  Vanquished.   Fought to win.  Only then can we liberate him from his savagery and treachery, and reach out our hand and pull him up.  Like we did then when there's no longer any fight left in him, and he can understand the folly of his brutal beliefs and the futility of his aggressiveness towards the United States of America. 

Then, and only then, can we perhaps become fast friends. 

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Cheese With That Pizza?

I was prepared to skip commenting on the scandal  referred to as "Pizzagate," but as more information comes to light, it seems this matter is far more than just a false flag "fake news" item meant to distract.   It very well turn out to be a rather serious sexual Satanic cult story involving certain high profile Democrats.  As there is little factual truth in media these days, as the mainstream media has so aptly demonstrated in the last few years, and internet information is to be taken with an appreciable helping of salt, one must dig deep before accepting anything as true.  But this story is plausible, and continues grow legs.

John Podesta speaks at the National Press Club in Washington in this June 27, 2007, file photo. (AP File Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) ** FILE ** It began with emails to and from John Podesta arising from the Wikileaks dump of Hillary's email.  Included in this truanch were emails in which some interesting interplay between Podesta, Hillary's campaign chairman and Bill's chief of staff, and others refer to a Washington DC area pizza shop known as Comet Ping Pong Pizza.  It's infamous for being a haven for those interested in pedophilia and human trafficking, and was and is frequented by Podesta, his brother, Bill and Hill, the Kenyan and other DC heavyweights.  One particular email, sent to John Podesta, refers to a handkerchief, white on black, depicting a map and referencing pizza.  Deciphering the code reveals the hidden parlance used by pedophiles to describe their sick perversions that range from simple homo-and-hetero sex to sadomasochism and bondage to even death of kids.  This story, it seems, is very, very disturbing, and illuminates behaviors that are so beyond merely taboo as to be the ultimate Satanic evil.  

Spirit Cooking and other deviant behaviors
I'm not going to rehash this horrifying, twisted and complex tale, readers are encouraged to catch up on the story here.  The mainstream media hasn't touched it, and even Drudge, the site that broke the story initially, has backed off it.  And an internet search won't reveal the shear volume of articles and videos on this story, and that tells me a lot.  It seems very high government officials are involved, or it's so pervasive in the government that it's untouchable.  Or both. 

If there's any truth to this revelation, and it looks as though it's probably accurate, it should be a wake up call to all moral Americans as to the Satanic depths and depravity to which the regressive far left has taken the culture.  And perhaps it also serves to trigger the will to reverse that trend.