Friday, September 02, 2016

Censorship In The Free Market

Image result for social media censorshipIt seems that every day there's a new revelation that social media sites are anti-conservative, and enact usage policies that are downright blatant censorship.  No kidding.  First Facebook was busted for its anti-conservative bias in its trending news feeds.  Then Twitter was exposed censoring content from members it didn't like.  And now it's YouTube's turn to take the hit. The Google-owned platform recently released new “advertiser friendly” guidelines that stipulated how discussion of “controversial or sensitive subjects and events” would be punished by the user being unable to collect advertising money on such videos. Well.  That's not entirely censorship as you can still post rants and raves.  It's just the new policies won't allow advertisers to pay you for them.  

So what's all the flap about?  There are so many outlets on the Internet for free expression, just find one and use it.  Disqus enables a user to comment on news sites and elsewhere, for instance.  Your voice will be heard.  Ironically, conservatives are the first to hold free enterprise sacrosanct, argue that private companies exist to make a profit, and companies can enact policies as they see fit.  But they tend to become a little less idealistic when censorship and free enterprise intersect. If I ran a global for-profit conservative social media outlet with billions of followers, I probably wouldn't want the likes of the Kenyan or Michael Moore or Hillary or Lena Dunham or anyone writing for the New York Times on my system either.  And guess what?  As a private company, I'd have the perfect right to ban them, or make it difficult  from them to spread their Alinsky-ite nonsensical garbage to my kindred followers.  Wouldn't I? 

So Facebook, Twitter and YouTubers, go set up your own conservative social media system and promote it. Or better yet, use Blogger or Wordpress to create your own blog and sell subscriptions to your writings.  Monopolies exist to be bested after all.  For years, everyone thought General Motors would be king of the road forever, but then these Japanese came over and basically ate GM's lunch.  They did it faster, better and cheaper.  And people bought their cars in record numbers.  Same thing could happen to Google.  They bigger they are, the harder they fall.  Same with Facebook; it become so cumbersome and invasive I quit using it several years ago. 

So when conservatives complain about censorship - and I hate censorship, too, don't get me wrong - I'd remind them of their core principals.  Free speech, yes, of course.  But free markets as well.    If liberal social media companies' trite biases and policies bother you, don't buy stock in those companies, and cancel your subscriptions to them.  It's their right to present their product, and it's your right as a consumer to not buy it.

So quit bitching and go build your own platform, like a true self reliant American.  Take on the giants, kick their ass, and create some jobs and a boatload of money in the process.

Thursday, September 01, 2016

It Takes A VIllage To Abuse A Man

Every man who has ever been in a relationship with a woman knows that the myth that there's no such thing as a man being abused by a female is emphatically false.  In fact the abusive female stereotypes are ingrained in our culture:  picture the hefty harpy in hair curlers with a rolling pin; the high maintenance broad complaining about  - well - everything; the henpecked milquetoast hubby; lyrics from Pink Floyd " . . . their fat psychopathic wives, beat them to within inches of their lives"; and even Shakespeare writing about the taming of the shrew.  Clearly men have been abused, harassed and victimized since time immemorial.  Yet furthering and doubling down on that abuse of men is what the feminist movement has been all about for the last fifty years: denigrate men, worship women. 

Image result for male abuse by womenStarted in earnest during the "enlightenment" of the 1960s, this vile movement was formed by women too smug, too angry, too vicious and yes, too ugly to ever attract a man's attention.  A whole generation of women, taunted with the false notion of  "If a man can, I can too," have been lead into an adversarial relationship with men.  Studies today indicate a majority of millennial men want little or nothing to do with a male-female relationship.  It's just too damn vexing to deal with a post feminist self absorbed woman. As proof of this just consider the number of selfies posted by young women on social media in the last few years.  Narcissism and self absorption is the rule for today's girls as they scream, "I love me, so I don't need you!"  Yikes.  What man needs that?  One can readily see why the gay movement has blossomed, and why many men want to become women.  Because of feminists' belief that men are rapists waiting for an opportunity, and that men are violent by nature, men who are involved in relationships are being abused more than ever.  On study even finds that up to 48% of men in the US have said they've suffered domestic abuse in their relationships with partners.

Here are some actual verbatim comments by men who are in, or are recently free from, disastrous male-female relationships where the man is the victim of spousal abuse.  Absolutely anonymous, of course.

It takes a village...
Female abusers succeed by co-opting the social infrastructure, institutional supports, and popular beliefs that become complicit in the abuse. Female abusers exploit, manipulate, and ransom not only men's resources but their personal security. To catch these predators one has to know what weapons these femdom adherents use. These include alienation of children, financial waste, hiding assets, triangulation (affairs), divorce,  gaslighting, deliberately triggering anger, ignoring, marginalization, public disrespect, insulting, and false reporting. All of these are not only acceptable for women - they are routinely supported and encouraged in our social and civil institutions and talk about abuse.

Men, have you noticed any of those weapons aimed at you?   Anyone?  Yep, I can guarantee every man reading this has experienced all or most of these in each of his relationships with women.

Duplicitous double standard . .
We not only don't believe men's stories - we actively marginalize them in our laws and institutions. We are duplicitous even in our morality and reasoning: when men cheat they are dogs - when women cheat it's because they are unappreciated at home. More than 2/3 of divorces are filed by women, not men. Women press for commitment, get exactly what they wanted then devalue it.  Abused men don't stay in these relationships because they can't recognize the abuse - they stay because women have an entire village to help them perpetrate this insanity without pause, or reflection.  And God help the poor bastard who ever tries to fight back.  He can't; he's just got to take it.

The truth of the statement "Women press for commitment, get exactly what they want, then devalue it" cannot be overemphasized.  That should be a canon taught in second year law school.

Divorce will free me . .
In the hands of an abuser or narcissist woman, divorce and related law is a tool with devastating potential - it provides women the means to coerce men with the very real and demonstrable threat to deprive a man of his very liberty, alienate his children, and destroy his reputation. Divorce is not a way out for abused men.  It doesn't end the abuse - it escalates it. It is a paralyzing reality for any man faced with an abusive spouse.   

Men who have lived through a divorce or two, especially with kids involved, might not disagree in any way this this. 

Masculinity is at stake . . 
Image result for male abuse by women
Men are abused with lies, deception, gaslighting, alienation and manipulation on a stage with an all too willing public audience. Masculinity? Seriously? This is what you think troubles an abused man most? How about the very real prospect of legal, parental, and social suicide within that non-believing public so aptly described? Where do you naively expect them to find actual safety?

I can answer that:  With the boys.  Or in solitude.

Criminal enterprise . .
Female abusers operate more like white collar criminals - victims are targeted and destroyed with little or no consequence to the perpetrator.  Unless physical wounds are present, no crime other than misandry is committed.  There are no shelters for men, because shelter is not what would save them. The only thing they really need is societal objectivity - and it's not forthcoming.

There you have it.   The ugliness of societal misandry as it manifests itself as spousal abuse.  It's legal, it's supported by both society and law, and it's committed every day, in ever greater frequency.  But we don't see it - yet -  because men typically won't admit that they have been - or are now - victims of domestic psychological spousal violence.  The problem will come to light, however, because there are thousands upon thousands of relationships in the US alone that are being destroyed by female domestic abuse.  And that abuse and its attendant resentment will eventually boil to the surface, where it can be seen and recognized by all.  And hopefully stopped.

Until then boys, heed Paul Simon's sage advice: ". . Make a new plan, Stan.  Drop off the key, Lee.  Slip out the back, Jack,   Just get yourself free."  Amen.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Why Control Of The Internet Matters

Image result for internet
The world starts here
Anytime I hear the words "control" and "government" in the same sentence, I break out in a rash.  Or maybe a rage - they're interchangeable conditions not mutually exclusive.  But with the Kenyan's disastrous intent to turn control of the Internet over to the United Nations come this October, I have to, albeit reluctantly, agree that retaining US government control over the Internet is imperative.  Here's what's going on.  The Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration said Friday it plans to give up control over the body that manages Internet names and addresses. The action means that the U.S. government will relinquish its oversight of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, which manages a number of technical functions that help computers locate the correct servers and websites.  The problem is the Kenyan doesn't have the authority to do that.  But he will try, anyway.  Ted Cruz has presented a bill to prevent it, but congress's response is yet to be seen.  Time is short, so a failsafe position for limp-wristed congressmen will most probably be to run out the clock.

We all know what the Internet is, and what is does.  Or at least we think we do.  We know it provides a platform for presentation and acceptance of commerce, of course; everyone buys something or other online nowadays; from Amazon, eBay, and every retailer imaginable.  And we know it allows the free expression of ideas, opinions and viewpoints, that can be seen and heard all over the world.  For the most part, anyway.  More on this later.  This blog is a perfect example of free speech.  Via the Internet Lightfoot has a forum far, far wider than what he may have had a century ago by standing on the old soapbox and pontificating to anyone who would listen.  And folks can get their own brand of entertainment over the Internet, with a far greater selection of topics and tastes than ever before.  From YouTube's pop music and weirdness of all stripes, to any flavor of pornography.  It's all available to you right on your monitor.  Private.  Secure (mostly).  Anonymous (mostly).

But who administers and manages it?  ICANN does now, anyway.  It's the nonprofit organization that’s in charge of handing out domain names and Web addresses for the entire Internet. They’ve been handling those duties since 1998.  OK, but how did the U.S. get oversight of it in the first place? The Internet was pioneered in the U.S. - that means we invented it, not Al Gore - and for a long time the folks that helped invent it were also in charge of managing it. Until 1998, a computer scientist named Jon Postel at the University of Southern California managed a host of functions related to Internet names and addresses, collectively known as IANA (Internet Assigned Names Authority). When Mr. Postel died in 1998, the Commerce Department issued a contract to ICANN to manage the IANA functions.  So that created a quasi-public-private partnership that's been handling all those dot-coms and domains for the last eighteen years.

But the idealistic, anti-American Kenyan, who like Jimmy Carter in his disastrous relinquishing control of the Panama Canal in 1977 after the US had built and managed it for over 70 years, wants to let the UN handle the duties of the US invented and manged Internet.  And that can be disastrous to American commerce, free speech, and public privacy among other things.  Imagine Iran in charge of Victoria's Secret website.   Imagine China in control of Breitbart's or Drudge's websites.  Imagine Russia in charge of NASA's Moon and Mars archives website.  Imagine Saudi Arabia in charge of Alex Jones or Mark Levin's online shows.  Imagine Somalia in charge of YouTube, or Libya with control over your website.  These countries are members of the UN, and they vote.  And imagine ISIS able to influence the Internet so that Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Sikh, Shinto, Pantheist, New Age or Pagan websites are shut down.  Commerce curtailed; free speech stifled.  Count on it.  But there's a more afoot in the globalists' cabal to strengthen the UN, and make it the world's sole political body. The Kenyan is just fine with killing the Internet as we know it if it means lessening the United States' world influence.  And his puppet master, the despicable open society architect George Soros is all in.

Image result for soros and the internet
Soros's evil matrix coming soon
Which brings us to another devious globalist scandal that the Internet has exposed. One would think Internet hacking has become a highly desirable skill set. Actually it has.  Among the 2,500 documents hacked from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation are documents in which Soros’ Open Society Foundation boasts of funding a Negro activist campaign against advertisers that actually succeeded in ousting Glenn Beck from Fox News and Pat Buchanan from MSNBC.  In a memorandum dated March 27, 2012, Bill Vandenberg, the head of Soros’ Democracy Fund, discusses a two-year grant to support the Color of Change, an online organizing group described within the document as the largest online political activist group representing Negro issues.  Now you know why race relations have deteriorated. 

It gets better.  Among those documents hacked from George Soros’s Open Society Foundations exposes the billionaire’s level of involvement in attempting to build what his organization describes as a “national movement” to "reform" local police forces across the U.S. The reform largely consists of federal guidelines for local police forces, using the opportunity arising from the police killings of Negroes in Ferguson, Staten Island, North Charleston, and Baltimore.  Soros wants a federal police force in the US, in direct contravention of the US Constitution.  Now you know why the US Department of Justice is taking control of police departments in those four cities, and Seattle no less, among others.  George Soros wants it.  And the Kenyan does his bidding.

The man behind the curtain
So the innocuous news that the Internet is to be surrendered to the UN is in of itself moderately noteworthy.  But consider what media whistle blowers and hackers like Snowden, Guccifer and Assange have used to expose corruption and nefarious plans across the globe.  Think Hillary, the Clinton Crime Syndicate, Soros's evildoing, the Federal Reserve's true purpose and legions of other revelations that the so called mainstream media simply ignores.  The Internet is America's one true source of information, even considering the bias of Facebook, Twitter and Google.  I'll put up with that leftist drivel if it means I can have my resources as well.  Tit for tat.  Their truth for mine. But that light of truth most certainly will dim and extinguish shortly after October of this year.  The UN can't do anything right, and screwing up the Internet with insane politically motivated regulations and censorship will be the order of the day.  Kiss it goodbye.

Prudent men would be well advised to stop this evil directly from where it originates, rather than try to fight the fires that are spread just to distract and confuse.  Today.  Now.  With extreme prejudice.  It's simply not a question of opposing ideas anymore, it's a matter of survival of a noble idea made real:  humanity's greatest and finest achievement.  Individual liberty granted by God given inalienable rights.  Once freedom is gone, it may never return.  

And it all begins with control of the Internet.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Just Another Brainless Castrati Social Justice Warrior

It's impossible to be surprised these days by the audacity of some people, especially those who are elevated on the public stage far beyond their contributions or abilities.  One such creature comes to mind.

A paraplegic Marine stands up.
Take for example the despicable has-been third string quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers football team, one Colin Kaepernick.  Although he's the recipient of a personal fortune of more than $100 million he's managed to pull from the sport, he finds it in his moral conscience to stay seated during the recent pre-game playing of the national anthem.  In protest of America's abhorrent social policies, of course.  Lost on his dim viewpoint is that the very folks who made it possible for his hundred million wealth are those he now impunes.  He's not only ugly, but a mediocre quarterback as well.  

Let's check out some of this fool's background to see if there's any moral merit to his - er - stance. Did you know that Kaepernick was abandoned by his black family as a child and was adopted by a white family?  Nope, neither did I.  As a black man, did he suffer like he claims, or was he taken care of when no one else wanted him?  Ah, he's the beneficiary of a white family's largess.  And does he realize the white middle class rabid football fans he now despises are the very source of his ill gotten wealth?  Well.  That's gratitude for you.  

He's reduced to becoming just another brainless castrati social justice warrior now, talking trash because something else is driving his anti-American anger. And what might that be?  It seems Kaepernick converted to Islam just two months ago.  Okay, now it makes perfect sense.  I guess he'll soon change his name from a proud Polish moniker to something like Mohammad Sambo.  That would describe him perfectly.

So who is Colin Mohammad Sambo Kaepernick?  He's nobody.  Nothing.  Really.  Ask any football fan.

Hat tip to for contributing to this report.

Monday, August 29, 2016

So He Drank Goat's Blood

In this election year, Libertarian candidates for US Senate from Florida include a 33-year old gentleman who goes by the preposterous name of Augustus Sol Invictus.  He gets a lot of notice.  Not for his platform so much, but for his religion.  And his religion, to say the least, is controversial. 

Two to face off in Florida’s first Libertarian U.S. Senate primary photo
Gee, he doesn't look dangerous!
So who is he?  He's defined by his past more than who he is.  He won't give his real birth name, but we know he's a Leo born in 1983.  (Hey, we're gonna get metaphysical in this post, so allow me to identify this guy through his horoscope).  We know he's got four kids, who he says are partially Hispanic.  So far so good.  He graduated from the University of South Florida with Philosophy honors with a BA. From there he went to DePaul University College of Law and graduated in 2011. He says he has been admitted to the Bar at Florida, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, and the Middle District of Florida in the US District Court. He is the managing director of Imperium, P.A., the Orlando law firm he founded in 2013. And in 2014 he acted as attorney for Marcus Faella of the American Front, a central Florida skinhead group, in his legal appeal.

He once hiked from Orlando all the way to the Mohave Desert, and along the way delved into hallucinogenic separate realities.  Remind you of Carlos Castaneda with don Juan, anyone?  As a ritual sacrifice for having endured the journey, physically and spiritually, he drank goat's blood.  No biggie, first-time-kill hunters often drink the blood of their game. 

He's a Thelemite, an interesting quasi-metaphysical religion essentially founded by Alistair Crowley. The tenet of that philosophy is essentially,  "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will."  So individual free will in a moral and loving self is to be achieved.  Interesting.  That belief system of applied free will is evident in dozens of other religions, spiritual teachings and self help programs.  It's hardly dark, but any mention of Crowley has the effeminate elite clutching their pearls.

What's his platform, then?  Invictus believes that the United States should embrace a non-interventionist approach to foreign policy, up to becoming isolationist.  He advocates for balancing the budget, shrinking the size of government, ceasing reckless government spending and deregulating American business. He is also in favor of repealing the individual income tax, abolishing the IRS and recreating the tax code. He is for an expanded federal role in protecting the environment.  He does not support mass immigration and is against open borders for the United States.   However, he supports policies that would streamline the process of immigration and naturalization.  He believes that abortion should be illegal, he's opposed to the War on Drugs and supports repealing the Controlled Substances Act and abolishing the DEA.  He also believes that America should find alternative forms of energy so as to reduce U.S dependence on foreign energy. He does not believe there should be a trade-off between economic freedom and the destruction of the environment.  Pretty much center of the road - more individual freedom, less government intervention. 

As I read more about this guy, I like him all the more.  And here's why.  He's conventional in his message, but brave in his delivery.  And the media only want to yak about LSD, goats and a preposterous name.  At least he hasn't had anyone killed, betrayed the nation, or committed perjury.  Yet he bravely stands conventional political wisdom on its head, and in doing so, exposes the blatant hypocrisy in the media.  To wit:  a candidate who has carnal relations with a goat is fine, yet one who drinks goat blood is not.  A candidate who follows a sadistic bigoted pedophile is fine, but one who believes in self enlightenment is not.  A candidate who is obviously and demonstrably corrupt is fine, but a candidate who admits to using psychedelics is not.  A progressive candidate who believes in eugenics is fine, but one who believes in self improvement is not.  And a candidate who demands an all encompassing government is fine, yet one who embraces laissez faire capitalism is not.

And that new view, that Libertarian view, dear readers, is way overdue in our political discourse.  In fact, I'd go so far to say that's one reason why Donald Trump is so popular.  The  insidious scam of the two-party oligarchical elites has been exposed, and the people have rejected it out of hand.  Realistically, though,  Invictus doesn't have a Chinaman's chance in hell in winning the Senate in this race, but in every election cycle the status quo becomes less and less appealing.  And more like him will come.

But Augustus Sol Invictus has guts, and sometimes guts is all it takes.  Right, Donald?

Monday, August 15, 2016

Get Right, Get White

Another nigga on the trigga
It's becoming almost de rigueur nowadays that when police officers enforce the law, Negroes riot.  Well, there's a reason for this, but like everything else emanating from the insane far left, it is a clearly unreasonable reason.  I speak of the riots in Milwaukee this weekend, where both government aid recipients and paid agitators joined together in a act of joy and love to protest civilized society's enactment of law and order.  The back story is that a Negro perp (photo above) and his crew did some armed robbery.  The police are called, chased their fleeing vehicle, stopped it and demanded the perps exit the car, hands up. Armed perp one fled, spun and fired at the police.  Police obligingly returned fire. Perp one took one round to the torso and one to the eye.  He hit the pavement dead.  So where's the problem?  Let's review:  Bad guy engages in armed robbery, fleeing the police, and shooting at officers.  He gets killed in the process.  Check and mate.  End of story.  

But that's not quite the end.  Always quick to incite when a crises opportunity arises, the government aid recipients and paid agitators mobilized the community to riot - that's what most folks called their peaceful protest demonstration - and burn down the neighborhood.  Oh, yeah, and while we're at it, let's find some white crackas to beat up.  

So what is it that they're protesting?  White cop shot a black man, they say.  Oops, the shooting cop is black.  Well, the cops shot a black boy, then.  Oops, the perp was shooting at the cops, just robbed some folks, and besides that, had a lengthy criminal record.  Well, rich white folks ain't giving the black man enough money (that's an actual quote from one of the demonstrators).  Oops, white folks don't owe you or anyone else a living, Sambo.

But the event itself was enough for the far left opportunists to capitalize on another tragedy.  More people shot, more buildings burned, more anger on both sides, and more golfing from the Agitator-In-Chief.   Negro extremists like the Peoples New Black Panther Party go on radio to publicly state "this is a war."   Yes, it is.  Damn shame, but we are indeed in a war where our enemies seek to destroy not only us, but our way of life.  And that's not sitting too well for Americans who see this existential threat for what it is, whether coming from the Negro or the Muslim. And Americans know just who is fanning these flames and inciting this unrest.  He promised it, and he delivered it; and it's not a solution.  

Image result for teddy roosevelt on immigration
No hyphens.  Ever.
What are the real solutions to this race baiting?  Well, there's an answer to that.  You won't see it in the national media narrative because it's pretty far from being politically correct.  And that answer is this:  subcultures within the American Idea on these shores must assimilate to the American culture.  Get right.  Get white.  It's fine to honor one's heritage, I get that.  I'm strictly European white Protestant (Scot, English, German, for instance, and yes, my American family line goes all the way back to the Mayflower. True).  The wife is of Irish and Italian Catholic heritage. We honor our heritage and traditions, but we are at the core American.  And like all real Americans, we resent the notion that subcultures expect us to assimilate to them.  America is great because immigrants who came here did assimilate, and by doing so, enriched the melting pot for the better.  But now, some people have become radicalized malcontents, and want to tear down the American dream.  But there's a better solution:  For Negros, if you want to live in a completely Negro-run democracy, go to Liberia.  It was founded in 1816 for just that purpose.  Muslims, if you want a country that adheres strictly to sharia law, go to any number of Middle Eastern countries which are of Islamic culture. But don't bring that here.  Like Will Smith's character K's famous line to the giant roach in Men in Black, "Don't start nuthin', won' be nuthin'".  Sage advice, my friends.

So harmony can be restored in one of several ways:  Get right, get white.  Or get out.  Or lastly, fight us and get dead.  Your move.  Check and mate.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Corruption In America

Strange days, these.  In observing all the government corruption going on, one can only wonder at the depth and breadth of it all.  It's no wonder then, given the daily bombardment of insanity, nonsense and outright propaganda, that many folks are just throwing up their hands and tuning out.  To me, that's an odd choice - I'd prefer to know of the dangers that surround, rather than not.  But I guess some folks just don't want all that harsh reality seeping into their Pokémon sessions.  Oh, well.   C'est le vie.  So let's look at the context of  American government corruption of late.

Image result for hillary corruptionOn the election campaign front, nothing comes close to the revelations that the Democrat presidential nominee continues to sell out the nation's vital interests for her own person gain.  Pay-for-Play, they're calling it. Clinton cronies get favorable State Department treatment, and all they have to do is pay the Clinton Foundation outrageous fees for a speech from Bill.

Worse, the corruption isn't limited to just the State Department.  Nope, the FBI was given strict instructions to not investigate the Clinton's crime family foundation.  And FBI Director Comey had to lie to the public about the implications of treasonous behavior that was uncovered in the "missing" email investigations.  The DOJ is now run by a Bill Clinton appointee, Loretta Lynch, promoted from obscurity to prominence by the Kenyan himself, who obediently does the bidding of the Clinton-Kenyan cabal.  Those who know of the inter workings of this DC mafia, like Seth Rich, John Ashe, Shawn Lucas and others, are turning up dead at alarming rates.  But that's the Clinton modus operandi and has been so for decades.

The corruption doesn't end at Justice, either.  Treasury is rife, as well.  Despite all the publicity about IRS director Lois Lerner's refusal to grant tax exempt status to conservative and Christian groups, the IRS continues to do just that.  No worries, people forget and news gets old.  We can go on doing what we always do:  reward our friends and punish our enemies.  Lost on these political apparatchiks is the fact that those "enemies" are real Americans.  Or, then again, maybe they believe real Americans are the enemy. 

Two private concerns have done what the FBI ostensibly could not do:  require the State Department to turn over Clinton's missing emails.  Judicial Watch and Citizens United filed a FOIA suit, and lo and behold!  Forty four emails are found that implicate Hillary Clinton selling influence for cash.  Rand Paul and others have called for her immediate indictment, and in the face of this new evidence, imprisonment.  Can you imagine the panic in democrat headquarters, facing the possibility of their one and only candidate could be taken out of the race?  Even Nate Silver had to be talked back from off the ledge this week. Who else can they run?  Uncle Joe?  Of course the democrat propaganda arm, known euphemistically as the mainstream media, is engaged in a full-court press to discredit and destroy Donald Trump.  They are even joining with the Never Trump crybabies.  Yet what else can they do?  They can't promote damaged-goods-and-thoroughly-corrupt Hillary, for crying out loud.  But all their tried-and-true textbook plays to destroy the Republican candidate fall flat this time.  And that's because the folks out there in fly-over country see right through the subterfuge, and they're having none of it. 

There's only five more months before the Oath of Office is taken by the new boss in January.  Uncertainty - always a factor in elections - is off the charts on this one.  Well, maybe not so much if Hillary is elected.  It'll be more of the same Destroy America policies that the Kenyan has been so successful in implementing over the last dismal 8 years.  If it's Trump, however, I'm of the opinion that he will surround himself with the best and the brightest constitutionalists, and will do what it takes to restore freedom to our great nation. 

Until then, there will be more strange days, indeed.

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Papal Smackdown: They Do Want To Kill Us

Image result for pope vs isisAs soon as Pope Francis last week declared Islam a religion of peace, and that all this radical terror is merely a bunch of malcontents, and we should love and respect one another in our religious differences, ISIS today declares that that's all nonsense.  In an answer directly to the Pontiff, the Islamic terror organization publicly rejected those sentiments, and assures us that the war being waged by Islam is in fact religiously motivated and is sanctioned by Allah the moon god himself, as is written in the Koran.  Ouch!  That's gotta hurt.

In the most recent issue of Dabiq, the Islamic terror group's propaganda magazine, the article Break The Cross criticizes the Pope's naïveté in clinging to the conviction that Muslims want peace and that acts of Islamic terror are economically motivated.  Nope, the Islamists say, it's a full-on religious war.  Always has been for 1,400 years, and continues to be so to this very day.  Islam will kill or convert anything not Islamic, and that's the simple nature of the matter.  Sorry Pope, you're wrong. 

We Crusaders - that's what ISIS calls Westerners - are also naive.  Despite the obviously religious nature of their attacks, the article states, “many people in Crusader countries express shock and even disgust that Islamic State leadership ‘uses religion to justify violence. Indeed, waging jihad – spreading the rule of Allah by the sword – is an obligation found in the Quran, the word of our Lord.The blood of the disbelievers is obligatory to spill by default. The command is clear. Kill the disbelievers, as Allah said, ‘Then kill the polytheists wherever you find them."   Pope Francis has struggled against reality in his efforts to portray Islam as a religion of peace, the article insists, before going on to urge all Muslims to take up the sword of jihad, the greatest obligation of a true Muslim.

Obligation.  Not choice. Not preference.  Obligation.  Yet in spite of this blatant admission, the Kenyan has Jeh Johnson, head of DHS,  issue 18-month amnesty visas to hundreds of thousands of illegal Syrian invaders within the US.  And recently John Kerry, speaking for She Who Will Not Be Named, assures us she will import another half million Jihadis in her first few months as Tyrant-In-Chief.  Useful idiots, these, to be sure.

In the next few months, as we have seen before, all the stops will be pulled to ensure the status quo remains the sole power bloc in this country:  the globalists, the party bosses and their lapdog media, the billionaire elitist tech giants.  Trump, using clear vision and common sense, sees what most Americans see, and what the entrenched elite refuse to acknowledge:  We're in a war.  And not winning.

Pope Francis, they've called you out.  You better get with reality and reassure your flock that action against this Islamic cancer is needed and warranted.  What's not needed is rainbow-unicorn platitudes about peaceful religions.  And action is needed now.  

Otherwise, you, me, Christianity - and all of western culture - will become a mere forgotten relic of the past.